Nike Cosmic Unity - Nike's First Sustainable Basketball Sneaker (Retail $120-150)

Played about two hours (9-10 short games) in them last night. I thought traction was great (it’s a fairly clean court). Didn’t feel great about lockdown and had to choke them up a few times throughout the night. In that sense, I’m going to try shorter laces on the black. Cushioning was solid for these old knees but didn’t seem as good as BB NXT. Lately have played in size 10 Kobe 5 and Kobe 6 and 9.5 in BB NXT. They do have a bulky feel out of the box, but I didn’t feel too much of that on court and feel like these are going to break in well and be great. At this point, for $99 or less, I would take NXT over these at discounted $120-$130 but a few more runs will tell.
urn0tlike urn0tlike , same thing happened with amalgam last week. Takes a little more time for the FSR to hit NDC to add to cart. They’re adding to cart on app. No discount though.
FSR on the app but not with the hookup.. but the All star pair is....:rolleyes
guess i’ll wait longer.
They did this with the ray gun kyries took them weeks to allow it.
Went ahead and cancelled my Richard's order from last month which was still in some kinda limbo. Says that I would receive it on 3/26 but I haven't gotten any kind of notification...
Copped at Finishline since they still had them in stock and I saved $20 bucks.

Always better when you can save money no matter how little and I'll actually have these in hand next week.
Tried to do in store pick up or next day shipping. Both unavailable smh. Wanted these by Mondays game.
hate to be a cynic but "nike's first sustainable basketball sneaker" ... "made with 25% recycled materials".

25% is not sustainable lol
hate to be a cynic but "nike's first sustainable basketball sneaker" ... "made with 25% recycled materials".

25% is not sustainable lol

No need to dive too deep into this. I’m sure no one is buying this shoe bc it’s made from recycled material and can save the planet. The shoe aesthetically looks good and if the performance matches then Nike hit a HR.
Tried these on today. Whoa! You sit super low I. The footbed which is great for on court. Padding around the ankle, mouldable insole and full length zoom strobel....along with the upper are all superb. Phenomenal looking shoe IMO. Ordered from Nike as footlocker in Canada is charging $20 more.
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