Nike Doernbecher X freestyle collection 2013

An arms race?


First it was "adapt or die".

Now its an arms race?

In an ideal world, ANY shoe that releases on ndc, should have enough supply to last for sale for AT LEAST 30-60 mins.

Clicking the link and being told they are all gone after 10 seconds is a joke

Not everyone has super internet n all that crap.


In an ideal world for whom?

This is Nike's ideal world.

They are a private business making use of marketing tactics that allow them to dominate their industry at a level and duration rarely seen by any brand in any industry whatsoever.

Is there some sort of provision for access to limited edition luxury goods within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which I am not aware?

The only rights here are Nike's, as a private business, to produce what they want in whatever quantities they choose.

And, mind you - I don't even buy any of these releases. I don't try. And, I don't really care. Every DB Jordan has been hideous, with the exception of the 6. (The 9 isn't horrid, i guess). These would all get clowned like crazy if they were GRs. So, I fund it comical when I see dudes turn into Vladimir Lenin when half the times their root desire for the item in the first place is based in the most superficial form of commodity fetish-ism there is.

But, carry on, young revolutionaries...
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Ok dad let me clarify.

For shoe that better?

You think i dont know that this is perfect for nike?

For the people who love the shoes, they should be able to get em

Luxury? Ha

Young revolutionaries? Well i guess you dont remember the days of $200 for two pairs of cement 3"s and being able to go online half a day later and still get the hot releases

Yes mr wannabe knowitall, its good for nike.
Ok dad let me clarify.

For shoe that better?

You think i dont know that this is perfect for nike?

For the people who love the shoes, they should be able to get em

Luxury? Ha

Young revolutionaries? Well i guess you dont remember the days of $200 for two pairs of cement 3"s and being able to go online half a day later and still get the hot releases

Yes mr wannabe knowitall, its good for nike.

$200 for 2 pairs?

Do I remember that?

Hell, I remember 1994 1s, 2s, and 3s sitting for 39.99 a year later. I remember seeing dudes get their 5s taken off their feet in broad daylight on the city bus in 1990. ...Don't play that "OG" card with me.

But, to the point, who cares what's better for "shoe collectors"

Why would you expect Nike to do what's best for you instead of doing what's best for them?

My point isn't that you should like the way things are, but rather you should either hop off the train, or accept the state of things because it isn't getting any better.

The state of the hobby sucks - I came to terms with this about 10 years ago. I still think it sucks, but I recognize how pointless and naive it is to whine "it's not fair" on a message board.
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iam about to say **** it and give in to those DBs foams
found a a guy on ebay who would sell me his 10.5 for a decent price
 need these for the collection
Not terrible but not great neither. Like pics the red looks weak at certain angles and sexy at others
No surprise early delivery date for me. Gotta wait until Monday :frown:

I'm keeping an eye on it... if it touch down local facility I'm picking them up during their night shift operations... got familiarized with the dudes on the UPS location after the fiasco of the DB5/Fedex :smh:
Ill give em a call, thanks! Btw how do these run, tts? If I lose weight and theoritically become 5'11 and 180-200 lbs, will an L be good for me?
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