Originally Posted by coolnesschris

Hey whats up NT fam. I'm taking a marketing class and we have a project where we create a marketing plan for any product of our choice. My group chose to market the KD3 since it seems like an easy product to push. As a part of my research, I thought it'd be a good idea to run a few questions past some NTers since you guys are part of our target market. It'd be great if you guys could help me out.
What do you look for most when looking for a new basketball shoe?

What draws you to the KD3? Performance? Looks? Kevin Durant himself?

How did you find out about the KD3?

Do you think that Nike is doing a good job of marketing this shoe and getting it out there? 

Thanks for your time, NT fam. Any help would be appreciated.
1.Comfort, Cushion, and Price


4.Not Enough, He's a 2-Time Scoring Champion for crying out loud! 
After looking at the scoring titles again, i really like the direction they went with.

The shoe has it's subtle hints of what it's for, as in, being a shoe representing KD being the scoring champ. Since it's subtle it really represents Durant's demeanor and how he carries himself even with things that a big deal. The shoe isn't too eye grabbing, and doesn't draw too much attention to itself unless really looked at, as if to convey that "Yeah, the scoring title is a great accomplishment, but there's bigger and better things I'm trying to accomplish."

Just my opinion on it. Can't wait to pick them up at a HOH.
Seems like a 50-50 split on which scoring title is best.
I'll go with the Home, so fresh and clean.
Glad they kept it simple, only thing better would've been creamsicles.
Originally Posted by jleeishere

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter


The lack of flywire should change up the feel of the shoe a substantial amount in terms of forefoot flex and transition.

Higher quality materials inside the shoe will be make or break for me on these.

Also, there really should be a reference to the scoring title on the shoe somewhere otherwise they're just releasing any colourway they feel like and saying 'hey these are the scoring titles, buy the hype'. 
Still like the orioles and ******** better from an aesthetics standpoint. 

if you look closely you can see references in the blue lines where he put on amazing performances, like Barry Farms, Chucky-a coach from his past, and 29- his ppg this year.

Hope they release both the home and away, the material on the ST KD3 looks like Foamposite material...
Wonder why kd didn't wear the home scoring titles tonight?
Edit: Looks like he had them on to start the game then switched out of them
He probably switched to his normal home versions because he doesn't care about individual accomplishments, he wants to win games.
Nike won't like it, but KD doesn't want special shoes for scoring titles, KD wants rings.
LeBron should learn from that.
I always hated the idea of a shoe for MVP
guarantee KD is superstitious like a lot of us when it comes to hooping.
whatever works for him, he could care less about what the shoe stands for...
but him hooping in the home colorway helped him get Ws....
him in the home STs first off started bad from what i saw so he thought switching would make it better
i want both scoring titles....i hope nike doesnt do what they did with the lebron mvps last year...lebron lost in 2nd round no mvp VII/PS was released if okc loses this series hopefully nike will still drop these
OKC gotta step it up if they gonna beat he Dallas, I think any Nike athlete on that team should be wearing KD3, westbrook should leave them hyperfuses in the locker and support the man, and pass him the damn ball
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