Nike Lebron 20

Have we seen the REAL XX’s?

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    Votes: 107 75.4%
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    Votes: 35 24.6%

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Yeah, bottom versus top loaded heel zoom!

Wore the stocking stuffers for hoops today but forgot to take pics. Gym was packed today, 2 full court runs with 15-20 person wait. If you lost, had to wait like 40 minutes to get back on. Very tough comp, lot of hacking too esp when it’s point game.
Main reason I only hoop in long sleeves, swear they ain’t touched you but got a claw mark from shoulder to wrist… this coming after they forget math.
Main reason I only hoop in long sleeves, swear they ain’t touched you but got a claw mark from shoulder to wrist… this coming after they forget math.
What kills me is when people make a dumb move just to call foul. Like clearly there is no room to do some d wade type split move between two defenders but they try it, lose the ball and then say “check up bro” with some disgusted look on their face lol. You are not like that my guy…

But yeah I got hacked like crazy yesterday. Even simple things like grabbing a board, I’d get hacked so I couldn’t outlet it to a streaking teammate. Thank god for the hot tub and A1 shower products at the gym, used up like $40 worth of kiehl products to rejuvenate me for the subway ride home, only to be stuck in a subway car with two homeless people smelling worse than a festival urinal. Just like sometimes players are open for a reason, subway cars are empty for a reason too Smfh.

Main reason I only hoop in long sleeves, swear they ain’t touched you but got a claw mark from shoulder to wrist… this coming after they forget math.
I started playing in T shirts again. Usually wear tank tops cause sometimes the tightness of the shirts in the armpit area messes with my follow through. But in the Thursday runs I pretty much can’t shoot well anyway after one game because of all the fouling lol.
What kills me is when people make a dumb move just to call foul. Like clearly there is no room to do some d wade type split move between two defenders but they try it, lose the ball and then say “check up bro” with some disgusted look on their face lol. You are not like that my guy…

But yeah I got hacked like crazy yesterday. Even simple things like grabbing a board, I’d get hacked so I couldn’t outlet it to a streaking teammate. Thank god for the hot tub and A1 shower products at the gym, used up like $40 worth of kiehl products to rejuvenate me for the subway ride home, only to be stuck in a subway car with two homeless people smelling worse than a festival urinal. Just like sometimes players are open for a reason, subway cars are empty for a reason too Smfh.

Like fam I sat on the right and gave you the whole left side but you don’t got a left so you called foul smh.. I get the most disrespect tho and I think the fact that I’m chill and don’t engage makes it even more aggravating for them considering my play style… I can shoot but I take more pride in my passing, I be trying to go into the run and get the most assist. I play with a lot of change of pace and angles…I get a lot of “take the ball from him, he’s so slow” 😂😂 which is the first sign for me atleast the whole team can’t play defense. 2nd sign is after they switch and I’m still doing the exact same thing to the next guy but he’s arguing with his teammate cause he thought he could do better. Now everybody’s just ball watching and it’s showtime..
Like fam I sat on the right and gave you the whole left side but you don’t got a left so you called foul smh.. I get the most disrespect tho and I think the fact that I’m chill and don’t engage makes it even more aggravating for them considering my play style… I can shoot but I take more pride in my passing, I be trying to go into the run and get the most assist. I play with a lot of change of pace and angles…I get a lot of “take the ball from him, he’s so slow” 😂😂 which is the first sign for me atleast the whole team can’t play defense. 2nd sign is after they switch and I’m still doing the exact same thing to the next guy but he’s arguing with his teammate cause he thought he could do better. Now everybody’s just ball watching and it’s showtime..
Sound like you got that Andre Miller type game! My friends describe me as an Asian Corey Magette lol. I’m not sure if that is a good thing 🤣.

Im like a 6 foot power forward with decent bounce and I lift weights for a living so im fairly strong. I like to face up and shoot jab step jumpers or drive. Don’t really get too mixy with the handle.
Sound like you got that Andre Miller type game! My friends describe me as an Asian Corey Magette lol. I’m not sure if that is a good thing 🤣.

Im like a 6 foot power forward with decent bounce and I lift weights for a living so im fairly strong. I like to face up and shoot jab step jumpers or drive. Don’t really get too mixy with the handle.
Bro Corey maggette made me quit playing 2k 🤣😂🤣 kobe , bron , melo, cp, iverson all used to be chilling.. I could play on rookie and he’d be giving me crazy work !!! And fam I forgot all about Andre miller
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