A certain crew from BHS told me that they do not honor VIP card if the item is less than 45 days (arrival date). Then I said, how come when I purchased myHuarache 09 ASG, I was able to take advantage of the VIP card? He just smiled. lol
Originally Posted by Swooshie5

Thanks for the update guys...

Anyway on a side note since this is NIKE PARK related. Why is it their releases/product sales/franchise/outlet inconsistent with regard to the use of the vip card. I know somewhere there was a statement sayign whats the use of the vip card when you cant use it to special releases or the like. Anyhow why is it certain parks dont honor the vip card for discount while some do. So its like you buy a shoe in this outlet today for retail and come the next day you visit another outlet and look, a sales rep will approach you saying "sir pag may vip card po less 10%. I mean whats up with that.

Anyway im not mad or hating them its just that for some of us who have the vip cards, they are not able to get the worth of it. Thats just my opinion. Not trying to hate nor put down anyone here.

it's not always a straight up VIP discount (please take note that we as customers, though sad to say, are not in a position to argue if theydeclare a release as special and regular, it will always their call to categorize the Release) , remember, there's always a clause "TERMS ANDCONDITIONS APPLY", this is as simple as your VIP can be used with the approval of the present manager / senior staff around... thus there's aninconsistensies from Branch to Branch...
Originally Posted by sircsetroc

Originally Posted by Swooshie5

Thanks for the update guys...

Anyway on a side note since this is NIKE PARK related. Why is it their releases/product sales/franchise/outlet inconsistent with regard to the use of the vip card. I know somewhere there was a statement sayign whats the use of the vip card when you cant use it to special releases or the like. Anyhow why is it certain parks dont honor the vip card for discount while some do. So its like you buy a shoe in this outlet today for retail and come the next day you visit another outlet and look, a sales rep will approach you saying "sir pag may vip card po less 10%. I mean whats up with that.

Anyway im not mad or hating them its just that for some of us who have the vip cards, they are not able to get the worth of it. Thats just my opinion. Not trying to hate nor put down anyone here.

it's not always a straight up VIP discount (please take note that we as customers, though sad to say, are not in a position to argue if they declare a release as special and regular, it will always their call to categorize the Release) , remember, there's always a clause "TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY", this is as simple as your VIP can be used with the approval of the present manager / senior staff around... thus there's an inconsistensies from Branch to Branch...

Well as mentioned no hate to the branches/franchise. Just an opinion. Anyhow at the end of the day whether the vip card is honored for a discount, if you likethem kicks you will still get them right. Also as a consolation atleast you earn points. Haha!

Agree on the last statement. Anyway lets get back with the updates as this is what the thread is all about right.
Umiinit Dito................Ang mga ulo hehehehehe

Hope this does not get out of hand and someone higher than us deads the inappropriate posts :smile:

Was planning to cop 2 pairs of the Max Orange 1s but the feedback on quality has not been very good, especially coming from shoe experts like pareng maxtempoand pareng igie. It's nice but IMO, just for rocking, not for stocking or reselling. That's just me though, y'all are entitled to your own opinion

Chill out.... might be misunderstanding lang with azhul23... I know him personally and he's cool..... medyo off lang siguro on posting pics as it was offthe topic...

No need to hate as he understand naman siguro...

Peace NT bros..

Updates na lang ulit...
revelation218: I'm no expert or anything, but having used the AJ1 Max Oranges for 4 straight days now, I can say it's one of the most comfy shoesI've had. After they break in, the nylon just feels incredible around your feet, especially around the toe area. It feels like a second sock, yet the nylonremains its shape and sturdiness. Moreover, the tongue on these AJ1's are quite different too. They were made to erect on itself so you wont get those uglytongue folds that make the shoe look a 'lil bulky from the side view (I'm not sure if you guys can relate but I kinda had this problem with the AJ1premiers) haha! Quality wise, I can't really tell much yet since I've only had them for a few days, but so far so good.
This is now the Official AJ1 Retro Hi Black/Max Orange Review Thread...Nah just kidding

Don't let this shoe get in your head guys...just chill...besides, it's always you who would decide if you would buy it. I have read a lot of reviewsfirst before making a decision but it only made hard for me to decide...
I suggest you check it out in person which is what I did. I looked at it very closely and viewed it from afar as well
. Then I bought a pair coz it fits me well...You always have a choice.

Now back to the updates....
Problem, Pareng Soul228. I can't check it in person coz I am in Cagayan de oro city and it wasn't released here hehehehe

I will have to rely on the opinion and expert advise of NTers. Thanks God I am part of NT and NT Philippines in particular hehehehe
Originally Posted by revelation218

Problem, Pareng Soul228. I can't check it in person coz I am in Cagayan de oro city and it wasn't released here hehehehe

I will have to rely on the opinion and expert advise of NTers. Thanks God I am part of NT and NT Philippines in particular hehehehe
Hehe yeah oo nga pala...seems a problem to our brothers in the provinces. And I really can't help on this since there are a lot of mixedreviews. Trust your instinct na lang...
^^saw the shoe overall its a nice shoe 50/50 but its not for everyone..more on acquired taste.. IMO there are other stuff worth buying but if you really likethe shoe go for one's stopping you guys
Originally Posted by Swooshie5

Thanks for the update guys...

Anyway on a side note since this is NIKE PARK related. Why is it their releases/product sales/franchise/outlet inconsistent with regard to the use of the vip card. I know somewhere there was a statement sayign whats the use of the vip card when you cant use it to special releases or the like. Anyhow why is it certain parks dont honor the vip card for discount while some do. So its like you buy a shoe in this outlet today for retail and come the next day you visit another outlet and look, a sales rep will approach you saying "sir pag may vip card po less 10%. I mean whats up with that.

Anyway im not mad or hating them its just that for some of us who have the vip cards, they are not able to get the worth of it. Thats just my opinion. Not trying to hate nor put down anyone here.

pareng toots, you have to mention to them that you are a vip card holder. sometimes they forget that...especially @ branches we hardly go to. ithappened to me a lot of times.
@regarding the vip card
some of you need to figure it out, it boils down to good PR,,public relations make wonders..time to reflect guys..why do some nike park reps. go trippin, maybethe problem is within us...makisama ka lang, maki tao.

@the haters
practice PR, you keep on adapting the hate style in the JB haters need to understand that everything has a purposed, the reason for the tripplecopped post is to make a point that, the max orange is a coppable shoe IMHO, so im just inspiring some on the 50/50 side..but i guess chubacablaster went toharvard to study Human emotions, and so he concluded that im showwing off..Chillax keep on lobbying hate against me...aint that a gay thing?lol

i know that this is nike park updates , some dudes also post photos of their multiple copped,and i respect that, cause they have reasons for doin that.

sickchasedsam wrote:

Chill guys
Although they're right, azhul23. Shoe pic was alright, but showing you copped 3x was unnecessary.
now thats a nicer way to say it, noted sorry if it's bigger of a deal for some haters !!!would it be nicer if i took them off thebox?and took some pics just like Maxtempo did with his two shoes copped which i greatly appreciate BTW...but i guess chubacablaster will still hate onit
no matter how!

He is suffering an Attention-deficit disorder. He dont understand that this is Nike Park updates not pick up thread.
(whats up with the grammar?lol)now post and rofl

afaik nike vip's are easily honored if you ask politely, even if it's a new realease...the only thing i know that they need to go for 45 days is the30% discounts..of course super EXClusives not included in vip cards
Originally Posted by miko0412

Originally Posted by Swooshie5

Thanks for the update guys...

Anyway on a side note since this is NIKE PARK related. Why is it their releases/product sales/franchise/outlet inconsistent with regard to the use of the vip card. I know somewhere there was a statement sayign whats the use of the vip card when you cant use it to special releases or the like. Anyhow why is it certain parks dont honor the vip card for discount while some do. So its like you buy a shoe in this outlet today for retail and come the next day you visit another outlet and look, a sales rep will approach you saying "sir pag may vip card po less 10%. I mean whats up with that.

Anyway im not mad or hating them its just that for some of us who have the vip cards, they are not able to get the worth of it. Thats just my opinion. Not trying to hate nor put down anyone here.

pareng toots, you have to mention to them that you are a vip card holder. sometimes they forget that...especially @ branches we hardly go to. it happened to me a lot of times.
Good day Miko, anyway to the Mods im just replying and no intentions of OT post.

Anyway well you do know in particular where i/we buy our goods. Even if the staff/s are familiar with who i am, i still ask politely and inform them that i dohave their vip card. Since the shoe i planned on buying are a new release they could only honor said card for points accumulation. So then i just bought one.The next day came and i just passed by glorietta as my normal weekend routine. Then i didnt forget to pass by the park over there. Looked at shoes andbasically they have the same from what the others have. As mentioned a staff approched me and said " sir bago po yung mga yan, all stars po" then...sir may vip po ba kayo? pwede po yun to avail of the 10% discount. So i was like okay salamat. So i figured, why are there inconsistencies between brancheswhen they are probably under one company? Im refering to the parks. thats all. No hate in here... just my opinion.

*Jojo, buddy if this post of mine may be offensive or inapproriate please do notify me and im more than willing to delete this as a responsible poster of NT.Thanks.

Anyway back to the updates...

If i may ask how much do the JB shorts run for? I just dont happen to check them when im in the store...
I'm kinda dumb/lazy on this, but how to I get a VIP card? How much do I need to purchase? Do I just have to present 20k+ worth of receipts ba?(hahahahahaha tagal-tagal ko ng bumibili ng shoes di ko pa alam)
Yes, just present your receipts that collectively add up to 20k, and they'll ask you to fill up a short form.
100 pesos processing fee. You'll getyour card within 2-4 weeks. For Stadium, you just need 15k worth of receipts.
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