Nike PG 2

Nike soho.

Lines moving fast tho. I counted about 5 iPads

I'm about to head to SoHo soon. Does the draw last until the store closes (8 PM)? That's what the tweet made it sound like.
Man, I don't want to wait like an hour for this line(or do I lol). Hope it isn't too crazy after work.
Not sure if you're close to any Nike Factory stores but mine have all laces on clearance for less than a dollar. I picked these orange ones up for my Palmdale's. They had all sizes.


Nice! I search high and low for the oval orange laces. Nothing. And if there’s even something remotely close. It’s 3.49 or 4.99. Smh.
sounds like the lines been about 20 mins deep all day. Got in around 9:59 and there were roughly 20 people ahead of me (???) and left 10-15 mins later. If it's been consistently like this, I'd have to imagine were approaching a few thousand sign ups? Does that sound right...2K ish? I'd guess they have a few FSRs, so not terrible odds.

1 min per person, 60 people per hour, per pad w 3 total pads, 10 hours open
(assuming consistent flow, im sure there were peaks and valleys, so lets just average it out).
1800 people?


Sound about right?
I was a bit pissed when I saw my Palmdales weren't very well aligned near the adaptive fit and the toe-drag area...but after looking at a bunch of eBay pictures (including Playstations), it seems like it's a common problem.

So common, in fact, that the NDC pics of the okc CW have the same problem :lol:

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