Nike's LeBron Sneakers to Test $300 Limit

I won't make an argument chastising Nike.

Thats that companies do. 

I don't see anyone complaining about the price of yachts 

There always Chuck Taylors... 
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That's what Nike gets. I can guarantee the $315 Lebron X + will sit. The current Hyperdunk + is sitting and that's $250.

It seems like people are missing the fact that the Lebron X+ will be $315 not the base model Lebron which will be $180 I believe. Articles have people believing that every Lebron will cost $315 when that's not the case. If people want to spend their money on the shoe though then let them do them. That's life.

I was not aware of that.
I thought the $300 tag was for a basic pair of Lebron's.
To be honest the average person is not going to say: oh this pair cost $180 and this pair cost $315. They just see the price of $315, without bothering to get into the dynamics of the technology and what not. Makes them want to say who does Nike and LeBron James think they are. From what LeBron says he grew up near the poverty line and he wants to stand by these prices. I really wish someone could ask him about that. But then you get the Michael Jordan answer : you are paying a premium price for a premium product and the R& D aspect and blah, blah, blah. Never mind the fact that working parents with more than one child or living on a budget already think that $180 is WAY too much as is. But, what kills me is that everytime someone post $315 for the price of the shoe someone has to come in and clarify that there is a $180 version like that really makes it any better.

The Wall Street Journal  reported Tuesday that Nike's price increases are designed to reverse six straight quarterly declines in gross margins as raw materials, shipping and labor costs rise. Other sneaker companies are raising prices as well. Nike's $315 LeBron James shoe is set to debut in the fall and will feature motion sensors that can measure how high players jump. For that price, the sneakers should also guarantee that people who wear them can make a three-point shot.  

Nike is losing money.

It's time to take a stand. Let's make it seven straight quarters, then perhaps Nike will get the hint and then respecting their customer base, then also starting to make high quality footwear again, also bringing back jobs to the United  States.

More bull,
"This is all about electronic componentry," Powell said. "The plus version of this shoe is a very expensive shoe for a very specific audience: the high school or college athlete that wants to improve their game by measuring their progress by wearing the shoes."
[font=arial, sans-serif]The shoe only measures your jump, then how long that you run. It does not measure your assist to turnover ratio, your inability to switch or being able to defend the pick and roll, not being able to read defenses properly, it does not measure shooting percentages, as all of that is what improves your game.[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]What in the hell is Matt Powell really talking about here?[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Buy these shoes, jump like LeBron.[/font]
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The Wall Street Journal
 reported Tuesday that Nike's price increases are designed to reverse six straight quarterly declines in gross margins as raw materials, shipping and labor costs rise. Other sneaker companies are raising prices as well. Nike's $315 LeBron James shoe is set to debut in the fall and will feature motion sensors that can measure how high players jump. For that price, the sneakers should also guarantee that people who wear them can make a three-point shot.  

Nike is losing money.

It's time to take stand. Let's make it seven straight quarters, then perhaps Nike will get the hint and respecting their customer base, then also starting to make high quality footwear again, also bringing back jobs to the United States.

thats the thing though the havent lost ANY money and they are raising prices every year
Some of you are such hypocrites.

$315 for LeBrons? "I'm done with Nike". $275 for Yeezys? "COPPED x2"

:rofl: :rofl: ...Quit playin.
:wow: at $100 for those shorts :rofl:

At this point, nothing surprises me with sneakers anymore. People will still end up buying them, so Nike is gonna take advantage for as long as they can.
300$.. Can't be right..

R.I.P. "that time when you went to your local spot and copped a pair for 100$"
The comments on that link and on the ESPN article are straight disgusting. I can definitely understand why people would clown someone (especially on a news forum) willing to spend that much on a pair of shoes, but the level that these people are taking it to is just ridiculous. But, for some reason I can't stop myself from reading them... :smh:
To be honest the average person is not going to say: oh this pair cost $180 and this pair cost $315. They just see the price of $315, without bothering to get into the dynamics of the technology and what not. Makes them want to say who does Nike and LeBron James think they are. From what LeBron says he grew up near the poverty line and he wants to stand by these prices. I really wish someone could ask him about that. But then you get the Michael Jordan answer : you are paying a premium price for a premium product and the R& D aspect and blah, blah, blah. Never mind the fact that working parents with more than one child or living on a budget already think that $180 is WAY too much as is. But, what kills me is that everytime someone post $315 for the price of the shoe someone has to come in and clarify that there is a $180 version like that really makes it any better.
I read this and I'm confused about what your point is. 
Honestly, the saddest part about purchasing sneakers nowadays (I refuse to call this a "game") is that more people are treating shoes like an investment, instead of wearing the sneakers and genuinely enjoying them. 

I won't be spending $315 on these LeBrons, but if someone purchases them, and they wear them out and enjoy them, then I won't have anything negative towards them.
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If I see any non celebrity/important person wearing these jams I'll lose a bit of respect for them :smh:

300 bones for these? For any kicks is just :smh: but's never that serious to break out 3 bills on a Lebron shoe like has lost their damn minds. I hope these flop heavy which I think they will... :rolleyes
I read this and I'm confused about what your point is. 
Point that was being made was that the Wall Street Journal, Espn, non sneaker people, and the majority of those making the racist comments are not going to say that there is a $315 pair with technology and a $180 pair with no technology. They just see the $315 price tag for a pair of basketball shoes and want to a make a story out of it. I could go in deeper, but I will just leave it with that these cost WAY too much.
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If some type of fake technology gets you to spend over 300 bones for a BASKETBALL SHOE then there is a serious dilemma going on man. If you have the money, fine so be it however I just feel as though their is a myriad of things to spend 320 bucks on than a Lebron James basketball shoe.

Same goes for them Yeezy's. Anything over 130 is where I draw the line man...
To be honest the average person is not going to say: oh this pair cost $180 and this pair cost $315. They just see the price of $315, without bothering to get into the dynamics of the technology and what not.

But, what kills me is that everytime someone post $315 for the price of the shoe someone has to come in and clarify that there is a $180 version like that really makes it any better.

No, people do not just see the price, if people do see a $315 Lebron next to a $180 Lebron that looks the same, they will question the difference in the two for sure. NT is a special case though, tech or no tech, NT will attack anything that they do not agree with, it is simple as that. Look at the people here already forsaking Nike when they assume this is the regular price for Lebron X. In the real world, people will ask why it cost so much, people ask this about Gucci, Prada, LV, etc... all the time. When outrageous price tags are attached to item of desire or "hype", people will question it, on in NTs case, attack it w/o provocation. :lol:

And of course someone has to clarify, it is one way reporting. People are already condemning the shoe because the article purposely left out the fact that this is the expensive version, they even used the Lebron 9 Elite version as an example, the version that cost $80 more than the regular version. I mean this really isn't new, we've seen Nike charge more for a "special version" of the shoe or a limited version where people would kill another for.

Another point is this is a message board where people share their opinions and facts, why wouldn't someone point out that there is a cheaper version to try and calm the outrage and even educate those who may not know?

Now this is not to defend Nikes pricing, I really only buy running and training shoes from them now and when on sale if possible but there is a reason why people should point out that there is a cheaper version. It is overpriced but even if people wait to buy at 30% or even 50% off, Nike is still making a lot of money off of them.
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I read this and I'm confused about what your point is. 
Point that was being made was that the Wall Street Journal, Espn, non sneaker people, and the majority of those making the racist comments are not going to say that there is a $315 pair with technology and a $180 pair with no technology. They just see the $315 price tag for a pair of basketball shoes.I could go in deeper, but I will just leave it with that these cost WAY too much.
So whats your argument? 

The price of the shoes or the value of "technology?" 
honestly with the middle class shrinking and cost of living going up arent a good majority of us low income? I also dislike how people just assume that people on assistance and people who cant afford it waste their money on shoes. I see alot of low income people TRYING to live within there means by buying cheap practical shoes like chuck taylors k-swiss and such. maybe thats why a good majority of shoes are sitting because people are starting to get it and pick priorities. Im not tryna get at u i just hate how everyone starts talking about people on assistance or low income families gonna spend all there money on shoes when that is hardly the case. does it happen? yes but sometimes people make it seem like everyone that gets assistance or low income has nike on there mind. im 26 now and i remember my mom having a job and working hard and was able to buy me jordans and such but i also had family members who werent as lucky and were more concerned with their next meal not which shoe was coming out next

I didn't say EVERYONE...but I believe a good majority of the consumers are getting some sort of government assistance, I grew up around this to know that this is not fiction....I see it everyday with friends, with parking lots of public housing filled with 40k+ type of cars, dudes who rather drop 10k on a chain than move out of their rent controlled apartments, hell...same for kicks...let's complaint about the wealthy and how they are robbing "our" money....yet throw our money out the window...I mean, do you just don't be hipocrite about it....that's all I'm saying.
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