Niketalk brethren: I quit my job to travel across North America.


best of luck
I didnt go to college so I could do exactly what you are about to, I had a blast and learned so much that I have never even looked back and questioned if I made the right decision or not.

1 thing I would pick up if I were you is a map of every hot spring in north america, we did that and found some truly amazing places that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Peanut butter and jelly, it keeps and does the job. Pretty much always have this on hand.

Really get out there, dont sleep on states like montana and idaho, amazing stuff to find in both states.

One last thing, talk to people! Wherever you are the locals can put you on to something you would have definitely slept on otherwise.

Have fun, ill keep an eye out for updates
Man this is the most inspiring thing I have seen on this site (and I love this site). I would love if your wrote a blog.

I plan on doing this soon but I just have to get the balls to actually quit and do it.

Right now my idea is to travel accross the US for a month then do Europe for 5. Let me know about your experiences and some tips as you go.
I feel like such a slave to my life of conformity after reading this thread.

If i wasnt engaged, saving for the wedding and a home afterwards, id seriously think about doing something like this.

Regardless, OP if you end up near Seattle ill cover the tab for a night of drinking and telling stories of your travels. Real talk. My email is my username at gmail. Best of luck my dude.
What the hell is a Thanksgiving? My guy is out here traveling like a Mason.

This thread popped in my head out of no where. Hadn't even checked back since my initial post.

Honestly, I hope you are challenged to the point where you want to go home, and you still push on.

I've been through some stuff in my life, and that's why most "regular" people problems don't phase me.

Get back to us when you can bro. And make sure you keep your diet on point! My brother started truck driving last year and gained 50 lbs in 4 months.
Old school.....

Dope J. You only live once. Only makes sense to see as much of this country/continent/world as you can while you're here.

Best to you. Safe travels. Please keep us posted.
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