NikeTalk's Avy Tutorials vol. Yuku -- Tutorials for Ulead & PS CS3 & Flash (No 56k)

^ Dang, that's not really encouraging
. Well, as long as I have it installed, I'm not going to hurry. I got a quiz and a lab practicum coming upthis week. I can't fall behind because I'm learning how to do avys
. I'll pick it up after next Wednesday at the earliest.

I need some assistance
for all of you that have tried to use flashCS3 how exactly do you open up your gif to work on the border, tag, etc.? I click on File - Import - Open external library - click on my gif and I get thisfaded screen with nothing opening up. What am I doing wrong?
First thing..
File>New>Flash File(first option)>Ok>change canvas size to 100x100>File>Import>Import to stage
why does my post keep disappearing?
<- deleted Flash and installed PShop. havent gotten to makin any, Ive got a couple Ideas to bang out this week tho
Originally Posted by the hater boxden

you guys should use photoshop

I would continue using PS if there was a tutorial on animated borders, animated tags, and marquee.
Too lazy to read all the posts here, but just PM me if you have any questions.

I figured since JBlack was able to use it, it was okay.
ur tutorial was on point, except I was using Flash 8 not CS3, thats why I couldnt convert it to symbols.
I just got frustrated at how bad the quality of the gif was from using Flash. My VIds looked so Grainy and I couldnt find a way to adjust it
I have a mac. How do I make avy's on here.
If this has already been addressed, point me to the right page.
For some reason Flash MX exports the GIF very well, but Flash CS3 does not.

The work around I told JBlack to do was export each image as a jpg (so you'll have about 40+ small photos), then go back into PS CS3 and combine all theframe. Takes an extra minute to do, but it is discouraging.

As for "converting to symbols," that should be the same.

Anyways, whichever is more comfortable to use. I just figured that once you mastered Flash, it would be easier and give you more flexibility than PS.
Originally Posted by roback1991

I have a mac. How do I make avy's on here.
If this has already been addressed, point me to the right page.

i think illmatic did his tutorial on a mac, the index is on the 1st page
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