Niketalks obsession with racial threads inspired me to write... Another race thread

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...

Ahhh, but President Obama calls himself a Black man. He knows the significance of this acknowledgement, as he himself realizes the ramifications of calling himself "bi racial", and the message that sends to both White supremists and Black people alike.

I wish Tiger Woods were that smart.

He calls himself a black man for the general publics sake. Trust me, he's smarter than that, but I see exactly what you're saying.
I agree, he most definitely embraces his humanity first, as we all should.

I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change.. I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change..
I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change.. I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change..
pilo1990 wrote:
I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change..

And that's exactly why I brought up the fact that we have so many available resources to learn for ourselves in America today that "I've been taught in school" is hardly an excuse anymore.
pilo1990 wrote:
I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change..

And that's exactly why I brought up the fact that we have so many available resources to learn for ourselves in America today that "I've been taught in school" is hardly an excuse anymore.
I didn't mean it only me but in general that's how it is.. And no your right its not an excuse but unless those 5 year olds that bout to be in school for the next couple of years are gonna get a completely different education than me and you their about to be in the same if not worse spot than we're in now with the same mentality with race and just the general view of the world
I didn't mean it only me but in general that's how it is.. And no your right its not an excuse but unless those 5 year olds that bout to be in school for the next couple of years are gonna get a completely different education than me and you their about to be in the same if not worse spot than we're in now with the same mentality with race and just the general view of the world
Understood. and that's exactly why I try to make an impact on young children whenever I have the opportunity to. Has to start with the children.
Understood. and that's exactly why I try to make an impact on young children whenever I have the opportunity to. Has to start with the children.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Understood. and that's exactly why I try to make an impact on young children whenever I have the opportunity to. Has to start with the children.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Understood. and that's exactly why I try to make an impact on young children whenever I have the opportunity to. Has to start with the children.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

pilo1990 wrote:
I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change..

And that's exactly why I brought up the fact that we have so many available resources to learn for ourselves in America today that "I've been taught in school" is hardly an excuse anymore.

Real Talk. That's why our generation was introduced to the "information age". If you haven't realized by now that you've been mis-educated and that it's up to you to provide your own information input to properly educate yourself, then you'll be stuck in old paradigms that were design to limit and trap thought progression in general of this planet. In order for this planet to reach it's true zenith, thought projection pattens must be changed. 

Anybody ever seen Contact? The first image thing the e.t.'s sent back to earth was the first broad casted transmission of the 1936 Berlin Olympics games with Hitler that was supposedly the first time TV frequencies were broad casted into space. With all of our satellite communication devices we are currently using, and we all know what kinda bull everyone is talking about and watching in the media in general, is this the face of human kind we wish to project to the rest of the cosmos. A society trapped in commerce of intellectual property and propagated propaganda? 
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

pilo1990 wrote:
I agree with a couple of points and reading another person opinion on somethin is always refreshing.. This world is built on separation and greed. Who's better, faster, stronger, smarter. Who's got more money, more girls, more cars.. Who's country is stronger than the other. Who's got the best resources that could be claimed as their own. So it would make sense for us humans to create a separation in "race" and want to be better than "the white people", "the black people", " the spanish people" and so on.. Slavery would be a perfect example of this. But can you blame our generation or previous ones of thinkin this? I don't think so. I've been taught in school that 2 + 2 is 4 my whole life. I've also been taught, to bubble in what's my "race" on all those big test I use to take in school. I believe unless we take a stand (which I doubt) race will always be a problem and the labels will never go away.. Should we overthrow our government? Should we change the way they teach in schools? (Which I think should definitely be considered) I don't know but I hope soon things change..

And that's exactly why I brought up the fact that we have so many available resources to learn for ourselves in America today that "I've been taught in school" is hardly an excuse anymore.

Real Talk. That's why our generation was introduced to the "information age". If you haven't realized by now that you've been mis-educated and that it's up to you to provide your own information input to properly educate yourself, then you'll be stuck in old paradigms that were design to limit and trap thought progression in general of this planet. In order for this planet to reach it's true zenith, thought projection pattens must be changed. 

Anybody ever seen Contact? The first image thing the e.t.'s sent back to earth was the first broad casted transmission of the 1936 Berlin Olympics games with Hitler that was supposedly the first time TV frequencies were broad casted into space. With all of our satellite communication devices we are currently using, and we all know what kinda bull everyone is talking about and watching in the media in general, is this the face of human kind we wish to project to the rest of the cosmos. A society trapped in commerce of intellectual property and propagated propaganda? 
If only this were true of all races, but that will never happen. I cry every night thinking about this.
If only this were true of all races, but that will never happen. I cry every night thinking about this.
I share your views on the concept of all races/human beings being one. But I take a more pessimistic view as to what this means exactly. All humans share the capacity to create divide, hate and kill. Look at what happened after 9/11 when white people and black people got "together as one" to hate another group of people. These divisions and allegiances are formed arbitrarily based on what political agendas are prevalent at the time. Sooner or later none of this race crap is going to matter, but some other way of classifying people will.

Life is like a reality show (EG. Big Brother), we come together and divide when it benefits our agendas.
I share your views on the concept of all races/human beings being one. But I take a more pessimistic view as to what this means exactly. All humans share the capacity to create divide, hate and kill. Look at what happened after 9/11 when white people and black people got "together as one" to hate another group of people. These divisions and allegiances are formed arbitrarily based on what political agendas are prevalent at the time. Sooner or later none of this race crap is going to matter, but some other way of classifying people will.

Life is like a reality show (EG. Big Brother), we come together and divide when it benefits our agendas.
I wish racism didn't exist. Ignorance too. It starts with us. I'm trying to be better myself. Racism is taught in the home. We just have to break the cycle and carry that into our everyday lives.
I wish racism didn't exist. Ignorance too. It starts with us. I'm trying to be better myself. Racism is taught in the home. We just have to break the cycle and carry that into our everyday lives.
I am white. So I will state it from my experience dealing with others in my race.

Here is the reason.. Back in the 1970's when race problems were at a tipping point (meaning becoming less than they ever had been) there was a perfect time for white and black people to discuss the topic of race honestly. To show how it still effects a person with black skin, and make huge gains on breaking up the problems of race. You can never get rid of it fully BUT you can make huge strides. There has always been one group willing to discuss it, and be honest but every time one group doesn't come to the table.. White people... White people didn't do it in the 1800's, early 1900's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and still won't do it today... They assume it is overstated. That black people are just complaining. But the issue is they assume without knowing. They assume that 'hey they have the right to vote', 'are not still segregated', 'there is a black president' and 'there is legislation to prevent discrimination', 'so there is no way black people can have it any worse'.. When the catalyst of being black in this country leads to so many different hardships that white people never have to deal with. White people are so quick to embrace the benefits of white privilege, but are also so quick to deny its benefits when you can see the negative outcome it has for other races (especially black people)

They say 'ignorance is bliss' and the behavior of my own race when it comes to equal rights is no different today than it was in 1970. For the most part they want to brush it under the rug and forget about it. But there is no brushing it under the rug. It never goes anywhere unless you actually do something about it.

So in order for race to ever be fully understood and for racism to be severely stomped out, white people need to come to the discussion table honestly and with good intentions. Willing to be open minded, and willing to listen, because if not they will just bring the long held opinions they had before that, "black people don't have it too bad". Then nothing gets accomplished..

The problems of race in this country is not just a black problem like many have diagnosed. It is more of a problem of white denial..
I am white. So I will state it from my experience dealing with others in my race.

Here is the reason.. Back in the 1970's when race problems were at a tipping point (meaning becoming less than they ever had been) there was a perfect time for white and black people to discuss the topic of race honestly. To show how it still effects a person with black skin, and make huge gains on breaking up the problems of race. You can never get rid of it fully BUT you can make huge strides. There has always been one group willing to discuss it, and be honest but every time one group doesn't come to the table.. White people... White people didn't do it in the 1800's, early 1900's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and still won't do it today... They assume it is overstated. That black people are just complaining. But the issue is they assume without knowing. They assume that 'hey they have the right to vote', 'are not still segregated', 'there is a black president' and 'there is legislation to prevent discrimination', 'so there is no way black people can have it any worse'.. When the catalyst of being black in this country leads to so many different hardships that white people never have to deal with. White people are so quick to embrace the benefits of white privilege, but are also so quick to deny its benefits when you can see the negative outcome it has for other races (especially black people)

They say 'ignorance is bliss' and the behavior of my own race when it comes to equal rights is no different today than it was in 1970. For the most part they want to brush it under the rug and forget about it. But there is no brushing it under the rug. It never goes anywhere unless you actually do something about it.

So in order for race to ever be fully understood and for racism to be severely stomped out, white people need to come to the discussion table honestly and with good intentions. Willing to be open minded, and willing to listen, because if not they will just bring the long held opinions they had before that, "black people don't have it too bad". Then nothing gets accomplished..

The problems of race in this country is not just a black problem like many have diagnosed. It is more of a problem of white denial..
Originally Posted by Essential1

I am white. So I will state it from my experience dealing with others in my race.

Here is the reason.. Back in the 1970's when race problems were at a tipping point (meaning becoming less than they ever had been) there was a perfect time for white and black people to discuss the topic of race honestly. To show how it still effects a person with black skin, and make huge gains on breaking up the problems of race. You can never get rid of it fully BUT you can make huge strides. There has always been one group willing to discuss it, and be honest but every time one group doesn't come to the table.. White people... White people didn't do it in the 1800's, early 1900's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and still won't do it today... They assume it is overstated. That black people are just complaining. But the issue is they assume without knowing. They assume that 'hey they have the right to vote', 'are not still segregated', 'there is a black president' and 'there is legislation to prevent discrimination', 'so there is no way black people can have it any worse'.. When the catalyst of being black in this country leads to so many different hardships that white people never have to deal with. White people are so quick to embrace the benefits of white privilege, but are also so quick to deny its benefits when you can see the negative outcome it has for other races (especially black people)

They say 'ignorance is bliss' and the behavior of my own race when it comes to equal rights is no different today than it was in 1970. For the most part they want to brush it under the rug and forget about it. But there is no brushing it under the rug. It never goes anywhere unless you actually do something about it.

So in order for race to ever be fully understood and for racism to be severely stomped out, white people need to come to the discussion table honestly and with good intentions. Willing to be open minded, and willing to listen, because if not they will just bring the long held opinions they had before that, "black people don't have it too bad". Then nothing gets accomplished..

The problems of race in this country is not just a black problem like many have diagnosed. It is more of a problem of white denial..
Originally Posted by Essential1

I am white. So I will state it from my experience dealing with others in my race.

Here is the reason.. Back in the 1970's when race problems were at a tipping point (meaning becoming less than they ever had been) there was a perfect time for white and black people to discuss the topic of race honestly. To show how it still effects a person with black skin, and make huge gains on breaking up the problems of race. You can never get rid of it fully BUT you can make huge strides. There has always been one group willing to discuss it, and be honest but every time one group doesn't come to the table.. White people... White people didn't do it in the 1800's, early 1900's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and still won't do it today... They assume it is overstated. That black people are just complaining. But the issue is they assume without knowing. They assume that 'hey they have the right to vote', 'are not still segregated', 'there is a black president' and 'there is legislation to prevent discrimination', 'so there is no way black people can have it any worse'.. When the catalyst of being black in this country leads to so many different hardships that white people never have to deal with. White people are so quick to embrace the benefits of white privilege, but are also so quick to deny its benefits when you can see the negative outcome it has for other races (especially black people)

They say 'ignorance is bliss' and the behavior of my own race when it comes to equal rights is no different today than it was in 1970. For the most part they want to brush it under the rug and forget about it. But there is no brushing it under the rug. It never goes anywhere unless you actually do something about it.

So in order for race to ever be fully understood and for racism to be severely stomped out, white people need to come to the discussion table honestly and with good intentions. Willing to be open minded, and willing to listen, because if not they will just bring the long held opinions they had before that, "black people don't have it too bad". Then nothing gets accomplished..

The problems of race in this country is not just a black problem like many have diagnosed. It is more of a problem of white denial..
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