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are we going to see GS pressure lebron ? send a double at him get the ball out of his hands?

curry gotta play PG today, get klay and barnes going early. i just dont want to live in a world where dellavoda and blatt are hoisting the o'brien trophy.
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1. Memphis didn't have an aggressive Lebron James attacking for 40+ mins.

2. Memphis' injuries severely compromised their defense, unlike CLE whose defense has become elite AFTER the injuries.
It's funny when people bring up Memphis. They didn't have a constant threat scoring wise, and their defense went south after Allen got injured.

There is nobody on that Memphis roster who can put up numbers, and impact the game the way Lebron does.

Cavs in 6...but it may just end in 5.
Man kerr needs to yell at his team and tell um stop being soft

Michael jordan's fist aint walking through that door

I still believe if Memphis was healthy that's a 7 game series.

Memphis would've been a tougher matchup for the Cavs I think as well their bigs would have been a problem.
I still believe if my aunt had a wiener that she'd be my uncle.

But she doesn't, so stop with the stupid hypotheticals. Memphis was food. Injuries happen. Deal with it.
At the very least the warriors have to commit to something. This half / random doubling and loading is leading to lebron at the rim plus mosgov dives and sets up TT on the offensive boards. You can see that in games 1-3 they weren't really sure what they were doing and that's on kerr, you can literally see how indecisive bogut and co. Were when they were half shading.

IMO if you are the dubs you may have not have to double everytime, but more than usual for sure. Like I said before, letting lebron be a volume guy doesn't work in this case because he has the ball all the time and is literally playing 48 minutes
I think we're finally going to see a consistent double of LeBron tonight. They cant let this go on.
Who do you think they should send on the double?
Any combination of Draymond as the help guy with Iggy/Barnes/Klay as the primary. Tristian Thompson is the man to leave. The couple of times GS tried it, James Jones came in and if that happens Curry has to become the help guy. 
bron is too cerebral to get thrown off by double teams. Mike Miller finna have a field day if this happens
bron is too cerebral to get thrown off by double teams. Mike Miller finna have a field day if this happens
Or James Jones.
At the end of the day, I would rather lose to one of those guys rather than letting the best basketball player on the planet have free reign of the court and see single coverage all day long when it hasnt been working these past three games. 

I'd like to see them give it a try for at least a half and see what happens.
He's not really getting single coverage though. Iggy has fought well and there's always backline help. The only time LeBron has really been at the rim is when Barnes or Green have been on him, and they're both hopeless trying to keep up..especially Barnes. Maybe Iggy wears down and he ends more help but for now I'd be okay with it. For now he's keeping Bron in that 6-8 feet range where he hasn't finished all that well.

What I can see is the need to get more aggressive to get their offense going. Maybe GS needs to amp up ball pressure and send a hard double more often to try to get the pace going and force a few turnovers...but that's a hard proposition on the road and Cavs might have a wacky JR/Shump shooting game in them.
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At times they are sending a late double and bron is still making amazing passes across his body to the opposite side of the floor.

I can see how doubling lebby hard and early might speed up things too (rebounds off of long misses and potential TO's)

It totally negates what GSW supposed strength was, which was the amount of bodies they could throw at bron in single coverage and plays into the cavs hands IMO. But i do agree, rather have someone like James Jones or MM beat you than the best player on the planet.
He's not really getting single coverage though. Iggy has fought well and there's always backline help. The only time LeBron has really been at the rim is when Barnes or Green have been on him, and they're both hopeless trying to keep up..especially Barnes. Maybe Iggy wears down and he ends more help but for now I'd be okay with it. For now he's keeping Bron in that 6-8 feet range where he hasn't finished all that well.

What I can see is the need to get more aggressive to get their offense going. Maybe GS needs to amp up ball pressure and send a hard double more often to try to get the pace going and force a few turnovers...but that's a hard proposition on the road and Cavs might have a wacky JR/Shump shooting game in them.
I'm talking about hard doubles as soon as he catches the ball. As its been these last two games, it comes late and its been soft and a lot of fake showing the double. 

I'll take the fluky Shumpert shooting game over LeBron hanging 40 points up and getting a bunch of people into foul trouble in the process
Cavs picked up the Curry-rules and flushed Kerr's "illegal screen" play down the latrine, which was genius(Not sure whether to credit Squidward or Lebby), By trapping Curry he doesn't get the shot he wants and is forced off the perimeter... or takes a shot over 7 foot Mosgov


I think Kerr caught on, but what can he do

Notice it is the same three man screen both ways, I wonder if Kerr tries this again. And if so how often(I'm sure he doesn't really care lol). The agendas will be plenty, going to be an interesting game anyway it goes 
The screener has to be a shooter. Wonder if a double screen with Klay and Barnes would work. Curry can hit it if you give him any space, same with Klay if two guys go to Curry. Barnes has been worthless though.

Probably wouldn't work though cause it'd be too much clutter and Lebron would probably see the play develop from a mile away. 
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