My dreams have been hella realistic for some months now.

Too many times I'd dream about being a car accident, and wake up pissed I wrecked my car only to go upstairs and see it parked in the driveway.

Or dream I was ultra late for a test and dart up and change clothes in 5 minutes to realize the class wasn't for an hour or two.

It's a lot easier to remember them too. I just don't care to do that. Nothing amazing in terms of the type of dreams.

Mine haven't been that realistic, but I am remembering a lot more of my dreams when I wake up.
Always wondered why you fellas intentionally deprive yourselves of something as natural as masturbation for a month (or perhaps more) at a time. Is the completion of a masturbation free month a rite of passage for you guys?

Life consists of pleasure and pain... perhaps the pain associated with the deprivation of pleasure is more pleasurable to you than pure pleasure?
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Always wondered why you fellas intentionally deprive yourselves of something as natural as masturbation for a month (or perhaps more) at a time. Is the completion of a masturbation free month a rite of passage for you guys?

Life consists of pleasure and pain... perhaps the pain associated with the deprivation of pleasure is more pleasurable to you than pure pleasure?
1. Exercise in self control.

2. Forces you to look for yambs as apposed to doing it yourself.  Which is what we'd all prefer anyway.
1. Exercise in self control.
2. Forces you to look for yambs as apposed to doing it yourself.  Which is what we'd all prefer anyway.

I see. In my case...

I practice self control when I'm running and my legs are in pain, my muscles are aching, I'm borderline out of breath and the only thing in my right mind is telling me to slow down or stop... when I don't do that and complete my run it is one of the most rewarding feelings I feel all day (aside from sex or masturbation) :lol: I kid. Actually.. I don't. :\

No disrespect however, to each his own or in other words... "different strokes for different folks." Pun intended.

Good luck, you guys... November is near.

This should make it easy to finish it on out
Always wondered why you fellas intentionally deprive yourselves of something as natural as masturbation for a month (or perhaps more) at a time. Is the completion of a masturbation free month a rite of passage for you guys?

Life consists of pleasure and pain... perhaps the pain associated with the deprivation of pleasure is more pleasurable to you than pure pleasure?

Check OP bruh
That fail caught me off guard, i'm out. I was teeming with pure rage from the last smash and had nothing setup so this was necessary. Felt like my torso was gonna explode. I thoroughly enjoyed that though, can't say i've enjoyed a fap in long *** time. It was pleasurable and free of regret, this time it was relief. I'll limit myself from now on to when it's necessary, at the pure rage point if no other options are available. I'm rebuilding my team though, that pure rage smash keeps a chick in check. Though I didn't make those 90 days I'm still glad I tried with a sound mind and no real frustration. Reset to no fap lifestyle.
Has anyone else been sleeping DEEP as hell since they've been on no fap?

I would have my computer go off, my iPad go off, and my iPhone go off, and sleep through all of them.

I use to be the lightest sleeper in the world. Now nothing short of someone banging on my door seems to wake me up.

I don't want to get out of bed in the morning and have definitely slept through multiple alarms.

To the dude whose girl went on red alert, her mouth didn't!

8 more days
Has anyone else been sleeping DEEP as hell since they've been on no fap?

I would have my computer go off, my iPad go off, and my iPhone go off, and sleep through all of them.

I use to be the lightest sleeper in the world. Now nothing short of someone banging on my door seems to wake me up.
I don't want to get out of bed in the morning and have definitely slept through multiple alarms.

To the dude whose girl went on red alert, her mouth didn't!

8 more days
till your next yambs?

No reason to start fappin again and start the cycle over
Ain't nothing but 8 days left, ya'll could've held out.
That fail caught me off guard, i'm out. I was teeming with pure rage from the last smash and had nothing setup so this was necessary. Felt like my torso was gonna explode. I thoroughly enjoyed that though, can't say i've enjoyed a fap in long *** time. It was pleasurable and free of regret, this time it was relief. I'll limit myself from now on to when it's necessary, at the pure rage point if no other options are available. I'm rebuilding my team though, that pure rage smash keeps a chick in check. Though I didn't make those 90 days I'm still glad I tried with a sound mind and no real frustration. Reset to no fap lifestyle.
You a disgrace B.
Still in it. These last couple of days have been a little trippy. The dreams calmed down a bit. I actually miss those vivid dreams |I

Thanks for that worldstar vid. i thought it was a trap but you are right it helped. i think i can at least do the month. :D
**** NT, I'm out. Don't feel bad in a sense of guilty or anxious. Sorry I let my NT family down. Starting now until the end of November, trying to break this habit for good. 

Today I begin a new life.

Today I shed my old skin, which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity. 

I might be getting a little emotional but I have to change the way I live. I don't do drugs or drink and I'm nice to people. This is more of a motivation thing. I need to get out there, bust my ***, and not take no for an answer. NT I appreciate all the help I have received and need you guys to push me further. 

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