NotoriousMJ23's Sneaker Collection

Originally Posted by YoungSk8

Great Stuff Man. You went hard on those red and black dub zero

HA true and those white/carolina XIIs
Nice collection. I think I counted 239 pairs, lots a lot of collecting for 6 years.

Where do you keep them all?
Thanks EveryBody for showing love.. i appreciate it. And lafayquinn, I keep most of the ones I wear or plan on wearing in my room, the ones I know I will neverwear or dont plan on wearing for a little while I put in my coat closet in my living room on the strength its pretty big.. Bad Thing is im about to move soonso, I gotta box everything up and move it out!!!
Great collection bro, good variety. You got enough to last the rest of your life...start wearing them.
really nice collection, as i see it you could die tomorrow (god forbid) dont take away from yourself the pleasure of wearing your shoes just remember thosedays when you wore them jordans until they literally die on you just because u didnt want to take em off, please wear those damn sneakers, peace out.
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