NT Confessions 2009

Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

I'm always saying I don't need a man in my life.


I'm jealous of all my friends that have boyfriends

Keeping it real with yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself
Originally Posted by Swag Surfer

-I ate my first box today and actually liked it?
I never used to eat it either, but after doing it...it is fun

Originally Posted by firered18

I trust ny friends ALOT more than my family
im a much more pleasent person when im away from my family
I used to be like this, then i met a girl that helped me realize how much of an a hole i was being.
-While walking down the street, I think of ways to seriously mess people up.
-I miss this chick I haven't seen since last october.
-There's this girl who I might get close to, but I don't know if I should.
-There's this other girl who's interesting, but I don't know if she feels me like that.
-People from my past keep popping up, and I don't like it.
-I need to go get my permit.
-I need to get a job.
-I need to straighten up, get my **!* together, and grow up.
-I don't want to do anything except ##$* and smoke cannabis.
today, I think i made a mistake...

I always see this girl on the bus, and today ! was the first time I talked to her....

i think i messed up but HEY ! I don't care....soo many women in this town, that I really just dust it off when one rejects.
i steal all my cousins girls he's trying to smash. then when im done stop talking to them after they hate me and my cousin

but i hate hanging with a friend because he's a blocker
truth is i believe im in love
dunno for how long my relationships gonna last cause ive been a jerk
i believe ima failure because i attend a tech school
im envious of my cousin because hes going to UGA
Originally Posted by HuieDaGreat

truth is i believe im in love
dunno for how long my relationships gonna last cause ive been a jerk
i believe ima failure because i attend a tech school
im envious of my cousin because hes going to UGA
and i slept with another girl while i was still in a relationship

but seriously nothing happened
-Me and my bestfriend since 6th grade aren't friends anymore because homie was scandlous, acting like dude is gods gift to earth.
-Me and that bestfriend ended up fighting one day and I wooped his ++* and felt bad because he didn't come to school for 3 days(I was the friend whocouldn't fight:lol:)
-a dude I look at as my brother, $!+%%! my ex while we were still working things out, and I broke his arm for it said if something like that happened againI'd kill him, I'm 17 he is 20.
-the dude who $!+%%! my ex, i secretly hate but don't say anything because i don't want to make things awkward in my group.
-Me and my girl have been talking for nearly a year, and dating for the past 2 months and I feel like she might be the one, and I turn 18 on the 18th.

-more to come later.
Don't know what to do about this girl I've been feeling for the longest time now. Just so many ups and downs. Sometimes I feel the girl wants me. Othertimes, I just ain't feeling the vibe. It also doesn't help how I come off so nonchalant and uncaring sometimes.

Driving me crazy.
i sleep go on dates with tijuana couahuila prostitutes every weekend. adelitas, las chavelas, and hong kong ftw.
i dont like people in general, dont trust people other than mom and bro
im addicted to women. fine attractive women. if you are ugly in my standards i ignore you.
in choosing black women i only like black/mexicans from the mexican state of veracruz or acapulco or borderline white girls like rashida jones from the usa
i only trust prostitutes now because no one ever gave me the chance before them. now that females get near me i dont know what to think.
i still see myself as the fat overweight kid who was being made fun of.
im a bodybuilder but mentally im still stuck as that image i extremely hate.
if a fine female interested talked to me first i would go with the flow and ask her for her number and go out. but in the usa the odds of a fine femaleapproaching is low.
some people think im sad when in fact im not im extremely happy.
weird thing is i have super confidence and appeal and laughter to the prostitutes that they dont beleive i have no girlfriend.
havent talked to my ex since sunday.....

dont plan on talking to her until she contacts me....i know she's thinking the same thing.....but i'm tired of always being the one trying to fixthings....$%@$ her......

the thing that made me finally give up on her was meeting this other chick.....she mad koo and worth my attention
I haven't had a girlfriend since last summer. No complaints here
The more I begin to hate music on the radio the older I feel.
I hurt my friends all the time, by not hanging out with them, it isn't them I just like being alone.
Nothing makes me smile like my baby sister. Seeing her smile motivates me to get everything her heart desires.
As weird as it seems I am only attracted to 18/19 year olds. They are far less Jaded, and more mature than women my age

If one more guy says I look like drake....I swear....
- I told my boss I had a family emergency today so I couldn't make it in to work. In actuality I'm taking the day off so I can spend it with my bf.
- I'm moving out east for 6 months towards the end of the year and I'm scared as $@%% to leave everything behind. Especially him.

- There's a strong possibility that I'm pregnant right now. I'm not 100% sure but if I am I'm definitely not keeping it. Even though I want to

- I say some wild @#@% during sex just to see how far I can push it

- I sold my mazda 3 to cop a spyder.
- I put oil on everything.
- I put ketchup on everything.
- I'm attracted to one of my man's homies. He lives around the corner and sometimes I wish I'd bump into him.
- I have a hard time being mentally faithful/committed to one person.
i want to smash my ex, but she has a man. dumb broad still calls me to vent about him and another ex. if only she wasn't beautiful.
current girl i am talking to is exposing herself to be a lot dumber than i had originally thought. time to stop talking.
i need a new intelligent, independent, thoughtful, and attractive girl in my life.
i'm torn on what to do with myself.
i want to get a job because purse money isn't cutting it. if i do that then i have to retire because working and training just doesn't cut it.
even though i am tentatively scheduled for the 26th of december in singapore, i may be deciding whether or not to retire on august 8th.
i just started minding my diet again after a week of no training due to an injury. i got up to 160ish. i have a month until i need to be 141. dieting FTL.
i pretend cutting weight is easy to everybody at my gym but that mess kills me inside. cutting 16 lbs in two days is not what's up for same day weigh ins.
quarter life crises FTL.
i like someone i shouldn't and i like them for the wrong reason (no i'm NOT referring to SEX)
i'm learning to say what is exactly on my mind even at the expense of other's feelings, rather than holding it in like i usually do
i care too much about people's feelings but their opinions mean nothing to me
i no longer feel the need to be "loyal" or "decent" or to respect the fact that other people are in relationships( DISCLAIMER: i do notpursue or encourage to get with people i know are in relationships, but i'm starting to feel like if they don't care about potentially hurting theperson they love, why should i? they're nothing to me. AGAIN not referring to sex, i'm more so referring to agreeing to date, party or hangout)
my new screwed up attitude is due in part to some personal experiences as well as observations of friends and their failed attempts at happiness.

in the end, i'm still an optimist and i believe in true love. Blah!

At this moment I am complacent in all aspects of my life.
im afraid if i leave my ex (at this moment) alone she'll turn herself into a hore just to get attention.

shes still not over me. like, she still cries to this day cause were not together (we broke up a month ago bow! 3 years btw).

her friends know that shes on the path to *%*!!!@ herself over but nobody seems to care till something happens.......AGAIN

i dont know why im bothered by this.

last night a _ was posted downtown. met this bad yellow country jawn. i called her over, talked to her, introduction @$+*, blah blah BLAAAAAAAAAAH FAST FORWARDmy homeboy flew in and bagged the $!!@# right in front of me...she said i remind her of her brother

i havent slept since wednesday night/thursday morning

i been rollin ever since, and cant eat even if i force myself to.

i think im dying.

bit im not playing, theres something wrong here O_O
I've been sleeping on the beach every day during the day for the last 3 days. About to go do that soon actually
I'm narcissistic, I don't care.
I want school to start again so I can see my buddies.
I'm seriously going to make a valiant effort to bag this chick that goes to HU that's also on NT

I've been secretly going to Theosophy lecture's and telling people I'm hanging out with friends.
I had to air out a home girl of mine recently, I feel kinda bad cuz we were so close but ##!% happens. In hindsight I shouldn't of done it tho..I felt likea low life afterward

I'm smashing every 8+ this summer just so I can go back to DC this fall and continue the trend.
My last relationship made me realize that I don't want another one for a long time.
I'm an Anime/Manga nerd to the death, if I'm in my house I'm probably watching anime

My last two dreams have a really intricate plot to them and then my mom will wake me up and I get upset because I wanted to see how they would end

I'm kinda sad MJ died

I'm a traveling man

One of my friends wants to have sex with me, and I've been ignoring her texts because after I lost my last really good home girl I realized that I dontlike losing friends.
I swag surf in the shower
My brother is coming back from summer camp today and I'm gonna pretend like I didn't miss him even tho he's hilarious
Originally Posted by imsojayded

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:

imsojayded wrote:

myhandstank wrote:

imsojayded wrote:

i met this really great girl at my job

i want to 'get to know her' but shes straight and i would never cheat on my boyfriend
You dyking?

im not gay

I dont get it then

i dont consider myself gay...

i just dont mind occasional sex with females

it's called being gay. accept it.
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