NT Confessions Volume Father I have Sinned

I guess I'll join, since every one else has. I've actually read everybody's post, and I can relate to alot of you guys.

- Got fired from my dad's job. His wife was the real problem behind this.
- Me getting fired lead me to my mom kicking me out of the house for not having a job.
- I slept in my car or a friends house for almost a month.
- I have 2 little brothers that I feel like their my own sons. That's a bad thing, since I have to realize that they're not.
- My obsession with the Yankees is NOT in ANY way normal.
- I started smoking and drinking when I was 11, but stopped when I was 14 (I'm 19 now)
- I wish I didn't know my dad. he's been the biggest waste ever. He does anything his wife says, not caring for me in any way.
- My mom has a problem that I have no control over. She gets into a relationship, gets out, and RIGHT back to another one.
- I've moved over 25 times in my life because of my mom's problem.
- When I was younger, I used to have a problem called Chronic Masturbation.
- I feel like I'm wasting my life. I know 3 languages, I'm VERY smart, I love to write, but I dropped out of college and have nothing going my way.
- The reason I dropped out was to make money with my dad, but you know how that goes.
- I'm a very lonely person. I have 1 friend, and that's it. IDK why, since I love people.
- I don't know why, but I can't fall asleep til 4-5 AM everyday. I wake up at 9 AM.
- I have a crazy gambling problem. I've gambled everything from tons of money to my sneakers, to my car.
- NT is the only place I can express myself. i really feel I have more "friends" on NT than in real life. This is sad.
- I lost my best friend today over Fantasy Football. Pathetic.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

I have seen this GIF tons of times on NT...
I laughed seeing it in this thread tho.
i am a health nut but occasionally i just disregard it all and have fun

for example......yesterday, me and two of my buddies went through 7g of cocaine, smoked about 5 blunts, and drank probably 15 drinks to myself (from like 5pmto like 1am, so not really getting wasted)

yet tonight i didnt do anything, didnt even go out, just hit the gym and chilled.

hope the good outweights the bad.
I just went through a gram to head by myself, home alone on a saturday night.

I too have a problem approaching girls but after that its gravy.
Originally Posted by Boot and Leg

I just went through a gram to head by myself, home alone on a saturday night.

I too have a problem approaching girls but after that its gravy.
i've seen this.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

for example......yesterday, me and two of my buddies went through 7g of cocaine, smoked about 5 blunts, and drank probably 15 drinks to myself (from like 5pm to like 1am, so not really getting wasted)
- I confess that this sounds like an awesome Tuesday night for me and my friends.
- I stole almost a rack from my parents over the course of the summer because I got fired from my job and I needed money to get high.
- I will snort almost anything that I can crush into powder.
- I'm know as "that guy" who is down for whatever.
- Everyone important in my life enables me.
- I don't even like getting drunk and I'm drunk.
- Those are just my substance-related confessions. I'll probably be back to make some sexual confessions.
- If I wrote a book about my life, you'd probably want to read it. Then you'd probably think I was lying.
- I plan on writing said book.
People keep telling me im gone die soon, and I feel it. When Im at my worst mentally im through with life
I keep trying to find ways to live but they dont seem worth the effort
I am one of the most talented people in the world, but im losing that
For so long I have tried to be good that now Im tired of it and sometimes just want to lash out at people.
People get drawn to me, but i have no interest in them.
I contemplate suicide everyday, then only things keeping me here are my sisters 3 children.
I fear the philosophical thoughts I have fearing where they will lead me.
NT is the only thing I comunicate through
I know for a fact that I am being spied on, and just want to be left alone.
Man this thread is depressing.

-I wish I had a much better social network. I find myself outgoing, but I don't go out much at all.
-I'm about to just start playing 360 all the time like when I was younger, nothing else to do =\.
Got arrested for the second time in a little more than a month on Friday. Two years ago getting arrested was no where near even a thought in my mind.
I'm goin' in without mentioning specifics.

-I've had the best girl I possibly will ever have in my life for years.
-She found dirt and is convinced I'm messing around on the side.
-I messed around on the side, countless times.
-I have everything going my way in life in terms of school, work and my athletic career but cant seem to crack a smile for my life when I'm alone becauseall I think about is her.
-All the girls I've ran through, all the meaningless hookups, all the girls currently on my radar mean nothing because when I think about them, I thinkabout her.
-Currently, I feel like what I've accomplished in life thus far doesn't do anything for me when compared to how I messed up with her.
-When we did break up before, I've went out of my skin to get back with her and it worked.
-It won't work now because I messed up more than I ever did before with her.
-When we did make up before, I seem to pay her all the attention in the world for a couple of weeks, then I start focusing on friends, work, school and myathletic career and it ruins all I did in those couple weeks because she needs that attention that I can't seem to provide on a daily basis.
-I love her. I NEVER throw that word around. I love her.
-I should be a better man, should do my part to a greater extent but can't seem to because I get my priorities mixed up.
-Perhaps the most amazing thing about this situation is that after all these years, the sex between us is 10 times better than it was when we first started.
-We both agree that this relationship has yet to get boring and sometimes we both wish it would.
-No matter who you think you are or how invincible you think you are, Karma will strike. And when she does, she will strike with the exact equivalent ofwrongdoings that you have done.
-I need Jada, Ghost or Kanye to make a song about how I feel with a catchy hook and a smooth beat because music is the cure all for me and those are the 3rappers I relate to most.
-Missing You Remix with Drake is on repeat until my ears start to bleed.
-I wish I could articulate more because I feel like I have more on my chest about this topic but I can't seem to find the words to describe it.
-Im in love with a girl that is in every way bad for me.
-Cant stop thinking about her as much as i try.
-Im a lonely person. only child and i push my friends away because of my attitude.
-I was let go from my job probbaly a month and a half ago, and i begin recieving unemployment tomorrow.
-I have no car.
Originally Posted by faulkit28

-I hate the feeling of breaking up. I'm trying to keep myself occupied but still thinking about the girl
-I know she's no good for me and I hate everything about her, but I still want her.
-I hate the bank i'm at (boa)
JoRDaN201 wrote:
- When I was younger, I used to have a problem called Chronic Masturbation.
- I feel like I'm wasting my life.
- NT is the only place I can express myself. i really feel I have more "friends" on NT than in real life. This is sad.

these describe me ^
For those saying that I need help, I know I do, I just don't have anywhere to turn.

My mom? Nope. My dad? Nope. I don't have any family here (they're all in Venezuela). So I really just come to NT to kkinda clear my mind.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

For those saying that I need help, I know I do, I just don't have anywhere to turn.

My mom? Nope. My dad? Nope. I don't have any family here (they're all in Venezuela). So I really just come to NT to kkinda clear my mind.
people sayin you need help ( you probably do ) but that lets you know somebody is listening

stay up homey
Originally Posted by westhellthug

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

For those saying that I need help, I know I do, I just don't have anywhere to turn.

My mom? Nope. My dad? Nope. I don't have any family here (they're all in Venezuela). So I really just come to NT to kkinda clear my mind.
people sayin you need help ( you probably do ) but that lets you know somebody is listening

stay up homey

Yea, that just crossed my mind. Thanks bro. The Yankees winning right now really helps. But they don't play 24/7.

But I didn't know NT was full of people like me.
you know what this is something i never do. But I feel like I should vent as holding it in is getting me nowhere.

-Ive hated my life since i graduated college ( going on 2 years now). I have no friends at home and a serious lack of motivation.
-I should have never gave up on basketball. I was pretty damn good. I let the coaches affect my decision to keep playing. Too much politics involved.
- Im a walking sinus infection, terrible allergies. I can't go a day without a sinus infection and being tired, but yet i dont take medicine because I dontbelieve in it.
- Ive tried every natural cure in the book and ot eat healthy but to no avail I get it every day. Im starting to believe it comes from my past life.
-I had a girlfriend for 4 1/2 years only to break up because i would have had to convert. Im black and shes jewish. And her parents are not accepting of me.
-She now lives in israel. I dont want her back but she was a great girl and have yet to meet a girl that was as caring and genuine.
- My moms and pops dont live with each other but aren't divorced. They dont live with each other because of work and retirement benefits.
-Its a terrible situation and seems completely forced like they dont belong together.
- I am in a terrible financial situation and in debt because of my website, school loans, and cc debt over the past 2 years.
- Im a personal trainer that isnt making as much money as I would like and a bball coach. I feel like im chasing my career dream jobs but getting paid crap.
- I use to be so motivated to make money and chase my dreams back when I was 21, now im afraid of failure ( im 25 now).
- I honestly sometimes dont try because I believe that Im going to fail. I dont know where I adopted that attitude but I need to get rid of it quick.
-I feel like Im wasting my life away in the city I live. I want to travel the world and feel like im stuck. I can't move with my financial situation.
-Since I get so bored I have adopted a cray workout ehtic. Ive gained 26 pounds from 170-196 since January 5th. I dont like to take days off from workingout.
-My goal is to hit 200- 205 pounds and 6-8% bf but something I think Im a little crazy. Although I love the physical shape Im in.
- I feel obsessed with working out. Its my stress reliever and my outlet from all the crap I deal with on a daily basis.
- I used to pull all kind of girls when I first turned 21, but now I have this fear of approachin girls.

Prob need a damn blog, but it felt good to vent esp since I never tell anybody my buisness and just hold in. Theres a lot more but Ill stop there for now
- i made $2100 since wednesday bettin on sports games

- and i'm still not happy cause i miss my ex smh....and i can only blame myself for losing her *puts head down*
-i can barely get my school work done without adderall
-i hate my job and i want to get fired so i can collect unemployment and waitress at a strip club.
-my bff's roommate drives me wild. he's perfect specimen of a man but hes a giant flapping vagina, and nothing will ever happen.
-i haven't had good sex since i broke up with my ex last year, i dont regret it but im super frustrated.
-the only person i actually gave two +#@%@ about and who cared about me all summer i dumped cuz he was too fat.
-im disgusted by what i see in the mirror. im a skinny fat person, and slowly turning into a fat person. my thighs jiggle like crazy and im getting a muffintop.
Originally Posted by nyybaseball423

I'm goin' in without mentioning specifics.

-I've had the best girl I possibly will ever have in my life for years.
-She found dirt and is convinced I'm messing around on the side.
-I messed around on the side, countless times.
-I have everything going my way in life in terms of school, work and my athletic career but cant seem to crack a smile for my life when I'm alone because all I think about is her.
-All the girls I've ran through, all the meaningless hookups, all the girls currently on my radar mean nothing because when I think about them, I think about her.
-Currently, I feel like what I've accomplished in life thus far doesn't do anything for me when compared to how I messed up with her.
-When we did break up before, I've went out of my skin to get back with her and it worked.
-It won't work now because I messed up more than I ever did before with her.
-When we did make up before, I seem to pay her all the attention in the world for a couple of weeks, then I start focusing on friends, work, school and my athletic career and it ruins all I did in those couple weeks because she needs that attention that I can't seem to provide on a daily basis.
-I love her. I NEVER throw that word around. I love her.
-I should be a better man, should do my part to a greater extent but can't seem to because I get my priorities mixed up.
-Perhaps the most amazing thing about this situation is that after all these years, the sex between us is 10 times better than it was when we first started.
-We both agree that this relationship has yet to get boring and sometimes we both wish it would.
-No matter who you think you are or how invincible you think you are, Karma will strike. And when she does, she will strike with the exact equivalent of wrongdoings that you have done.
-I need Jada, Ghost or Kanye to make a song about how I feel with a catchy hook and a smooth beat because music is the cure all for me and those are the 3 rappers I relate to most.
-Missing You Remix with Drake is on repeat until my ears start to bleed.
-I wish I could articulate more because I feel like I have more on my chest about this topic but I can't seem to find the words to describe it.

For over excessive simping.

She'll be back
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