NT, Do Your Parents Support You Dating Other Races? Vol. "There are Enough Good __ Women For You"

Ive told my tjones plenty of times before that im gonna marry me a white girl.

she says imma end up marrying a mojada.

I think my parents would be surprised if brought he a black American guy at this point. Last bf was latino but very light so they assumed he was white. Guy before him wasn't even a citizen and was from Haiti with a strong accent. They know I'll date anyone. If they do care they haven't said anything to me.
I think my parents would be surprised if brought he a black American guy at this point. Last bf was latino but very light so they assumed he was white. Guy before him wasn't even a citizen and was from Haiti with a strong accent. They know I'll date anyone. If they do care they haven't said anything to me.
As long as the girl is educated my parents wouldn't care.

Shoot I wish they would try to pull something like that, with my personality they know I would do the exact opposite of what they ask.

My pops would fry me tho if I brought home an ugly or fat chick.
As long as the girl is educated my parents wouldn't care.

Shoot I wish they would try to pull something like that, with my personality they know I would do the exact opposite of what they ask.

My pops would fry me tho if I brought home an ugly or fat chick.
i'm imaging my mom and sister if they saw me with a fat ugly chick.  i'd get roasted for years. 
i'm imaging my mom and sister if they saw me with a fat ugly chick.  i'd get roasted for years. 
Originally Posted by bruce negro

I recently went to the mall with a Korean friend of mine (girl), and it seemed like all the older Korean people were just staring at us
It's kinda interesting
Many older Korean people are very openly racist, especially towards blacks.
It's actually usually pretty much any ethnicity other than Korean, though. It didn't just seem like they were staring, they likely were. My best friend is a white girl, and whenever we go to Korean markets together, we hold hands and cupcake like we're a couple. The older folks FLIP OUT and they are visibly disturbed

Anyways, I'm Korean and my adoptive parents are white, so that pretty much answers the question.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

I recently went to the mall with a Korean friend of mine (girl), and it seemed like all the older Korean people were just staring at us
It's kinda interesting
Many older Korean people are very openly racist, especially towards blacks.
It's actually usually pretty much any ethnicity other than Korean, though. It didn't just seem like they were staring, they likely were. My best friend is a white girl, and whenever we go to Korean markets together, we hold hands and cupcake like we're a couple. The older folks FLIP OUT and they are visibly disturbed

Anyways, I'm Korean and my adoptive parents are white, so that pretty much answers the question.
my family would have a heart attack if i brought a black girl home... SMH at them being closet racists
my family would have a heart attack if i brought a black girl home... SMH at them being closet racists
Supposedly can't date anything other than Asian, mama would be mads. Sadly the gf isn't even close to being Asian, aww yeah!
Supposedly can't date anything other than Asian, mama would be mads. Sadly the gf isn't even close to being Asian, aww yeah!
my mom is cool and all but i think shes racist she always thinks black ppl are gonna rob her. if i would bring a black girl shes wouldnt care she just needs to know how to cook but i tell her why cook? i know how to order from mc donalds. and dont get me started with girls from el salvador last 3 girls i dated were from there and she would give me that face of disappointed. i always think ima end up with a white girl those colors eyes is my kryptonite. btw im mexican.
my mom is cool and all but i think shes racist she always thinks black ppl are gonna rob her. if i would bring a black girl shes wouldnt care she just needs to know how to cook but i tell her why cook? i know how to order from mc donalds. and dont get me started with girls from el salvador last 3 girls i dated were from there and she would give me that face of disappointed. i always think ima end up with a white girl those colors eyes is my kryptonite. btw im mexican.
my family wants me to date Asian women preferably Chinese...

I'm currently dating my first Asian girl and she's not Chinese 
my family wants me to date Asian women preferably Chinese...

I'm currently dating my first Asian girl and she's not Chinese 
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