NT: How come its "okay" for DJ Khaled to use the "N-Word"? VOL. real talk.

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by red mpls

at all of these white and Asian folks in here acting like the number one experts on racism and black folks and what they should or shouldn't say among one another.  The others essentially saying "But if they can say it, then we should be able to say it!"  Like someone else said in this thread, black folks can't even have a WORD to themselves... Why the $$+# does it matter to y'all?

Some of you all are so caught up in your own privilege that you're completely blind to it...

wut? lol so this is a word you want to use for yourselves?
Well... yeah.

There's over a billion words in the English language. Ya'll live without being able to use ONE.

no....and no one should be saying it to begin with, regardless of the race
Right or wrong, that's just how I feel. 

You black?
man IDGAF who says it bcuz it really doesn't bother me, to me its a person's intent that should be watched and not necessarily the word itself, khaled is clearly not intending to insult blacks by sayin it, he jus says it as a way to hit home n connect wit fans/friends... yall worried bout who says the N word instead of worryin bout those isn't sayin it but that are still capable to treat you worst than slavery time smh

by the way I'm black
man IDGAF who says it bcuz it really doesn't bother me, to me its a person's intent that should be watched and not necessarily the word itself, khaled is clearly not intending to insult blacks by sayin it, he jus says it as a way to hit home n connect wit fans/friends... yall worried bout who says the N word instead of worryin bout those isn't sayin it but that are still capable to treat you worst than slavery time smh

by the way I'm black
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

51and3rd wrote:
That's where your wrong. I don't call blacks white ever! But most of the people your talkin about are the ones who don't understand where they came from. Just because you dress in tight jeans date white women and live a successful educated life doesn't mean your a sell out just like just because you talk wit a lot of slang doesn't make you real.
You're right it doesn't, but regardless...  the parallel between black uniformity and the resentment of our own for being "different" is very real and virulent. Those people are also the ones who tend to use the N-word the most as well. In my experience, people who are truly educated and understand the weight of the word do not throw it around so easily. Think back to the Boondocks episode (can't believe I'm referencing Boondocks
) with MLK Jr.

Stop trying to take the easy route by saying we need our own little word, or claiming we have flipped the meaning for endearment purposes. Instead, CHALLENGE yourself to stop using it.

@bijald... rapper/writer -- that's him.

Yes and No. Yeah blacks tend to treat blacks with education and riches differently. That's only because those blacks come of as soooo judgemental, as of they've made it to the white mans standards instead of saying "look I made it, you can too". Word to Judge Mathis!
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

51and3rd wrote:
That's where your wrong. I don't call blacks white ever! But most of the people your talkin about are the ones who don't understand where they came from. Just because you dress in tight jeans date white women and live a successful educated life doesn't mean your a sell out just like just because you talk wit a lot of slang doesn't make you real.
You're right it doesn't, but regardless...  the parallel between black uniformity and the resentment of our own for being "different" is very real and virulent. Those people are also the ones who tend to use the N-word the most as well. In my experience, people who are truly educated and understand the weight of the word do not throw it around so easily. Think back to the Boondocks episode (can't believe I'm referencing Boondocks
) with MLK Jr.

Stop trying to take the easy route by saying we need our own little word, or claiming we have flipped the meaning for endearment purposes. Instead, CHALLENGE yourself to stop using it.

@bijald... rapper/writer -- that's him.

Yes and No. Yeah blacks tend to treat blacks with education and riches differently. That's only because those blacks come of as soooo judgemental, as of they've made it to the white mans standards instead of saying "look I made it, you can too". Word to Judge Mathis!
Originally Posted by red mpls

at all of these white and Asian folks in here acting like the number one experts on racism and black folks and what they should or shouldn't say among one another. 

you're right.  blacks are the only race who have ever experienced racism or endured slavery.
Originally Posted by red mpls

at all of these white and Asian folks in here acting like the number one experts on racism and black folks and what they should or shouldn't say among one another. 

you're right.  blacks are the only race who have ever experienced racism or endured slavery.
Why is this even a discussion? Other people use it more than African-Americans in actuality. 
I just think it comes as a shock to people from an majority African American community.
In the suburbs it's said every other just verb like in the inner-city.

The real question why is it a term of endearment? It's being used cause it's "cool",
make it uncool. I know I'm trying to break the habit myself.
Why is this even a discussion? Other people use it more than African-Americans in actuality. 
I just think it comes as a shock to people from an majority African American community.
In the suburbs it's said every other just verb like in the inner-city.

The real question why is it a term of endearment? It's being used cause it's "cool",
make it uncool. I know I'm trying to break the habit myself.
Lol @ this whole thread..
Imho that word is kinda disrespectfull..
It be like 2 hispanics greeting each other like " ayy w e t back, whats up?"
Lol @ this whole thread..
Imho that word is kinda disrespectfull..
It be like 2 hispanics greeting each other like " ayy w e t back, whats up?"
It isnt even a derogatory term anymore. Nowadays its just another way to say "dude" or "bro".
In NYC its not a big deal, everyone says it.
People give words power, so people getting mad at it makes no sense to me. Really though the way it is used should be the only concern. I'm not black, but most of my black and spanish friends use it, but I hate when white girls use it cause they're just trying to be "cool".
People give words power, so people getting mad at it makes no sense to me. Really though the way it is used should be the only concern. I'm not black, but most of my black and spanish friends use it, but I hate when white girls use it cause they're just trying to be "cool".
It isnt even a derogatory term anymore. Nowadays its just another way to say "dude" or "bro".
In NYC its not a big deal, everyone says it.
I really respect black people who choose not to say it.

I live with two black roommates and they call me it all the time in conversation... IDK I'm just really used to it, I don't notice when it's tossed around.
I really respect black people who choose not to say it.

I live with two black roommates and they call me it all the time in conversation... IDK I'm just really used to it, I don't notice when it's tossed around.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Ginzo

why do people think being able to use to N word is an honor? Real talk.

Exactly. Nobody should use it. I hate the dumb, "We turned it into something positive" comeback some folks use. It is foolishness.
Came back to this thread and see I get cosigned by DC.
Spoiler [+]

I'm black if that matters.
Anyways the word N is so mother effing played out where I live.
For instance on ppl's FBs they'll put stuff like.
See you later....N Blacks, Mexicans(ESPESIALLY), Indians, and Whites.
They use it in the most unnecessary situations ALL the time.
Saying N has a cool stigma to it and that's why people us it. I blame Rap.
They feel better deluding themselves into thinking that they're part of some inner group if you will.
Saying it makes them cooler somehow.
Regardless ignorant people are gonna be ignorant.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Ginzo

why do people think being able to use to N word is an honor? Real talk.

Exactly. Nobody should use it. I hate the dumb, "We turned it into something positive" comeback some folks use. It is foolishness.
Came back to this thread and see I get cosigned by DC.
Spoiler [+]

I'm black if that matters.
Anyways the word N is so mother effing played out where I live.
For instance on ppl's FBs they'll put stuff like.
See you later....N Blacks, Mexicans(ESPESIALLY), Indians, and Whites.
They use it in the most unnecessary situations ALL the time.
Saying N has a cool stigma to it and that's why people us it. I blame Rap.
They feel better deluding themselves into thinking that they're part of some inner group if you will.
Saying it makes them cooler somehow.
Regardless ignorant people are gonna be ignorant.
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