NT How Much Do You Owe In Student Loans? vol. But First They Gotta Find Me


Oct 31, 2011
Bout to finish my junior year owe about 20k but first they gotta find me. How much you under?
Sheesh, thank goodness I took the CC route. Did my thing there and now in Queens college not owing a damn thing. Feelsgoodman 
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Find you? HAHA Silly Rabbit. They garnish your wages, bank account, etc if need be.
Word.  When I heard that, I did the right thing like Spike.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

My old roommate is gonna owe like 100k smh

How did he get to 100k? All loans and no payments? 
My roomate after I graduated had well over 100k in loans....Undergrad, MBA, then law school. 

Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

Bout to finish my junior year owe about 20k but first they gotta find me. How much you under?

 find you? I do this for a living; all we need is a social security number...you clowns that default on your loans are ruining your lives
gotta find you? They have your SSN. School loans are the one thing you'll never hide from. R.I.P.
10 gs because i lived the regular college experience my freshmen year but i live in florida and honest I could probably come up with at least half that money pretty quickly if it came down to it. I feel bad for those in graduate school tho. I will never go to grad school unless someone else is paying for it
thank goodness i got 0$ in loans. parents saved up for my college since i was a kid

But my girl still got around 35K in loans
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

gotta find you? They have your SSN. School loans are the one thing you'll never hide from. R.I.P.
Truth. There's no way to get out of paying student loans (not even declaring bankruptcy).
Generation Y should  follow the path of their elders (babyboomers re mortgages) and pressure politicians to bail them out too.

* OP, I thought NT'ers ball so hard, what’s 50 grand in loans to a Nter like you?
Can you please remind us?
$0, thank you CUNY system. I'm proud to say I graduated with no debt. I missed out on the dorm life but I wasn't interested in paying overpriced rent money on a loan that can't be discharged.

If I had 100K in loans that I couldn't pay off, I'd just flee the country.
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