NT How Much Do You Owe In Student Loans? vol. But First They Gotta Find Me

I'm in at 12k right now, will probably be a little less than 20k after I graduate, which I can pay off in a year of work, hopefully.

Damb dorm life was expensive my freshman year!
Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

gotta find you? They have your SSN. School loans are the one thing you'll never hide from. R.I.P.
Truth. There's no way to get out of paying student loans (not even declaring bankruptcy).
Generation Y should  follow the path of their elders (babyboomers re mortgages) and pressure politicians to bail them out too.

* OP, I thought NT'ers ball so hard, what’s 50 grand in loans to a Nter like you?
Can you please remind us?
eh, denouncing your U.S. citizenship.. May not be the answer now, but sooner than later, it won't matter. I can name a few other countries/islands that got my name on them for life.
I'm maxed out in Fed loans, only private is $4g's.. There are quite a few ways to knock out the fed loans w/o ever paying a cent.

Teach me how to not pay a cent in Fed Loans

Do what the Africans do.
I'm an illegal immigrant using someone elses sn.

first they gotta find me.

Spoiler [+]
I kid, but would this work?
Still in school, but I'm thinking around 25-30k by the time I'm out. For those that graduated and now paying off loans, was the degree you received worth the loans?
I read something awhile back interviewing college graduates and 4/5 of them said their degree wasn't worth the amount of loans they had to take out
Somewhere in the $60K range with Grad School... If no Grad school high $40Ks. Don't get me started on my anger level about it..

Prayin for a miracle....   FEELS  BADMINTON..
Thank good ness i don't have to pay loans but to all the people that do i can't imagine how much you all have to pay i would be going nuts
Originally Posted by Essential1

Somewhere in the $60K range with Grade School... If no Grade school high $40Ks. Don't get me started on my anger level about it..

Prayin for a miracle....   FEELS  BADMINTON..

You paid to go through grade school? Unless you meant grad school..If you did, please get a 40k refund from whatever school you're currently in
my dad pays my tuition, @$%@* expensive tho like 40k a semester.
do people on financial aid, fafsa or w/e have to also take out loans i don't understand that whole system
i went to a school before where tuition was only like 10k a semester, i was like the only person i knew who wasn't on financial aid i want to stay as far away as possible from that system
I had 48k when I finished undergrad. I lived with my mom and had like 20k saved upon graduation so I paid everything off before the 6 month grace period expired. But it really hurt to have pretty much your entire check every 2 weeks going towards the loans. I'm about to build more debt getting a quick MS right now. Definitely not looking forward to it.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Patrick Bateman wrote:

Sheesh, thank goodness I took the CC route. Did my thing there and now in Queens college not owing a damn thing. Feelsgoodman 
But you are still in school, so you don't know if you will come out debt free yet...


It's a CUNY bro, tuition atm for 16 credits is like 3k for one semester. Assuming a person takes 32 credits/year it'll be around ~7k a year including books and stuff and anyone with a part time job can manage that.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Essential1

Somewhere in the $60K range with Grade Grad School... If no Grade Grad school high $40Ks. Don't get me started on my anger level about it..

Prayin for a miracle....   FEELS  BADMINTON..

You paid to go through grade school? Unless you meant grad school..If you did, please get a 40k refund from whatever school you're currently in

Sheiiiiiitttt  I got auto corrected...     Hence why the mistake was made twice.
man, im about 20K in loans right now about to be another 5k added to that once this year is over I graduate in May,

but i am trying to pursue Physical Therapy School, Occupational Therapy School, or even Nursing school.....

so i'm not done yet
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Find you? HAHA Silly Rabbit. They garnish your wages, bank account, etc if need be.

your avy is the greatest of all time
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by baseballer10p

started at about $100,000... down to about $80,000. I went to marquette, 4.5 years


for undergrad, famb??
lol yeah, for undergrad. i'm just trying to get it down to a manageable level so i can live without putting a quarter of my paycheck towards student loans. sucks
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