NT I Almost Got SCAMMED!!! (IF your selling your car READ THIS)

Jan 18, 2006
I posted my car up on auto-trader about a month ago. I get an e-mail from a person who is interested in my car. He asks me what my bottom line price is. Its a2005 Nissan Alitma with 64k miles and a couple of upgrades(DVD/nav playstation the works) so I tell him 12.5K. He says ok. Tells me a cashiers check will be inthe mail and his "agent" will come inspect the car.

The cashiers check gets here and its for 18k. I e-mail him and ask why is it so much more? He told me he made the check for another car but not to worry justcash the check and give his "agent" the difference. Me being who I am I know there is NO way anybody sends 5.5 k more for a car and trust somebodywill give you the difference. I call the bank the check is supposed to come from and they tell me there is no way the check is legit. They ask me to fax a copyover to them so they could get a better look and she calls me back LAUGHING! She told me they have seen some pretty good fakes but these were horrible. Theyhad just changed checks but it was still no where close to what the old checks looked like.

Then she alerted me to the scam they use where they send people cashiers check's because people believe they clear faster then regular checks. You cash thecheck and send them the difference. In two to three weeks the check will bounce and the bank will want their money back. Nine times out of ten the money willbe gone by then so you are out of luck.

I am glad I called the bank so just as a lesson to anybody selling your car watch out for this mess.
Way to stay on your toes fam. If they woulda sent the right amount, you probably woulda tried to cash it, no questions asked, huh?
you should've known something was up when he said he was sending his "agent"
Originally Posted by demonbasketball04

Yeah, ummmm, thanks.

I can't think of a non-rude way to tell you that you're kinda late on this.
I'm saying
i always get emails like this from people on craigslist when i put up cars for sale,its bubu,i hate them scammers.
Yea this is pretty old but thank you for the post anyway, in the past I have only delt with cash transactions, but if anyone can shed light on a different waythat worked for them please feel free to share it.
you gonna pretend like you will give the difference and turn the "agent" in to the authorities? or is that called snitching?
This is old,lol

Nigerians been doin this. They do this with everything.
They post jobs up on Craigslist saying they are going to pay you for 6 months in advance, cut you a check for way more than what they owe you and tell you justto send the difference.

I didn't this once just to see if I cud find somebody to bust the check open for me. They kept calling me like "where's my money! Fed Ex deliverdthe check! Im calling the police and the FBI! You're going to jail".

I was like youl go to jail before me. This check is counterfiet , they hung up the phone . Lol
Someone tried to get me like that 2yrs back when I tried to sell one of my cars on craigslist. It was a 1995 Galant for $2.5k and the dude told me hes gonnasend me a check for $5k, just keep an extra $500 and send him the rest. I already knew what time it was so I told homeboy to go @%$$ himself. But someone Iknow told me his friend hot scammed with one of those "Work from home" scams. The dude sent her a check for $3,000 and she cashed it and sent back$2700. How stupid
I got a feeling this is related to those Nigerian scams. Most likely the dude is in Nigeria as we speak.
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