NT I am homeless and need someones help in the Bay Area

I've worked in restaurants since I was 14... it is the only "skill" I have... I've worked in short order places and I've also worked at fine dining ski resort type places... I can come post my resume if people want it... I'm a restaurant worker for life... it is the only job I enjoy doing and can't imagine doing anything else...

What I meant by the alcohol and marijuana comments is that those are the only substance I touch... I am not a heavy drinker, and for the matter I can't name the last time I've had more than one or two beers at a time... actually the only alcohol I've drank recently is the free shift drink(s) I get after work... and yes I enjoy marijuana... I have for a while now and I don't probably will always enjoy it... the fact that I don't have to worry about getting in trouble for it is appealing to me... while it is a small factor in my decision it does ultimately change my mind in any direction... people have literally hundreds of factors when they decide to move, I don't see how something as small as this would be a big factor... and when did I ever say I pay for it?... outside of someone I work with smoking me up, I've done very little smoking since I've been homeless...

I'm not joining the service... just something I'm not willing to do

And I already work 40-45 hours per week... factor in an hour on the bus getting there 5 days a week and a 45 minute bike ride back every night... the sleep I do get is lousy... and realistically my performance at first job and second job would slip... that wouldn't be doing myself any favors... and the 2000 would be enough to get myself into a room somewhere and get myself moving from there...
Originally Posted by 940sicc3

Originally Posted by pookieman

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  


clean up your act OP. none of that is any good for you right now

Yep, & to keep it funky, u need to stop acting like a scorned *%%@# & Talk to your mother...thats ur mom above all else.
you have alot of hangups for someone in your position. You seem to be homeless by choice rather thansituation. Working/schooling since 14.. and not one contact was made.in 8 years? something is amiss
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

I used to live in Cumberland, damn...Im in Orange County or else I would help...My sister is in Berkeley though???

What hs you go to etc...we HAFTA know some of the same ppl...

I'm not from Maine, been here for a little over a year now... and to whomever said move to a small town I am from small towns... when you rely on public transport its really damn hard to get anything moving for yourself... and the housing prices are really high right here... after doing some Craigslist comparisons on what's going for what... they're actually very similar...
Not to be a broken record, but 2 stacks in SF will last you maybe 2 weeks. That's hardly enough time to get a good foundation under you. Even if you do manage to find a great job, you usually don't get paid until after the 2nd pay period so that's a month because most jobs pay you a period behind and you would be coming ni in the middle of one. If you must be in a big city, Dallas/OKC/Austin/San Antonio/ST Louis/Kansas City/Atlanta are all much cheaper and for the most part have jobs, especially in food service. You could also move to near an Army/Navy/Marine's base and there are usually great availability of jobs on and off post. Put ads on CL and @##*% yourself out to just 1,000 fat chicks for $100 a piece and you'll have $100,000. Or you can do 100 really fat chics at $1,000 a piece.
What the hell, man? 

$2000 for rent will not last long in San Francisco. Ask anyone from the Bay Area. You said you already work 40-45 hours per week. You're gonna leave a full-time job, a homeless shelter, and the family that can possibly help you? 

I honestly think you should stay in Portland, man.

Good luck.

Moving to San Francisco (and frankly the Bay Area for that matter) is very, very expensive compared to other areas. I don't think it would be the wisest thing to do financially especially if you're trying to get back on your feet. Jobs are as tough to find here as it is anywhere else. As others have mentioned already, I'd recommend going to a cheaper big city if that's what you're looking for. If you have any family members, you should be in touch with them and let them know of your plans and they should be able to help you, I hope...Good luck.
I'm not going to sit here any judge you OP. Do your best and stay focused. I wish you the best of luck.
I think all of Cali is hurting, but good luck OP. And look to move to Oakland, pretty cheap but the area is kinda shady if you ain't built for that life. If you make it to the Bay, I Welcome you in advance
op, just go ahead and move..

your either gonna come up or are gonna be in the same position you are in.
OP you should audition for those cooking shows like MasterChef or Hell's Kitchen. You're already broke so you might as well try it and rep NT at the same time.
Originally Posted by lawinnn

Where are you posting from?!

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 940sicc3

Originally Posted by pookieman

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  


clean up your act OP. none of that is any good for you right now

Yep, & to keep it funky, u need to stop acting like a scorned *%%@# & Talk to your mother...thats ur mom above all else.

The last thing I heard out of my mothers mouth was "I was wrong for keeping you and I hope you die you piece of !%@%"... this was after I questioned her why she didn't pay my car insurance after I gave her the money for it (we were on the same coverage) I discovered I had been dropped from the coverage after the officers informed... she jacked my money for 4 months... this is the same women who claimed to my elementary school that I had a learning disability in order to get a tax cut... naturally the school listened because I did/do have a speech "disability" and one of eyes is pretty bad...
Originally Posted by tecca nena

You should consider moving to oakland. Rent is waay cheaper and its only a few train stops away from sf. Just do research on which neighborhoods to avoid

I wanna do research on the girl in your avy
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by lawinnn

Where are you posting from?!

OP This You?.. 


Not trying to offend you at all, but you haven't answered this question yet and I'm sure everyone's wondering. 

I advise you to join the Military.. Like others said.. You could be a cook there. 
But you would just have to kick your Alcohol & Marijuana Habits.. 
I wish u the best of luck, OP. Like others have said, SF is really expensive. Wouldn't be a good idea to move there on impulse with just $2000 and without a job/gig lined up.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 940sicc3


clean up your act OP. none of that is any good for you right now

Yep, & to keep it funky, u need to stop acting like a scorned *%%@# & Talk to your mother...thats ur mom above all else.

The last thing I heard out of my mothers mouth was "I was wrong for keeping you and I hope you die you piece of !%@%"... this was after I questioned her why she didn't pay my car insurance after I gave her the money for it (we were on the same coverage) I discovered I had been dropped from the coverage after the officers informed... she jacked my money for 4 months... this is the same women who claimed to my elementary school that I had a learning disability in order to get a tax cut... naturally the school listened because I did/do have a speech "disability" and one of eyes is pretty bad...

Ok, i was on the talk to you mom boat and i still am.  Even if you don't like her you have to be strategic her and think long term, you will be busy anyway.  Moving to Cali with no savings and more importantly no plan is a recipe for long term tragedy.  My recommendation, is to  apologize (for nothing) to your mom and say that you would like to talk to her.  Explain to her your situation and that you would like for the two of you to have a good relationship because you love her.  Save up your money, Build a financial model planning money to the cent.  Minimize expenses and find employment in Cali.....Then hopefully you will have repaired your relationship with your mom, and you can start your new life with reserves for emergency situation!  You cannot afford to think short term right now....You are young as hell man....And even better enroll in JUCO beast, get a scholarship to a 4 year (with your socieconomic status you will quallify for all kinds of grants)...i don't know just be creative.  Ok i actually thought about this because i care about you man, i don't even know you but i care about you.  Do as you wish but be strategic and think long term...please. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 940sicc3

Originally Posted by pookieman

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  


clean up your act OP. none of that is any good for you right now

Yep, & to keep it funky, u need to stop acting like a scorned *%%@# & Talk to your mother...thats ur mom above all else.

Dudes are going in on OP
craigslist a room in your area or somewhere closer, you have enough money to do so. Rent out a room for $200 and you will be set, shoot you may even be able to find a hoop-d to get too and from work. Then the homeless thing is taken care of and you other job would hire you back after you clean up a bit. There are a ton of other more efficient alternatives. Chicago,IL., Raleigh, NC. are also some great area that are either established or growing steady communities. Virginia beach is another that would help nicely with the atmosphere you are trying to reach these are somewhat similar in some aspects...

Good luck.
ricerocket1 wrote:
join the military, i think its really one of the great options for you right now.  

A Place To Live, Food To Eat, And A Job. You Cant Beat That... An Then When You Get Out Youll Have Good Opportunity And Money.
Originally Posted by ALDY

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by lawinnn

Where are you posting from?!

OP This You?.. 


Not trying to offend you at all, but you haven't answered this question yet and I'm sure everyone's wondering. 

I advise you to join the Military.. Like others said.. You could be a cook there. 
But you would just have to kick your Alcohol & Marijuana Habits.. 

I am using my phone posting at the library jacking Wi-Fi... don't have service... killed that off a while ago... and if you read my posts you'll see that I don't have issues with any substance...Thank you rich82 for actually trying to help be instead of berating me... FYI I have tried to call my mother a few times in the past 6 months or so but neither answers nor responds to any texts...
best of luck OP, military would be the best option. it would be my option if in your position right now. 
man if i lived in the Bay Area i'd do that for you. I don't know why people keep telling you not to do it. You don't have anything going for you where you are at and don't really think it can get much worse. (no offense) I think if you actually plan to do something positive and get your life right, go do it. San Fransisco could be what changes your life. Good luck and make !!+% happen.

Edit: I do agree that the military might be a better look for you.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 940sicc3


clean up your act OP. none of that is any good for you right now

Yep, & to keep it funky, u need to stop acting like a scorned *%%@# & Talk to your mother...thats ur mom above all else.

The last thing I heard out of my mothers mouth was "I was wrong for keeping you and I hope you die you piece of !%@%"... this was after I questioned her why she didn't pay my car insurance after I gave her the money for it (we were on the same coverage) I discovered I had been dropped from the coverage after the officers informed... she jacked my money for 4 months... this is the same women who claimed to my elementary school that I had a learning disability in order to get a tax cut... naturally the school listened because I did/do have a speech "disability" and one of eyes is pretty bad...
yea, youre right. Forget her.
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