NT, I caught feelings and lost.

Originally Posted by StonedFace

For an ASIAN she had mass, sorry let me correct that.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

like i said in another thread

experience is the greatest teacher.

But let me ask you this OP, why instead of you feeling like you messed up cuz you showed interest in the girl, should you not feel like "hey, I showed this girl that I was really feeling her and she couldn't handle what I had to give"

If this was a couple years ago alot of people like myself would have said that you didn't play the game right...but now I realize that this *@@% isn't a game at all.
hmm speak more on this..interesting.
great thread...its ok op there are others out there!
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

like i said in another thread

experience is the greatest teacher.

But let me ask you this OP, why instead of you feeling like you messed up cuz you showed interest in the girl, should you not feel like "hey, I showed this girl that I was really feeling her and she couldn't handle what I had to give"

If this was a couple years ago alot of people like myself would have said that you didn't play the game right...but now I realize that this *@@% isn't a game at all.
hmm speak more on this..interesting.
great thread...its ok op there are others out there!
Originally Posted by All Ready

you looked desperate, women like men who have options, men who are desired by other women

you being all clingy and under her all day is looked at as more of a weakness

she wants a man, not a girlfriend, alotta guys default to doing stuff that the 2 chicks would do together

women like leadership, they don't like indecisive, submissive men

if she's calling the shots, you already lost

Originally Posted by All Ready

you looked desperate, women like men who have options, men who are desired by other women

you being all clingy and under her all day is looked at as more of a weakness

she wants a man, not a girlfriend, alotta guys default to doing stuff that the 2 chicks would do together

women like leadership, they don't like indecisive, submissive men

if she's calling the shots, you already lost

Seems like you broke down too easily too soon.

I just went through this, smashed 2 weeks [raw
] after our first date. Nothing serious really, I called her maybe 2 times in between the smash date [where she drove 1hr on a empty tank with no AC] and the next time we kicked it. Took her to a concert a few weeks after, told her i loved kissing her and she gave me the "i love kissing you too" and such. We dont really agree on making plans the day after but we end up at the same spot the day after, i see her from afar.

..with another dude

Yea I seen him on her facebook and they seem like friends from high school with a possible romantic interest involved, one of those situations, they werent all hugged up and extra flirty, and I seen him on her page a whiiiile back, so i think it isnt that crucial..so I back off, I did text her if shes there and she was kinda goofing in her texts with too many "lol" and such 
Typical ashamed female banter, you know?

But man, I was fuming raging mad that night...felt betrayed and defeated. Yea. that was 2 weeks ago from this week and nothing has really been put out there from me or her, besides some lame tweets about love that I think might be about us, and I shot those down with some philosophical tweets that weren't directed at anybody or subtweet-like, but debunked her silly girly %!#$ she tweeted in a way. It sounds immature but the tweets we both sent weren't aggressive or angry at all..but it feels like we agreed to do it that way.

I was probably hurt more because that same night, in the same club, my last ex was there with somebody else too
and to top it off when the final short corny texts from the broad come in, the song my other ex from last year dedicated to our break up comes on in my iPod
The lyrics beat my soul up because they almost made me feel guilty for hiding/running at that moment from commitment, but I woke up later and realized it related to the girls more than it did to me. Still though.... Felt like I got hit 3 ways at the same time, no Belladonna.

Spoiler [+]
heres the song

I did everything the "right" way..you know? I kept my cool, I called the shots, dropped mad knowledge, smashed like a champion, kept the mystery-vibe going about me..etc. And was myself the entire time...something greater than me changed it, and I was defeated. L 

Im hurt, *#%$ it, I wont lie about that. Im hurt. I said it again, but it reminded me of some things we all know about dating and women:
-they have options like us
-they will run away from relationships quicker than most guys
-they will always be right, not in the argumentative sense, but in the way that they can still have some guy out there to hold her down if she destroys what she has going on with you. they "win" per say, they have back up and their sense of accountability isn't like ours.
-there's a million of em out there with bigger breasts and better convo skills, so don't for once think they aren't replaceable.

Nothing about most relationships should be taken personal, and while some girls can be shy/timid when it comes to dating you, alot of girls are just gonna use your opening up with them as a sign of weakness. I don't wanna tell you to crush hearts and make girls turn lez after you're done with them, but 99% of women in your life are TEMPORARY. It's like getting a tattoo about some silly %!#$ you know isn't crucial; don't leave a permanent stain on your self-esteem and manhood. That's it
Seems like you broke down too easily too soon.

I just went through this, smashed 2 weeks [raw
] after our first date. Nothing serious really, I called her maybe 2 times in between the smash date [where she drove 1hr on a empty tank with no AC] and the next time we kicked it. Took her to a concert a few weeks after, told her i loved kissing her and she gave me the "i love kissing you too" and such. We dont really agree on making plans the day after but we end up at the same spot the day after, i see her from afar.

..with another dude

Yea I seen him on her facebook and they seem like friends from high school with a possible romantic interest involved, one of those situations, they werent all hugged up and extra flirty, and I seen him on her page a whiiiile back, so i think it isnt that crucial..so I back off, I did text her if shes there and she was kinda goofing in her texts with too many "lol" and such 
Typical ashamed female banter, you know?

But man, I was fuming raging mad that night...felt betrayed and defeated. Yea. that was 2 weeks ago from this week and nothing has really been put out there from me or her, besides some lame tweets about love that I think might be about us, and I shot those down with some philosophical tweets that weren't directed at anybody or subtweet-like, but debunked her silly girly %!#$ she tweeted in a way. It sounds immature but the tweets we both sent weren't aggressive or angry at all..but it feels like we agreed to do it that way.

I was probably hurt more because that same night, in the same club, my last ex was there with somebody else too
and to top it off when the final short corny texts from the broad come in, the song my other ex from last year dedicated to our break up comes on in my iPod
The lyrics beat my soul up because they almost made me feel guilty for hiding/running at that moment from commitment, but I woke up later and realized it related to the girls more than it did to me. Still though.... Felt like I got hit 3 ways at the same time, no Belladonna.

Spoiler [+]
heres the song

I did everything the "right" way..you know? I kept my cool, I called the shots, dropped mad knowledge, smashed like a champion, kept the mystery-vibe going about me..etc. And was myself the entire time...something greater than me changed it, and I was defeated. L 

Im hurt, *#%$ it, I wont lie about that. Im hurt. I said it again, but it reminded me of some things we all know about dating and women:
-they have options like us
-they will run away from relationships quicker than most guys
-they will always be right, not in the argumentative sense, but in the way that they can still have some guy out there to hold her down if she destroys what she has going on with you. they "win" per say, they have back up and their sense of accountability isn't like ours.
-there's a million of em out there with bigger breasts and better convo skills, so don't for once think they aren't replaceable.

Nothing about most relationships should be taken personal, and while some girls can be shy/timid when it comes to dating you, alot of girls are just gonna use your opening up with them as a sign of weakness. I don't wanna tell you to crush hearts and make girls turn lez after you're done with them, but 99% of women in your life are TEMPORARY. It's like getting a tattoo about some silly %!#$ you know isn't crucial; don't leave a permanent stain on your self-esteem and manhood. That's it
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Seems like you broke down too easily too soon.

I just went through this, smashed 2 weeks [raw
] after our first date. Nothing serious really, I called her maybe 2 times in between the smash date [where she drove 1hr on a empty tank with no AC] and the next time we kicked it. Took her to a concert a few weeks after, told her i loved kissing her and she gave me the "i love kissing you too" and such. We dont really agree on making plans the day after but we end up at the same spot the day after, i see her from afar.

..with another dude

Yea I seen him on her facebook and they seem like friends from high school with a possible romantic interest involved..so I back off, I did text her if shes there and she was kinda goofing in her texts with too many "lol" and such 
Typical ashamed female banter, you know?

But man, I was fuming raging mad that night...felt betrayed and defeated. Yea. that was 2 weeks ago from this week and nothing has really been put out there from me or her, besides some lame tweets about love that I think might be about us, and I shot those down with some philosophical tweets that weren't directed at anybody or subtweet-like, but debunked her silly girly %!$+ she tweeted in a way. It sounds immature but the tweets we both sent weren't aggressive or angry at all..but it feels like we agreed to do it that way

I did everything the "right" way..you know? I kept my cool, I called the shots, dropped mad knowledge, smashed like a champion, kept the mystery-vibe going about me..etc. And was myself the entire time...something greater than me changed it, and I was defeated. L 

Im hurt, $*%* it, I wont lie about that. Im hurt. I said it again, but it reminded me of some things we all know about dating and women:
-they have options like us
-they will run away from relationships quicker than most guys
-they will always be right, not in the argumentative sense, but in the way that they can still have some guy out there to hold her down if she destroys what she has going on with you. they "win" per say, they have back up and their sense of accountability isn't like ours.
-there's a million of em out there with bigger breasts and better convo skills, so don't for once think they aren't replaceable.

Nothing about most relationships should be taken personal, and while some girls can be shy/timid when it comes to dating you, alot of girls are just gonna use your opening up with them as a sign of weakness. I don't wanna tell you to crush hearts and make girls turn lez after you're done with them, but 99% of women in your life are TEMPORARY. It's like getting a tattoo about some silly %!$+ you know isn't crucial; don't leave a permanent stain on your self-esteem and manhood. That's it
Feelings were shown by both parties pretty early in my case, I just took it to whole nother level. Appreciate the input. I feel ya bro. As long as you were yourself, you can't be salty about it. Alotta girls are shady like that, going from dude to dude with no remorse. REAL feelings should not be shown to these type of birds.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Seems like you broke down too easily too soon.

I just went through this, smashed 2 weeks [raw
] after our first date. Nothing serious really, I called her maybe 2 times in between the smash date [where she drove 1hr on a empty tank with no AC] and the next time we kicked it. Took her to a concert a few weeks after, told her i loved kissing her and she gave me the "i love kissing you too" and such. We dont really agree on making plans the day after but we end up at the same spot the day after, i see her from afar.

..with another dude

Yea I seen him on her facebook and they seem like friends from high school with a possible romantic interest involved..so I back off, I did text her if shes there and she was kinda goofing in her texts with too many "lol" and such 
Typical ashamed female banter, you know?

But man, I was fuming raging mad that night...felt betrayed and defeated. Yea. that was 2 weeks ago from this week and nothing has really been put out there from me or her, besides some lame tweets about love that I think might be about us, and I shot those down with some philosophical tweets that weren't directed at anybody or subtweet-like, but debunked her silly girly %!$+ she tweeted in a way. It sounds immature but the tweets we both sent weren't aggressive or angry at all..but it feels like we agreed to do it that way

I did everything the "right" way..you know? I kept my cool, I called the shots, dropped mad knowledge, smashed like a champion, kept the mystery-vibe going about me..etc. And was myself the entire time...something greater than me changed it, and I was defeated. L 

Im hurt, $*%* it, I wont lie about that. Im hurt. I said it again, but it reminded me of some things we all know about dating and women:
-they have options like us
-they will run away from relationships quicker than most guys
-they will always be right, not in the argumentative sense, but in the way that they can still have some guy out there to hold her down if she destroys what she has going on with you. they "win" per say, they have back up and their sense of accountability isn't like ours.
-there's a million of em out there with bigger breasts and better convo skills, so don't for once think they aren't replaceable.

Nothing about most relationships should be taken personal, and while some girls can be shy/timid when it comes to dating you, alot of girls are just gonna use your opening up with them as a sign of weakness. I don't wanna tell you to crush hearts and make girls turn lez after you're done with them, but 99% of women in your life are TEMPORARY. It's like getting a tattoo about some silly %!$+ you know isn't crucial; don't leave a permanent stain on your self-esteem and manhood. That's it
Feelings were shown by both parties pretty early in my case, I just took it to whole nother level. Appreciate the input. I feel ya bro. As long as you were yourself, you can't be salty about it. Alotta girls are shady like that, going from dude to dude with no remorse. REAL feelings should not be shown to these type of birds.
Forget all these dudes acting like they're immune to catching feelings. 
It happens sometimes. Either the chick really clicks with you or some chicks have that charm that sucks you in. 

Sometimes putting it out there is fine. Just don't let it affect you long term. 
Forget all these dudes acting like they're immune to catching feelings. 
It happens sometimes. Either the chick really clicks with you or some chicks have that charm that sucks you in. 

Sometimes putting it out there is fine. Just don't let it affect you long term. 
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

-there's a million of em out there with bigger breasts and better convo skills, so don't for once think they aren't replaceable.
 but 99% of women in your life are TEMPORARY. That's it
real talk man. I have been with numerous women in my 24 years of living and only one or two haven't showed me a complete different side of them I didn't see initially when we we first started dating. Have fun out here man, these girls are living it up. Trust me, my female friends tell me about how they spit and chew dudes up who they aren't even feeling that much. Its crazy how fast a girl can move on and act like what you had with her was nothing. They got backups after backups of dudes ready to simp and do whatever they want for the temporary time period they are happy with you. With all that being said, do you! They will flock once they see how much you are separated from the other lame dudes out here. They will be attracted to your exclusiveness and your lifestyle. Don't change your life for these girls...they wouldnt do it for you..
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

-there's a million of em out there with bigger breasts and better convo skills, so don't for once think they aren't replaceable.
 but 99% of women in your life are TEMPORARY. That's it
real talk man. I have been with numerous women in my 24 years of living and only one or two haven't showed me a complete different side of them I didn't see initially when we we first started dating. Have fun out here man, these girls are living it up. Trust me, my female friends tell me about how they spit and chew dudes up who they aren't even feeling that much. Its crazy how fast a girl can move on and act like what you had with her was nothing. They got backups after backups of dudes ready to simp and do whatever they want for the temporary time period they are happy with you. With all that being said, do you! They will flock once they see how much you are separated from the other lame dudes out here. They will be attracted to your exclusiveness and your lifestyle. Don't change your life for these girls...they wouldnt do it for you..
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