NT: I present to you the rich kids of Instagram vol. feels so batman

You are the one making false statements
From the millionaire next door:
Most of America's millionaires are first-generation rich. How is it possible for people from modest backgrounds to become millionaires in one generation? Why is it that so many people with similar socioeconomic backgrounds never accumulate even modest amounts of wealth?
Most people who become millionaires have confidence in their own abilities. They do not spend time worrying about whether or not their parents were wealthy. They do not believe that one must be born wealthy. Conversely, people of modest backgrounds who believe that only the wealthy produce millionaires are predetermined to remain non-affluent. Have you always thought that most millionaires are born with silver spoons in their mouths? If so, consider the following facts that our research uncovered about American millionaires:
* Only 19 percent receive any income or wealth of any kind from a trust fund or an estate.
* Fewer than 20 percent inherited 10 percent or more of their wealth.
* More than half never received as much as $1 in inheritance.
* Fewer than 25 percent ever received "an act of kindness" of $10,000 or more from their parents, grandparents, or other relatives.
* Ninety-one percent never received, as a gift, as much as $1 of the ownership of a family business.
* Nearly half never received any college tuition from their parents or other relatives.
* Fewer than 10 percent believe they will ever receive an inheritance in the future.
Dude, the amount of people that hit rich that come from poverty or hardship situations are way lower than you think.

I don't know who "the millionaires next door" are or how or where they get their research from.

But I highly doubt it's because somebody is lazy or don't want to strive to be rich that's BS.

I'm not siding with T smooth but I definitely know it is way harder to just hit rich from nothing than it is if you are born into wealth or know a wealthy person who is nice enough to help you get to the top, by providing the means to get there either by connections or funding.
Dude, the amount of people that hit rich that come from poverty or hardship situations are way lower than you think.
I don't know who "the millionaires next door" are or how or where they get their research from.
But I highly doubt it's because somebody is lazy or don't want to strive to be rich that's BS.

I'm not siding with T smooth but I definitely know it is way harder to just hit rich from nothing than it is if you are born into wealth or know a wealthy person who is nice enough to help you get to the top, by providing the means to get there either by connections or funding.

Did you even read all the other sources I posted that state 19% of millionaires are first generation rich? I am still waiting on TSmooth to post any research to the contrary other than his hyperbole of people he claims to have worked under which could all could be their opinions. I am more than happy to be proven wrong but you have to show me some data not just an opinion or what you believe.

Ill post it again for you:

Show me some facts and ill believe you.

1. According to a study of Federal Reserve data conducted by NYU professor Edward Wolff, for the nation’s richest 1%, inherited wealth accounted for only 9% of their net worth in 2001, down from 23% in 1989. (The 2001 number was the latest available.)

2. According to a study by Prince & Associates, less than 10% of today’s multi-millionaires cited “inheritance” as their source of wealth.

3. A study by Spectrem Group found that among today’s millionaires, inherited wealth accounted for just 2% of their total sources of wealth.

Each of these stats measures slightly different things, yet they all come to the same basic conclusion: Inheritance is not the main driver of today’s wealth. The reason we’ve had a doubling in the number of millionaires and billionaires over the past decade (even adjusted for inflation) is that more of the non-wealthy have become wealthy.

So it’s not just that the same old rich folks are getting richer. The more-important shift is that the rich are getting more numerous.





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Did you even read all the other sources I posted that state 19% of millionaires are first generation rich? I am still waiting on TSmooth to post any research to the contrary other than his hyperbole of people he claims to have worked under which could all could be their opinions. I am more than happy to be proven wrong but you have to show me some data not just an opinion or what you believe.
Ill post it again for you:
Show me some facts and ill believe you.
1. According to a study of Federal Reserve data conducted by NYU professor Edward Wolff, for the nation’s richest 1%, inherited wealth accounted for only 9% of their net worth in 2001, down from 23% in 1989. (The 2001 number was the latest available.)
2. According to a study by Prince & Associates, less than 10% of today’s multi-millionaires cited “inheritance” as their source of wealth.
3. A study by Spectrem Group found that among today’s millionaires, inherited wealth accounted for just 2% of their total sources of wealth.
Each of these stats measures slightly different things, yet they all come to the same basic conclusion: Inheritance is not the main driver of today’s wealth. The reason we’ve had a doubling in the number of millionaires and billionaires over the past decade (even adjusted for inflation) is that more of the non-wealthy have become wealthy.
So it’s not just that the same old rich folks are getting richer. The more-important shift is that the rich are getting more numerous.
No, I didn't read all of those Links who would ?

Now back to my original question which is who runs this "millionaires next door" research you're talking about. 

and what do they have to gain out of this research, cause anybody can put up statistics.

If you're taking research done by the government at true representation then there's pretty much nothing else left to talk about because we know how they skew facts and figures.

There aren't numerous rich people, a rise sure nothing stays the same; however last survey I saw middle class was a majority, poor came in second and rich were the least in America.
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So many lies on the internet. I don't believe none of ya'll
I mean, here's my car, my girl's is the Porsche 

What's the point of even stunting on the internet? Anyone can make anything up. If you have it, keep it to yourself.
No, I didn't read all of those Links who would ?

Now back to my original question which is who runs this "millionaires next door" research you're talking about. 
and what do they have to gain out of this research, cause anybody can put up statistics.

If you're taking research done by the government at true representation then there's pretty much nothing else left to talk about because we know how they skew facts and figures.

There aren't numerous rich people, a rise sure nothing stays the same; however last survey I saw middle class was a majority, poor came in second and rich were the least in America.

Read the links (Hell you dont even have to click the links the information is right there in the post) and you will get your answer because the book the millionaire next door is really irrelevant. I have referenced many studies including those done by Fidelity, Prince and Associates and study of federal reserve data by a NYU professor.

So again the one source being the book the millionaire next door is not significant b/c i have cited many more sources.
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It's 3€ for a coke from the damn grocery store in France, so 10 for one in Saint Tropez is no thing.

The vast majority of wealth in the US aren't rags to riches stories, and obviously a small percentage is acquired thru inheritance. But you can go down a list of wealthiest people and see that they received start up money from other well to do family members to found their companies. Wealth begets wealth begets wealth begets wealth, whether it's "inherited" or not.
Dude...you don't need to prove your wealth to folks you'll NEVER meet. I don't get what that accomplishes. It's kinda juvenile, IMO. You posted your pics so leave it at that.
Man forget the material items, I just don't want to be accused of posting pictures of somebody else's daughter..that does not sit right with me
So the weekend has come and gone, where is this irrefutable proof???????
I'm lost...what's impressive that that "Sneaker Talk" guy posted? The Ferrari pic is the only one that's somewhat Impressive. 
So the weekend has come and gone, where is this irrefutable proof???????

My son didn't get a chance to shoot over to his rich uncles crib this past weeked to snap pics with his niece and his uncles cars and claimed them as his, for sure next week we shall have some pics
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I'd tell you how boring and lame I find their lifestyle to be, but y'all would just call me "salty" or a "hater"...
FACT: not everyone is impressed by money and the "luxuries" it affords...**kanye shrug**

I didn't want to say anything but it's amazing how all these people are really moved and impressed by this type of ****...
But we just haters...

Just stop trying to prove yourself. You know what you have and just enjoy it. Only way you can prove it all, is showing the deed to your house, pink slip to your car, daughter's birth certificate, etc. Just live life.
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