Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Man Thats a good look....Med school aint no joke though fam.....

Im telling you right now...Drop your girl (if u have one)...Get rid of your Video game systems(If you have one) and dont go out partying for your entire time in med' school...You'll have plenty of time for that after you finish Med' school and such.....FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!

Do what you HAVE to do in order to do what you WANT to do
im a 4th year student interviewing for residency right now and please do not follow this advice at all. you will BURN OUT.

work hard but you must make time to enjoy yourself too... if i didnt have my wife, friends, family, and my xbox 360
to take my mind off of school, the last 4 years wouldve been hell.

and as far as having time to do that after med school, guess again. residency is gonna be much tougher than med school will be.

and dont just try to get by and pass... do well so you have choices on what field you want to go into. later on you might decide you want to be an ortho surgeon but dont have the grades, then you wont be too happy with yourself.

PM me if you got any questions. good luck and enjoy the rest of your time before school starts!
exactly. im in my second year now and i definitely would have burned out if i didnt take time to play ball 3 times a week, go to the gym, play some xbox, or kick back and have a few beers while watching a game. but when it's time to hit the books i'm focused as best i can.

do you guys work part time while still doing all of this? how hard would it be to be working as a nurse making money while still going to med school?
literally impossible. you will undoubtedly fail at both your job and at med school. the only possible job you could have is at like the school library for a few dollars an hour. im lucky enough that my parents are helping me with everything. other students have to factor in living expenses when you apply for student loans. others have spouses that work. i even know of a few married students with families that are on welfare.

wow man thats o.d thanks a lot for the info!
foreal dude, major props, I wish I could get my lazy self to work hard and become a doctor.
Congrats... forensic pathology sounds interesting, but I'd assume one downside is that you'd be stuck in the morgue all-day...

old joke... what do you call someone who graduated last in their class in med school?
Congrats, its going to be a tough road ahead for sure. I look forward to making a thread about grad school, in the mean time...gotta finish my last year ofundergrad.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by SinnerP

old joke... what do you call someone who graduated last in their class in med school?
AntonLaVey? JK congrats
I have ur blessing
thanx bro.....now back to battling alienspecies
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by SinnerP

old joke... what do you call someone who graduated last in their class in med school?
AntonLaVey? [color=#0]JK congrats[/color]

actually, its "Doctor"...
This is a copy of the letter we mailed toyour preferred address.

Dated December 3, 2008.

On behalf of our Admissions Committee, I take great pleasure inoffering you an invitation to join the 2009 Entering Class at Morehouse School of Medicine. I truly hope that you will accept our invitation to pursue your medical training at Morehouse School of Medicine and look forward to having you join us.

This acceptance is valid for fourteen (14) days from the date of thisletter. An acknowledgement, in writing, of your intent will be required from you along with a deposit of One Hundred dollars ($100.00 - cashier's check ormoney order only) to reserve your place in the class. This deposit will be credited to your tuition account for the 2009-2010 academic year.

Your acceptance is contingent upon:

1) Satisfactory completion of all pre-requisite course requirements and the academic program in which you are currentlyenrolled;

2) Maintenance of the level of academic performance that was part of the basis for your acceptance. Final officialtranscript(s) of your grades from all institutions attended must be submitted to the Office of Admissions by June 1, 2009.

3) Submission of the Medical History and Immunization Record forms (separate mailing). All required immunizations must be completed and up-to-date prior tomatriculation;

4) Submission of Residency forms, if required. ( Georgia residents only, forms enclosed);

5) Ability to meet the Technical Standards for Admissions and Graduation.

Failure to meet the contingencies listed above could result in revocation of our offer ofacceptance.

Financial aid application materials were given to you during your interview or will be mailed under a separatecover. Please complete that information if you have not already done so.

Congratulations on your achievement! We look forward to youracknowledgement letter and to havingyou join us at Morehouse School of Medicine. If we may be of service to you in any way, please feel freeto call upon me or any member of the Student Affairs team.


Ngozi Anachebe, Pharm.D, M.D., F.A.C.O.G

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Assistant Professor of Clinical OB/GYN

Sterling A. Roaf Jr., M.D.

Director of Admissions

Morehouse School of Medicine

Sup... Congrats. *secret handshake*

You'll have plenty of time for everything. It's all about balance. Yes, there will be months where you will be working non-stop, but usually you willhave time for partying, video games, etc. Plus, many med students are in serious relationships or married. There's a good chance it won't get betterafter med school, depending on what specialty you enter. So just learn how to balance everything.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Sup... Congrats. *secret handshake*

You'll have plenty of time for everything. It's all about balance. Yes, there will be months where you will be working non-stop, but usually you will have time for partying, video games, etc. Plus, many med students are in serious relationships or married. There's a good chance it won't get better after med school, depending on what specialty you enter. So just learn how to balance everything.
It doesn't get any easier

Med school is

The boards


But I'm glad I made it this far....long way to go tho. I'm talking 8-9 years away.
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