Congrats bro!!

Like everyone above me said, Its all about balance. I have a girl and i occasionally hop on the Xbox or ps3 for some gaming and i still collect kicks, Its allabout balance at the end of the day and priortizing things. Best wishes. Welcome to the club.

Maybe we should make a Nike Talk Med School Team
Im currently about to get ready for STep 1: The determining test for the rest of life lol
Originally Posted by SlimK4

Congrats bro!!

Like everyone above me said, Its all about balance. I have a girl and i occasionally hop on the Xbox or ps3 for some gaming and i still collect kicks, Its all about balance at the end of the day and priortizing things. Best wishes. Welcome to the club.

Maybe we should make a Nike Talk Med School Team

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I can't believe they're gonna let me become a doctor.
, dude acing like, because he was accepted means they are going to mold adoctor in him, its still school. you have to let yourself become a doctor, start off by staying away from NT
Originally Posted by CamRon Giles

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I can't believe they're gonna let me become a doctor.
, dude acing like, because he was accepted means they are going to mold a doctor in him, its still school. you have to let yourself become a doctor, start off by staying away from NT
LOL ur a buzzkill I'm just really happy that's all....it's been 20+ years in the making.

But seriously......the fact that they're giving me a chance

At my Uni library I see med students with specs as thick as the chemistry book they are reading, they all seem to be the over achiever type.

Nonetheless Good luck bro, the hard work will pay off!!

The Dr before your name will certainly get a few panties wet
, salary is well off, the job is guaranteed. This three should serve you as a moto during hardtimes.
oh lordy.

Congrats anyways. Wish i could go back in time and have done med school or something.
Originally Posted by MvP07

At my Uni library I see med students with specs as thick as the chemistry book they are reading, they all seem to be the over achiever type.

Nonetheless Good luck bro, the hard work will pay off!!

The Dr before your name will certainly get a few panties wet
, salary is well off, the job is guaranteed. This three should serve you as a moto during hard times.

lmao.... "Hi, I'm Wally. I'm boring. I have nothing going on. Did I mention I'm going to be a doctor?"

Works every time.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by MvP07

At my Uni library I see med students with specs as thick as the chemistry book they are reading, they all seem to be the over achiever type.

Nonetheless Good luck bro, the hard work will pay off!!

The Dr before your name will certainly get a few panties wet
, salary is well off, the job is guaranteed. This three should serve you as a moto during hard times.

lmao.... "Hi, I'm Wally. I'm boring. I have nothing going on. Did I mention I'm going to be a doctor?"

Works every time.
This is on the bottom of my list of motivations to pursue this as a profession.......
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Man Thats a good look....Med school aint no joke though fam.....

Im telling you right now...Drop your girl (if u have one)...Get rid of your Video game systems(If you have one) and dont go out partying for your entire time in med' school...You'll have plenty of time for that after you finish Med' school and such.....FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!

Do what you HAVE to do in order to do what you WANT to do
im a 4th year student interviewing for residency right now and please do not follow this advice at all. you will BURN OUT.

work hard but you must make time to enjoy yourself too... if i didnt have my wife, friends, family, and my xbox 360
to take my mind off of school, the last 4 years wouldve been hell.

and as far as having time to do that after med school, guess again. residency is gonna be much tougher than med school will be.

and dont just try to get by and pass... do well so you have choices on what field you want to go into. later on you might decide you want to be an ortho surgeon but dont have the grades, then you wont be too happy with yourself.

PM me if you got any questions. good luck and enjoy the rest of your time before school starts!
exactly. im in my second year now and i definitely would have burned out if i didnt take time to play ball 3 times a week, go to the gym, play some xbox, or kick back and have a few beers while watching a game. but when it's time to hit the books i'm focused as best i can.

do you guys work part time while still doing all of this? how hard would it be to be working as a nurse making money while still going to med school?

being a nurse while going to med school? you act like being a nurse is easy. even the process to get into the program is difficult- pre-reqs to fulfill beforeapplying to nursing programs that are 2 year waits. then when you get in, 1-2 year intensive programs. you wouldnt find time to work. then, assuming you'dbe a nurse, enjoy those 12 hr shifts of documenting more then you do patient care
just when you thought you were done, you realize youre in med school
i truly hope you have a passion for being a doctor. most, if not all the physicians i work with are burnt out before their first year. i guess to compensatefor them being underpaid, is that they warrant respect.

if i wanted to be a physician, id probably be an anesthesiologist because of what it entails (vital team member to a surgeon, entubating, toying with highclass drugs, and the pysche behind it all) but routes like nurse-anesthesist make just as good money in the same discipline, and could be achieved in less time(2 year course, assuming you have a BS. starting salary at $250k+)

congratulations & good luck
Congrats Man.

Im a 4th year currently interviewing for Radiology and let me just tell you that while P=MD it does not mean that you will be able to do whatever you want orwherever you want. Radiology is EXTREMELY competitive up there with derm and plastics. I am #1 or 2 in my class, did very well on boards, AOA etc and it isstill hard to get interviews. The competition is very fierce. You want to leave as many doors open as possible so when 4th year comes around you have theoption of choosing which field you want to pursue.

Med school is tough and there are times when all you can do is study, or you are on call etc but there is still free time to get out and do the things youenjoy. It also kind of depends on how quickly you can learn the material. Some people study all day every day and still struggle while others have to do muchless but excel.

Oh and by the way I thought interviewing would be fun but I AM EXHAUSTED flying from city to city hotel to hotel been in 6 cities in the past week and a halfall extended distances from each other by flight.
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