NT it's your time to get it off your chest now thread.

About 20 mins ago a bad chick (Dime piece Latino with a crazy body) sat down a couple tables from me & we kept exchanging eye contacts and I knew she was feeling the kid. But ofcourse i never did anything =/ & she walked away. Hopefully i'll see her again on campus & have the courage to talk to her.

Damn Im mad....
Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

Originally Posted by nublee

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23


-Im in my 2nd year in college & I still miss HS. Not so much HS, but the lifestyle that came with it. I miss knowing everyone, talking to friends all the time, etc... Im a loner in college. Outside of school, I enjoy being alone, but in school, I miss talking/chillin with people Im close with.

-I don't like meeting new people.

-I can never seem to let go of the past.

-I reminisce way to much.

-As much as I like my alone time, Its good knowing I have people there. My biggest fear is not having that option & ending up alone.
I feel you bro
This, and a couple of other things...

Same way I feel
Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

Originally Posted by nublee

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23


-Im in my 2nd year in college & I still miss HS. Not so much HS, but the lifestyle that came with it. I miss knowing everyone, talking to friends all the time, etc... Im a loner in college. Outside of school, I enjoy being alone, but in school, I miss talking/chillin with people Im close with.

-I don't like meeting new people.

-I can never seem to let go of the past.

-I reminisce way to much.

-As much as I like my alone time, Its good knowing I have people there. My biggest fear is not having that option & ending up alone.
I feel you bro
This, and a couple of other things...
Same way I feel
 Same here.
Originally Posted by pwrend

-Im already messing up my gpa in college because I dont care about classes I wont use

-I have no clue what I want to be, but Im afraid I cant find what Im good at

-Havent met that group of friends that actually share interests with me..we hop in the car and they wanna blast waka..I wanna hear curren$y..etc

-Ive let sooooo many girls slip away because Im not blunt enough and always question whether Im reading them the right way

-I sometimes use that "I dont give a F" attitude as an excuse to hide me semi shyness

-Worry about other people more than I worry about myself sometimes

-Been a slacker all my life..kinda worried it wont change anytime soon
*chest cleared*

Kinda creepy because everything you said is the same for me. Exactly!
-I'm definitely an introvert and I don't like big groups of people, and just recently I've realized I'm fine with it. I would rather have no friends than a lot of friends that aren't genuine and just hang out for the sake of hanging out. That's why I don't mind having just a few close friends.
-My mom is way too traditional and doesn't understand the new generation. I just moved back home after graduating college, and she still treats me like I'm 15. I've tried to tell her that she should treat me like an adult and let me have my own responsibilities, but she just doesn't get the point. She pretty much expects me and my brother to both move out when we get married
. I don't know how much longer I can take this, but I know financially it's the best thing to do. But still, sometimes you need to be forced into a new situation to become more independent.
-In college, my first two years were pretty rough socially. I was pretty fat and out of shape, I didn't attempt to meet new people outside of my suitemates, so it wasn't very fun. After getting shafted in housing plans during the summer before junior year, I pretty much reached an emotional low. The first few weeks of school during junior year was probably as low as I can get. I didn't know anyone, and I felt out of place with my new Craigslist roommates. I never felt so out of place in my life. But then luckily, I met some real quality people in my classes and things got much better later in the school year, and my senior year wasn't bad at all and I got my +%@ in shape (lost 50 pounds) and met new people, including a girl that I'm still talking to regularly; I don't know what the future holds with her, but even if we don't end up being together, she's still one of my best friends now and I'm alright with that.
-I overanalyze situations; I definitely over-complicate social situations and sometimes assume the worst when it's not true at all. Like, I'll regret something I said even though it wasn't that bad. And then hang my head over it for the rest of the week.
-Girl who I've always had something with has been dating this guy for 2 years, she left for college a few months ago and before she left she considered leaving him for me. Told him she had feelings for me and everything, she didn't tell him that she cheated on him with me so of course he was gonna try and keep her. She ended up staying with him-reminded me why I don't catch feelings. This was the only girl that I have kept around as a friend, no %#%+ NT she was my bestfriend, we dated before but i #!+*%# that up, it didn't end bad but i was young and dumb. She came back in town this weekend for fall break and I hung out with her, her feelings came rushing back to her and now i'm in the same predicament, waiting to see if she'd leave him for me. I know this isn't how %#%+ is suppose to be but she's the only girl that I've ever trusted or been completely happy with, it's effortless.
-I worry too much, overanalyze every situation
-2nd year at a community college and still living at home, ready to get out so I don't have to deal with my family issues anymore, I have enough problems on my own and their issues make %#%+ alot worse
-Music is what I can relate to
-Turn down average looking girls that throw themselves at me because i'm not gonna lead them on just to smash
-I stress over the little things
-Wonder if the situation I'm in will work out and if for once things will start going my way
I'm 24 broke, still live at home, with no true friends. I always hope for the best yet expect the worse. Feels as if no body understands me. In a community college where its peaceful so I can feed off of the energy. Trying to get over a situation but I believe this is going to be drawn out longer than expected. Mindframe isn't Sharp at all. A shame where your the only one not smashing in your neighborhood. Lost my faith, I use to pray harder than a deacon do sweating in a hot church. Get tired of people trying to be nice to me based on the fact of what they heard about me, I'm not going to be any more jovial. Feels like I'm drowning on idiocracy. Confidence level is on negative trillion, but act like its higher. I have absolutely no swag to the point I'm starting to wonder about myself. I isolate myself from ideas, and crass behavior not people per say. Hard to explain. Inferiority complex, even with kids a freaking shame. I feel like I'm ADD, OPP, bi-polar, ADHD, dementia depressed, all in one. I am viewed as the lamest dude in my city, if they only knew. Not strong willed. I have a smart phone also and the only time people call is for a ride, matter fact only three people call me. Not really performing at a fraction of my true potential. Hopefully, ill get in UVA in the next two years.
My girlfriend asked me if I would be there for her no matter what happens. I said yes. That was a lie.

I wish I was smarter.

I don't take my education seriously.

I procrastinate too much. Here I am on NT at 3:12 in the morning and I haven't studied for my math test that I have tomorrow.

I think I broke my dad's car today.

Money is the only thing that motivates me in life.

I can't stop fapping.

I spend my financial aid on kicks.

I wish I was a kid again.

I hate the internet. It spoiled my mind.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

You guys are seriously need to stop looking for happiness and fulfillment in outside things you can't control. True happiness comes from within and take it from somebody that was the popular guy, got all the girls etc. You can be surrounded by people that adore you and still feel lonely........ trust me. Life is definetly tuff and most of you are in a stage of your life that is about getting to know yourself. I always tell myself when I see a girl I want or some exterior object that " I deserve it." You deserve to live a fruitful and happy life, but its up to you to make that happen for yourself. Stop being +$%!#%* and feeling sorry for yourself. You have more oppurtunity and things going for yourself than 85% of the planet. Things are bad but you have to carve your lane. I'm tired of all the phussy %$!$ I hear from people all the time. You live once and you have nothing to lose but time and respect for yourself. TAKE WHAT YOU WANt! If a girl isn't feeling you so what someone will, if you don't get the job you applied for so what try again and you will. If your fat take control and eat healthy and exercise. If you feel alone go out somewhere and %**!+@$ scream and wild out and people will feel your energy. We are young and when we are old you will regret being a cry baby that was scared to take chances. You deserve it..................
I love you.

I was gunna put my #+#$ but after reading that I feel that I should just swallow it (no Glen Davis) and follow this man advice.

I probably end up putting something up later though, but for now Im gunna meditate on this
I wake up stressed daily for reasons I don't know

I graduated with a graduate degree over a year ago and I'm still jobless (not sure if its because of my lack of skills or because I'm on a student visa)

I question my education almost daily, did I go to the right school? (no), get the right grades? (no), the right degrees (maybe)

I just moved to NYC and feel like I'm not taking advantage of the city, I don't know what to do or where to begin.

People tell me to be more aggressive, but I'm a 6" 6' black man, I'm afraid I'll scare people off.

Women...I can't get the types/ones I want, I don't try for a number of reasons, I feel I need to be more successful to go after the type of woman I want

I have been on NT for 7 years and it never gets old, it always manages to lift my spirits, Thanks NT
I've been "facebook-less" for 5 months or so now and couldn't be happier about it.

I just got converted to a Civil Servant and now have a career for life doing something i actually enjoy
-I'm a big procrastinator
- I love these threads. Makes me feel like I'm not alone.
-I'm a bum and I know it. I need to straighten hella stuff around my house but I'd rather stay on the computer and browse NT, fb, XDa, YouTube, and refresh em every 5 mins.
- theres a lotta stuff I still wanna buy off top but I know ill Eff up the $ for bills, etc.
-sometimes I reminiscence on how i used to shop everyday, buy up all the @%!$ in the malls and not give a %%%$ about anything.
-it saddens me sometimes that all of that ^ is over. But I have a house and a decent whip and a family so I'm glad I'm on the right path.
-I have over 4k in 'repairs' on my car and I wish I could just take it over to the dealership and knock it all out but I have to do it one at a time and its pissing me off.
-sometimes I let NT run my life with the new pickups and stuff, release dates, etc...even my view on women, And religion.

-I lack motivation, even though my wife believes in me. I can't see myself being successful.
-I'm really scared of getting rich cuz I see all people that have failed and fallen off.
-I'm afraid I'm gonna end up like my father. Prolly the reason I barely talk to him, call him. We only live 2 mins from each other.

I've said enough. /
- I worry about dying constantly 
- I talk to myself so much that I'm starting to think I'm the best person I've ever talkd to

- every girl I've ever had real feelings for wus named "jackie"

- I have two really major handicaps that some people would find impossible to live wit

- I really understand women but can't seem to get one that I wanna be wit beyond one night
I have few friends but a ton of acquaintances.

I can't figure out how to turn acquaintances into friends.
I have zero confidence, girls talk to me but I can't figure out why. If they do in fact like me, I don't have the confidence to believe that they like me.

And if they are ugly, I automatically ignore them.
failed my last required class for college grad....
reminisce about college life too much
sometimes feel unmotivated to do much of anything
middle name is procrastination
Broke up with my gf of 4 yrs about 3 months ago
Now she is pregnant..smh..time to man up
Haven't had a raise in 3 yrs. Working non-profit sucks sometimes
Got evicted out of my apartment - I was letting my brother & cousin stay there on & off knowing they were moving weight, they got caught & I got kicked out of my place..luckily no jail time for now
I work 7 days a week & haven't had a day off in almost 2 yrs..I want to quit my weekend part time gig but now i really need it
Smoke capones at least 4-6 times a day & I know it's going to kill me
I'm about $10,000 in debt
Never had a credit card & my bank told me I have no credit, but b/c of my debt I can't get approved for a credit card smh w/o the APR being 20% or higher
Have road rage & i know I'm gonna get locked up sometime this week. I honked at a guy in front of me at a green light.. he was making a left turn but didn't have his signal on so i would never have known. He gets mad & tells me not to f'n honk at him..I just found out the ex was pregnant so I was already pissed..jumped out the car and cold knocked him off of his motorcycle..saw bystanders took down the tags on my car..I know I'm going down sooner or later
Everyday I regret f'n up in college & losing that bball scholarship..best thing that truly ever happened to me & I wasted the opportunity..not to play ball but to gain a free college education

All silly stuff really but that's life
Broke up with my gf of 4 yrs about 3 months ago
Now she is pregnant..smh..time to man up
Haven't had a raise in 3 yrs. Working non-profit sucks sometimes
Got evicted out of my apartment - I was letting my brother & cousin stay there on & off knowing they were moving weight, they got caught & I got kicked out of my place..luckily no jail time for now
I work 7 days a week & haven't had a day off in almost 2 yrs..I want to quit my weekend part time gig but now i really need it
Smoke capones at least 4-6 times a day & I know it's going to kill me
I'm about $10,000 in debt
Never had a credit card & my bank told me I have no credit, but b/c of my debt I can't get approved for a credit card smh w/o the APR being 20% or higher
Have road rage & i know I'm gonna get locked up sometime this week. I honked at a guy in front of me at a green light.. he was making a left turn but didn't have his signal on so i would never have known. He gets mad & tells me not to f'n honk at him..I just found out the ex was pregnant so I was already pissed..jumped out the car and cold knocked him off of his motorcycle..saw bystanders took down the tags on my car..I know I'm going down sooner or later
Everyday I regret f'n up in college & losing that bball scholarship..best thing that truly ever happened to me & I wasted the opportunity..not to play ball but to gain a free college education

All silly stuff really but that's life
- I'm also introverted. Being in college made me this way. Work made me this way.
- I accel in my career because money and my job is all I have. It compensates for my empty personal life.
- Although being single gives me all the freedoms to do whatever I want, buy whatever I want and see whoever I want, I feel very empty and lonely inside.
- I'm single and all my friends are married or they have relationships. I make fairly good money and own nice material things, but I would trade my life for theirs in a second.
- I drive a fancy car, but I have noone to share the passenger seat with.
- I have few friends nowadays, but alot of acquaintances I rarely talk to now.
- I have a fear of dying alone.
- I fall for girls who are emotionally unavailable. I fall into the friendzone alot because I'm a simp. I can't help it.
- I don't like meeting new people and I'm afraid of change.
- I dwell in the past and never let anything go.
- I take things very personal and I care too much about what people think of me. I'm cynical and calculated, I over analyze everything.
- I lack assertiveness and confidence. Always. I hide it very well at times than others.
- I'm afraid to admit all this to anyone I'm close to.

My grandfather is dying of cancer and has no more than 2 months (which is a generous amount of time at this point) and I'm on NT complaining and venting. I should be more grateful for my health and youth, but it's overshadowed by stress and the fact that I feel very alone most of the time. It's painful to think about. It makes me wonder if I'll live a full, long and loving life like his while he's got a little time left. Once he's gone, I'll only feel more alone. I hide behind the facade of material wealth by buying a fancy car, shoes, toys, hats, tech etc. I always assume that it will make misery easier to live with but the cliche is right, money can't buy happiness.

Collecting sneakers stopped being a hobby months ago. They're like pain killers. I buy a pair to ease the pain, then buy another pair a few weeks after to do the same thing. At the end of the day, my life is still empty. All my friends are at the point of settling down, they don't go out anymore, they don't meet new people, try new things, go on dates etc. Everything is confined to one set group of people. I'm forced by nature and attachment to these people to do what they do. My chances to go out there and meet that one girl that could fill that void of being alone and empty is exponentially depleting. I'm always the odd man out.
- I don't think I'm in love with my daughters mother anymore... I mean I love her but I'm just not in love with her... We have been through alot over the years but it's a really @#$^&$@ up feeling... I really don't want to hurt her... IDK what to do...

-My Father hasn't been getting his workers comp paycheck... Guess who has to pay his bills??

-I'm working two jobs... Which has been great... The 2nd job is cool... the money is good... BUT... I miss that time with my daughter.... most of the time when I get off she is already sleep and when we wake up in the morning I have to drop her off... Right back to work....

-My mother hasn't been doing too well.... She's had 17 back surgeries.... I wouldn't advise anyone to get their back operated on unless it is absolutely necessary...

But all in all... Things have been worse...  and I know they will get better... Life is a female dog sometimes...

To all those stressing... Keep your head up... Try to have a positive attitude about life and DON'T STRESS THINGS YOU CAN'T CONTROL...
Broke up with my gf of 4 yrs about 3 months ago
Now she is pregnant..smh..time to man up
Haven't had a raise in 3 yrs. Working non-profit sucks sometimes
Got evicted out of my apartment - I was letting my brother & cousin stay there on & off knowing they were moving weight, they got caught & I got kicked out of my place..luckily no jail time for now
I work 7 days a week & haven't had a day off in almost 2 yrs..I want to quit my weekend part time gig but now i really need it
Smoke capones at least 4-6 times a day & I know it's going to kill me
I'm about $10,000 in debt
Never had a credit card & my bank told me I have no credit, but b/c of my debt I can't get approved for a credit card smh w/o the APR being 20% or higher
Have road rage & i know I'm gonna get locked up sometime this week. I honked at a guy in front of me at a green light.. he was making a left turn but didn't have his signal on so i would never have known. He gets mad & tells me not to f'n honk at him..I just found out the ex was pregnant so I was already pissed..jumped out the car and cold knocked him off of his motorcycle..saw bystanders took down the tags on my car..I know I'm going down sooner or later
Everyday I regret f'n up in college & losing that bball scholarship..best thing that truly ever happened to me & I wasted the opportunity..not to play ball but to gain a free college education

All silly stuff really but that's life
^I hope you don't man.
...It may be satisfying for you, but it will hurt many others.

I remember a while back when some kid on 4chan was dared to shoot up his school, and he did.
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