NT it's your time to get it off your chest now thread.

Originally Posted by VietStar

^I hope you don't man.
...It may be satisfying for you, but it will hurt many others.

I remember a while back when some kid on 4chan was dared to shoot up his school, and he did.
dont worry man, im not about that life. + i'd be a easy target in jail

but man some of the teachers need to be put in a damn hospital or something so they be less *****y with their work.
-just got out of jail was locked up for a few days. domestic violence smh at myself. dont know if i can ever be with my wife again . deep down i still love her but its tough. dont think i can ever trust her again. 

dont know how ima get a job.  my life is pretty much dead right now but hey at least thank god i got my freedom. 
I haven't smashed in a month and a half. Been dating these females but I haven't found myself interested in them. (I just wanna smash and move on) they playin hard to get cause they more than likely know I am about that life. I worked hard to have everything I have today and yet I'm not satisfied or content. I am happy with life, but it's been a little sluggish as of late. Got a DUI not to long ago and it kinda sucks. Feel like getting a bazooka an blowing myself up. And only suckas I surround myself with are a group of &@#%s ready for that.
I'm 23 and still working on my B.A. while most of my friends have graduated but for some odd reason I'm thankful I'm still living a semi-college life because some of their lives sound more depressing than mine (although I don't believe my life is depressing at all, just if we had to scale things 

I'm unemployed currently and have been for a kool amount of months but for some reasons I stay havin ho3z blowin up my phone, but if they don't have they own spot I'm not smashin (unless I use my boys house) I don't know what it is but for some reason I always got money in my pocket fresh kicks/clothing and boxes full of magnums to go through. These females keep me afloat I tell you.

I haven't bought a new pair of shoes since like January of this year and that's one of the few materialistic things that can make me happy (my next cop is pearl foams)

My aunt is kicking me out of her house just cuz she's tired of having to share the house with someone so now with the help of my mother I'll be getting my own spot soon.

I have a motorola cliq and I want to throw the damn thing.

Although I love my car it's came through for me on so many occasions and was perfect to
in. I'm tired of this hoopty and hopefully soon my moms will be giving her whip to me when she cops an Audi truck and I can give my whip to my sister.

I smoke weed everyday. I don't even buy it really, everybody around me keeps it lit everyday so that's what we do. I need to cut back and hopefully being busy with work and school I do.

I currently talking to/dating this girl I'm actually fond of. She's attractive to the point where all my boys was like
but she's not a dime. She's just a cute nice girl and that's all I really want, she's humble, works hard for what she has and is trying to further herself even though she admits its hard. I can do nothing but respect that. More than her looks it's her personality which hella attracts me to her and I think the feeling is mutual. I don't wanna F things up so i think I'm going to be slow careful and respectful. It sucks though cuz I got like 3 old flings and they all bad and they all wanna get with me now that I'm tryina keep it koo and settle down....why do things have to work like this! i swear i don't wanna be a player but I crush so much

haven't made my parents proud in a long time and i'm hoping with some hard work I can do that soon.

I've realized with every bad situation there is a scapegoat, it might take a while to get there and it might not always be the results you expected but you will eventually get out your situation if you endure.
*I hate talking on the phone.  People will call me incessantly and 95% of the time, I'll ignore it and hit them back afterwards if it's important.  
*I've always been a "rock" for the people in my life...everyone (friends and family) always turns to me for everything.  Since it genuinely makes me happy to see those around me happy, I am always there to help.  But I'm incapable of letting others all the way in with my own life because I recognize that I'm different. And I don't think they could handle a day in my shoes, so why bother.  I can handle it myself.

*Marijuana is a beautiful thing if used properly, and I can't stand when people who are ignorant to its use...make stupid comments about it.  Ever since I moved to Los Angeles for my career, I've been smoking and it truly has helped me to awaken my inner self and ascend the ladder of consciousness, so to speak.  

*I do NOT like the establishment of church at all.  I have a very strong and powerful personal relationship with God, and I feel that church and the majority of the people 

inside it could only do damage to it.  

*I am not patriotic what so ever.  The pledge of allegiance hasn't crossed my lips in close to 10 years.  I still want the absolute best for all of the people who live here, and I'm extremely passionate about the wellbeing of everyone who inhibits the country...I just don't have the slightest bit of pride for "America" as an establishment.

*I am great with people and get along with pretty much every person I encounter.  But deep down, I'm pretty shy and somehow I'm just really adept at hiding that.  

*I always used to fear I would be alone for the rest of my life, but I no longer feel that way.  Or rather... I no longer care to waste energy on such a negative thought.  

*I enjoy solitude...because of it, I've truly grown to understand and appreciate myself over the past 2 years; and I've never been happier.

*I have a problem with the people in my generation because most seemingly just don't care about ANYTHING of importance these days.  They have no standards, no sense of responsibility.  Men don't wanna be men and women don't wanna be women...I guess it's just too much work for people to be responsible and to hold themselves accountable for their actions. 

*I've overcome so much in my life that at this point, I truly believe I can accomplish any and everything.  I don't feel invincible...I just believe I'm capable of anything I put my mind to and after so many hardships throughout my childhood until now...I believe that I deserve more than that.  I feel that I deserve the best.  Which is why I won't ever rest...because I now realize that I can always become better than I was the day before.  There is always room to improve.

*Living in Hollywood has caused me to truly hate the music industry (entertainment really) as a whole, which could be a problem because I'm involved in it 
.  But over the past 2 years, I've just been studying and observing what goes on, and I'm using all of my experiences and learning from them so that I can effectively do it differently.  I'm gonna bring change to this game...I promise. I love music too much for it's integrity to be completely lost due to the "game."  It helped to save my life...so I owe it one.   
The past sucks, for the most part, but im trying to LEARN from it.

Too much money is going to MJ... SMH

I put trust in only a few cause there are a bunch of fakes out here

I need to get 100% serious about my education..

The girls I want are always the hardest to get, and most the girls I do hook up with aren't my type of wifey

I wish money would grow on trees... life would get great
-I think over the past few months I have become too carefree. I'm way more laid back then I used to be, maybe it's because I'm not with the crazy girl I was with.

-Speaking of which, I wrote my ex a NASTY email a week ago. We haven't talked since March, but my sisters best friend was her roommate. She found out my ex was stealing money from her for months and owed her something like 500, she refused to admit it/pay her back, and my sister's friend wasn't on the lease so she straight moved out and my ex went NUTS. Nothing pleased me more then to see her get screwed over, she deserved it.

-I simped too much when I first met my ex, and do I regret it. Sold a good portion of my shoe collection to take her on a vacation
. Slowly rebuilding what I had.....

-I can't stand my "best" friend from HS. We went through a phase where we didn't talk for like 2 years. Were cool again, and he's still a giant dbag to me. I know he stalks me on NT to see what I'm up to and will probably see this
. Are you really incapable of responding to me when I ask you about doing a fantasy football trade? Yeah I see you in my newsfeed insta-responding anytime one of those 18 year old girls writes on your wall
While I'm on the topic I can't stand any of the people I was friends with in HS... too me they all seem fake as hell these days and pretty much never hear from any of them unless its for the fantasy football league.

-I went through a phase after I broke up with my girl where I drank myself to sleep every night, thankfully I got away from that and started hitting the gym as much as possible to get over it. It's worked pretty damn well thus far.

-I also turned to
, one of my good friends cousins smokes pretty much all day every day. I finally tried it, and enjoy it way too much. It doesn't effect my workouts so I don't see a reason to stop. I think this has contributed to me being way more laid back as well.

-I haven't even attempted to go after a female since breaking up with my ex. After being in a 3-year relationship it seems like to much effort to put forth again. I'm too relaxed and stress-free being single and just enjoying life. Although there is a new girl at work i'm seriously considering going after, it's gonna piss off another guy who wants her though

-A position opened up at work that I could apply for, but I just went through the interview process for a Supervisor spot about 3 weeks ago, didn't get it, and am not sure if I want to go through that process again so soon.

-My hair is thinning like crazy on the right side of my head.... it's weird... and I don't like it, but the left side is fine
Classes started only 3 weeks ago, I'm already skipping lecture and not giving a damn
I'm in love, but I'm 19. Yes simp.
My neighbor is super cute, but thankfully we're both already taken and I wouldn't trade my current girl for anything.
I finally smushed.
I'm doing Insanity and lifting on the regular, but I want faster weight-loss results.
I'm not a bad driver, I'm just selfish.
I can't wait to transfer out of this school, but I'm not doing much about it right now

Last weekend was probably the best weekend I've had for months, and honestly I couldn't be any happier in life.
...Except that I'm broke.
Originally Posted by So Slickening

I have killed over 60 people, and my family has no idea. Nobody alive knows. I dump their dismembered bodies in the ocean to dispose of the evidence. Recently, I killed an innocent man by mistake. I told someone it was a hunting accident and that I was distressed. He offered to help get me through. That man was the next person I was going to kill.

After I killed him, I came home to my wife dead in a bathtub and my infant son sitting in her blood. It was all my fault. I had to tell my other 2 kids the news upon returning from Disney World with their grandparents. My daughter hates me - she said I should have been there to protect her mother.

I have been making funeral arrangements and I have just felt so detached from the world. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for listening, NT.
was like...


*I hate talking on the phone.  People will call me incessantly and 95% of the time, I'll ignore it and hit them back afterwards if it's important.  

Same here...unless I know why they're calling, usually I'll just let it ring and if it's important enough they'll leave me a message or text.

I kinda hate having to make a phone call too, if I had to contact someone I would much rather text or even e-mail something. It just allows me to get what I want to get across so much easier.
Originally Posted by lakersman2000

-just got out of jail was locked up for a few days. domestic violence smh at myself. dont know if i can ever be with my wife again . deep down i still love her but its tough. dont think i can ever trust her again. 

dont know how ima get a job.  my life is pretty much dead right now but hey at least thank god i got my freedom. 

is that your wife in your avy?
Im 17 and still cant tell if a girl is feelin me(not even close to putting signs together.lol.need help.)...but at the same time I feel like I can have any girl I want.

I was close to robbing people for this new Gucci watch that came out. its $680 white armbands black face and all.)

I couldve and shouldve smashed this older women on this criuse I recently went to.She gave me thhe eye the whole time but I couldnt put it together in my head while I was there.Now that Im home it makes sense.She wasnt amazing looking but Imma sucker for light-skinned girls.fml

when I was little I always wanted to die before high school so I wouldnt have to go.Now I look back and feel like a !%%%+#@.

I have a lot of ideas I need to put on paper.
Originally Posted by shaft

Originally Posted by lakersman2000

-just got out of jail was locked up for a few days. domestic violence smh at myself. dont know if i can ever be with my wife again . deep down i still love her but its tough. dont think i can ever trust her again. 

dont know how ima get a job.  my life is pretty much dead right now but hey at least thank god i got my freedom. 

is that your wife in your avy?
I had a great summer with getting money and it all came to a stop....I hate not having enough money to be comfortable

I hate how ALL my friends constantly ask me "Where the *#**$$*?" When they know good and damn well I ain't got none

I wish I could live somewhere where it's warm year round....I hate DC weather in the Fall and Winter.......Miami would be great but anywhere with nice weather would be just fine.

I'm 23 and have NEVER been in a serious relationship....I really wonder if it will ever happen

Im never satisfied with my wants and a SPENT A LOT OF MONEY this summer and got almost everything I wanted but I am still not satisfied when will it END

But one thing is for sure I keep a smile on my face cause I always know there someone worst off than me and I am a very blessed person
I've been living with my girlfriend for about 2 years, at this point I don't even feel as if I truly love her anymore. As bad as it sounds, it's just convenient to have company at home and someone to lay next to at night. Not even sexually attracted to her at this point. Don't want to break it off because financially I know she wouldn't be able to hold herself up (she moved into my apartment, I pay for everything), she works in retail on commission and pay isn't exactly the greatest. She's been through enough in her life and I don't want to put her in an even worse position....especially when I've heard her say numerous times that sometimes she wishes she wasn't alive. At the same time, I have to worry about myself more than anything, but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. She loves me and has stuck with me through some f$^&*@ up things that I've done. No idea what I'm going to do, but I do know I'll probably wind up cheating. Moving in together was definitely the wrong decision.
- I owe my momz like 500.00 + due to my car being in the shop...
-it bothers the hell out of me that i want chinese, arab, spanish or even indian booty... and i just for the life of me cant line one up... i juss want change...
-it bothers me even more that i find selena gomez madd attractive and everyone hits me with the

- effffff school.
-im afraid that my weed habit will  be end of me..
-it kills me that my indian friend laughs at me everytime i bring up us having sex on some real talks.. she has the most proper hour glass figure ive ever seen

- im emotionally jacked up, dont beleive in love, nor trust anyone
-ive grown soo damn tired of partying every weekend, yet i find myself always at the get togethers..
-ive grown tired of my job but im far too lazy to look for another..smh
-im the type of dude whos car's gas is ALWAYS on low... SMDFH...

thats it..
Me and my girl just broke up 3 hrs ago and i don't even care. I know its gonna hit me later on though. Damn
Originally Posted by jdi23

Me and my girl just broke up 3 hrs ago and i don't even care. I know its gonna hit me later on though. Damn
Hang in there man!

You will realize it is for the best man.

- Got put in the "friendzone" after smashing main chick more than a handful of times, because I smashed some freakszeezo while the aforementioned chick was on some bs tip..

I want to drop her, but the P was fantastical the last time..
The freak b wasn't even worth this drought im in.. smfh

I just finished Medial school and im a Registered Phlebotomy Technician 

last week I had an interview that went well company called me in to do some more hand on stuff 

its the next week they call me on Monday I returned the phone call later now they are acting like they dont know why

or who called me im just trying to figure out did I get the job or not cut the bull$#!# already dont you see im trying to

go the right path in my life I can easily get some product and get on the block and become a statistic why is this $#!@ so hard

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