NT Let's Talk Horror Movies.....

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Some of you guys don't know horror AT all.This will give you nightmares for the rest of your life. Trust me
So I read the plot on IMDB for this movie... and I have NO idea what it's about. Made me confused andquestioning what I'm trying to dl. Wanna tell me so I know if I want to watch it or not?
Originally Posted by SneakerLips

Does anyone have a link to that movie shrooms??
shrooms is not a good flick, you could see the "twist" coming a mile away.


i have little to no faith that the remake of this will be any good. this one shouldve been left alone but i hope im proven wrong.
Originally Posted by Freshly Snipes

Originally Posted by Shaky3

When A Stranger Calls is probably the scariest movie I've seen. IDK why but I watched it when it first came out and I was shook lol.

this is easily one of the worst movies ive ever seen in life
Says the guy that was entertained by Quarantine
says the guy who listed pet semetary. dude never made a movie worth watchin other than misery. all his other stuff was laughable
quarantine>>any movie stephen king made

i have little to no faith that the remake of this will be any good. this one shouldve been left alone but i hope im proven wrong.
i didnt know they were remaking this

has anybody ever seen that movie mothers day??
There are different types of horror....i've always wanted to see something that would have me shook and i have yet to see something like that.


For each type listed, what would you recommend? Im more into the Psycological/Disturbing types of movies myself.
I just watched the Cannibal Holocaust. man that #+@% is twisted....

Spoiler [+]
Dude got his junk cut off
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Some of you guys don't know horror AT all.This will give you nightmares for the rest of your life. Trust me
They actually have the entire movie up on youtube.
Originally Posted by Plan Beats

The Collector looks kinda ill.

Co-sign. If one thing I will give to todays Horror genre is the fact they still have some good concepts.
But they always find a way to mess up the plot.
The Collector is also made by the same directors as Saw. That plus the fact that they will be boobie traps in the house makes me think
a little less of the movie.
Two mentioned in here:

Sleepaway Camp
Event Horizon

Sleepaway Camp - unexpectedly scary. But go in FRESH. Don't read any synopsis, don't read any reviews.

Event Horizon - I went in thinking this was going to be like Star Trek or Star Wars. It was terribly scary and I don't even remember why
It was scarythough.
Originally Posted by Shaky3

When A Stranger Calls is probably the scariest movie I've seen. IDK why but I watched it when it first came out and I was shook lol.
I hope you're talking about the original (which I haven't seen) and not the remake. The girl's acting was so terrible that I waslaughing the entire movie. Not scary at all.
Let The Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in)

Swedish movie. So good. Not really that scary, however.
Originally Posted by Ridgemont Fly

So Did Anyone See The Collector ?

It wasn't bad. It was the typical maniac killer stalking a family thing. The traps in the house were pretty amusing. A few of them were kind of gross.Ngl, I laughed a few times. It was decent though.
There was a movie about a killer in Poughkeepsie, NY. I forget what the name was. Can anyone help me out with this.

And Quarantine scared the !@#$ outta me for some reason.
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