NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1


will be back Saturday with weight, height...

and the only thing holding me back is the piff...the munchies are real....i can control myself all day, but after work if i smoke i tend to eat before bed...

Really? I feel like that only happens to me MAYBE once a month. I kinda kicked the munchies a long time ago. Only when I try a new blend I feel like i get them.

Dont skip leg day! LOLZ

I'm 5'10, 180 pounds... I got hard on legs once a week. I know my leg press max is somewhere at 1100 pounds. I can straight leg dead lift around 315 too. I honestly work my legs every morning though.. In my morning routine I do 100 jump squats with no weight, 100 squats with 60 pounds, 100 lunges with 60 pounds (50 each leg), in addition to other core and upper body workouts.

I probably just need some more supplements in my diet to increase growth. I am only using GNC Beyond Raw protein powder right now but come next month I am going to add ON Whey Protein, ON Casein, ON Creatine, BCAAs (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine), Beta Alanine, ALCAR, L-Caritine L-Tartrate, Green Tea Extract, Maca, ZMA, Yohimbe, Caffeine, CLA, Ogoplex, ON Amino Acid 2222, Lecithin, and HGW.

It might sound like I'm pumping my body with a lot of stuff, but I'll cycle stack some of the supplements, but majority of them will be for everyday.

I am also going to change my diet to eat five times a day to support all of the supplements.

Damn b , panties must drop as soon as they enter the crib :lol:

The body is just a shell to complement the G. It's the G that gets the panties honestly.

I wish I knew all the lingo and what supplements all you guys are taking .

Look at the aforementioned supplements in my first reply.. Some promote fat loss though, so I'm not sure what you should take because I don't know your goals.

What do ya'll think of completely abandoning meats and cheeses(except maybe fish, or once in a week one meal with either meat or cheese. Not completely throwing it out a la herbivore style, but severely limiting it)?

My dude, you should definitely start eating your red meat in portions. 8 oz for dinner is what works for me, and I eat it like 2 times a week (sirloin steak). I recommend going to a deli with fresh meats and buying meats on the day of consumption. Nothing more counter productive in buying meat, freezing, and thawing it to eat it because some chemicals in the meat change. It is supposedly bad for you, and if you look at frozen meat, you can kind see why/how it can be.

Are those tracker apps any good? When fitday.com first came out, I tried to use it and besides being more work to track my own food, all their entries seemed to be way off so I had to make cusotm entries for every single thing and it was such a hassle. I just use a small spiral notebook and draw a table. I normally aim for 1800-2000 calories, 200+ g of protein, 60g of fat, something around there, went over yesterday and gained 5 lbs (yes I weigh myself right after I wake up) although I don't remember the last time I **** so I really think that's what it is because I did 2 insanity workouts between 5 and 11, don't see how I could have ended up over maintanence
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I use the BodySpace app by bodybuilding.com. It is pretty effective and has a reorder system for all of my supplements when I'm running low on them.

akajae akajae I'll help you out brah. Srs.

if you do a good job I'll send you that born sinner cd :tongue: :lol:

But nah I'll really help you and rck if you'd like. Just PM me any questions you have :pimp:
Starts March first right?
I'll eat everything in sight for the next two days.

Any smokers of that green stuff?
How do you check what you eat when you have the munchies? I find that **** so difficult.

Srs question.
thinking about depleting my calorie intake from 2200 to 1400 for this cut.

@diego i hear on this issue/ im having the same thing.

after work i normally take a hit before heading to the gym.

the after effect is intense/ get super hungry ..even after i eat a small portion...

lately i'v been drinking alot of water when i get this way...

currently 5'11 214lb

akajae akajae I'll help you out brah. Srs.

if you do a good job I'll send you that born sinner cd :tongue: :lol:

But nah I'll really help you and rck if you'd like. Just PM me any questions you have :pimp:

Thanks man. you can keep the J. Cole cd tho :lol:

I just need a routine to follow. What I should be working on each week or something.

Also what food to avoid. I'm a single male who doesn't cook so I need help in that department :lol:

I'm not fat, per se...

but I definitely need drop some pounds and lose this beer belly.

I love drinking beer though :lol: :smh:
I'm in this bish

Currently 6'3-4 ish at 285 lb

Trying to get rid of this masive gut. Got a YMCA membership and bout to give all women the creepy stare while I get my lean on
MyFitnessPal is an incredible app and it's free.

Give up meat? Never been an option.
Giving up certain cuts of meat should be something everyone should look into.

Chicken Breast and lean cuts of meat (flank steak, bison, tri tip, etc). Protein rich and amazing, can't give it up, frankly there isn't a need to.
quick tips: don't weigh yourself everyday. once a week is fine. weigh yourself when you wake after you piss (and crap) and before you eat or drink anything. weight fluctuates greatly during the day. weighing yourself first thing in the morning gives you a more accurate measure of your progress from week to week.
quick tips: don't weigh yourself everyday. once a week is fine. weigh yourself when you wake after you piss (and crap) and before you eat or drink anything. weight fluctuates greatly during the day. weighing yourself first thing in the morning gives you a more accurate measure of your progress from week to week.
To add.. Weigh yourself with just boxers on.. Don't be wearing your work clothes or jeans. It's just a way to be more consistent.
Doing the opposite trying to get to 1300 total on my big 3. 5'7 and just passed 200 lbs prolly 17% bf. Team bear mode :pimp:
To the bros in here lol I`m the wrong person to ask about diets.

I would say start here

use that to get a good Idea of your Calories you need whether you're cutting or bulking (keep in mind this is an estimate so use it as a guide and adjust accordingly), also recommends Macros

As for workouts I have my own custom routine since I've found what worked for me but Starting strength is a great program for dudes who are new to lifting (I used this when I started)

I`ll update the OP with this info
Doing the opposite trying to get to 1300 total on my big 3. 5'7 and just passed 200 lbs prolly 17% bf. Team bear mode
Im with you. 

A wise man once said, you can be 170lbs SHREDDED but in a t shirt you still look like a skinny ****** 
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thinking about depleting my calorie intake from 2200 to 1400 for this cut.
@diego i hear on this issue/ im having the same thing.
after work i normally take a hit before heading to the gym.
the after effect is intense/ get super hungry ..even after i eat a small portion...
lately i'v been drinking alot of water when i get this way...
currently 5'11 214lb

How can you manage to only eat 1400? I'm currently sitting just under 2000, but 1400 seems a bit low.
I'm in. I cut out all breads, tortillas, pasta etc no starches only meat veggies fruit and fat free dairy. Trying to drop 20 lbs by May but I'll go to June
thinking about depleting my calorie intake from 2200 to 1400 for this cut.
@diego i hear on this issue/ im having the same thing.
after work i normally take a hit before heading to the gym.
the after effect is intense/ get super hungry ..even after i eat a small portion...
lately i'v been drinking alot of water when i get this way...
currently 5'11 214lb

How can you manage to only eat 1400? I'm currently sitting just under 2000, but 1400 seems a bit low.

1400 is dangerous. How many times are you eating a day?
1400 is dangerous. How many times are you eating a day?
as of now before this diet begins i eat about 6 times a day starting from 9am till 9pm.

i also work out for about 70-90 minute on a 5-6 day average.

i understand 1400 is very low , and im afraid my body will go into panic mode (which happened before and i fell off the diet)

but i want to put in work and get this going. I failed before but this time i think im mentally prepared for what is to come.

I am finishing up a diet log for what i will be eating and what not and i will share when finished.

the only issue i see is when im at 1400 intake a day i get light headed sometime..i need to control my insulin spikes...

Goal: 190-195

Current: 213lb.

Any insight is appreciable fellas

Lets get it
We're just keeping logs and posting updates in this thread right? I know theres already a stay in shape thread where some of these questions can be addressed.
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