NT OPEN YOUR EYES...*insert sarcasm*

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Thats why you my dude AMP.

Like I said certain dudes pick up on things, certain dudes don't.

I was just trying to put y'all on to the hidden images in the video. I didn't want to take it to this deep of a level. But since we're already there...

The constitution is a Masonic document. Masonry is based off of Moorish law, which is based off of Islamic law carried brought into Europe, sparking the "renaissance" (
). Just listen to Obama's Egyptian speech. Check how many times the term "free man/men" is used in the constitution. It has a particular meaning in the law and that law has an indisputable history.

"Blacks" and "Hispanics" don't know their true national identities. Black is color of a crayon, not a national identity. And African-American is clearly a distinction from a true "American". There is a reason why "minorities" can be done so dirty under this system of the law and why nations can be established for particular groups. There are multiple tribes Israel.

People are forgoing their sovereign birthrights and accepting any ever changing brand of identity placed on them . If we knew our true identity and history, reparations would be the last thing on our minds. Thats the Bey and Cherokee part.

Moor Gone

Free Man
Blacks Also Owned Miles of� US Pre-Columbian Lands

By Paul Barton, editorial, TOMRIC Agency (Dar es Salaam), 25 May 2001 Washington D.C.�

One of the saddest aspects of enslavement in the Americas, particular North America, is the fact that all forms of education was denied us and still is today. Blacks were forced to remain ignorant and told they have no history or culture.�

Well, here is the problem, most African-Americans are still void of historical knowledge particularly of their ownership to lands right here in the U.S.�

Blacks owned about one million square miles of land in the Louisiana Territories and the South Eastern/Florida region, as well as California. In all these areas of the U.S., there were Black African-American nations before Columbus, who were targeted for enslavement due to the Papal Edict that gave the Christian nations of Europe the go-ahead to make slaves of all descendants of Ham found in the newly discovered lands This fact cannot be denied. The essay on Black Civilizations of Ancient America, published as the great book; Susu Economics the History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, tells a reality of this.�

While many of Africans? ancestors were kidnapped in Africa, many were Africans who came from West Africa, had a number of kingdoms and empires in the Southern parts of the U.S., and who were captured, had their lands taken and their persons sold into slavery. These Africans were direct black ancestors and their had a continuing connection with West Africa which included trade and commerce on the very eve of the invasion of the Europeans to the Americas.�

In 1991, the U.S. returned about 68,000 square acres of land to the Wa****aw Nation of Louisiana, one of the prehistoric Black nations of the United States (See www.hotep.org). This group of Blacks is the evidence of the Black ownership of land and the Black presence before English and Spanish/French colonization of North America.�

Many Blacks living today are descended from the pre-Columbian Black nations and it is time that issue is included in the reparation discussion. They should locate who are the descendants of these pre-Columbian African nations in the U.S. (perhaps the entire mixed African-American population, since most of these Black tribes were enslaved and shipped to plantations and mixed with Blacks from Africa).

Its so weird hearing a white dude talk about this stuff. I guess its true what they say..they know who we are but we don't.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

People are forgoing their sovereign birthrights and accepting any ever changing brand of identity placed on them .

N word...
People are rebels for no real reason...


Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I told some one to wake up in this thread?


good rebuttal. Folks is sittin here with an "open mind" and you still have no reply? do you not understand nine's and I point?

A reply to what?

What are you looking for exactly?

i didnt see your followin replies. your next post had more info.

so my bad. but there are peopple interested, and ready to hear/learn of your thoughts, knowledge or whatever, its just your presentation. again my bad in thatsense, and ill continue reading.
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

apparently u need to open your own eyes if you dont know anything about wind ideology

keep ur eyes open, dont try and go to the library they wont have nothing

let me help you out a little.

The theoretic aspect of the Wind Path or Wind-based Philosophy, represents the mental or intellectual side of the Wind-based metaparadigm, including of the Esoteric Wind-based Paradigm. Inspiration for Wind-based Theory may range from mere intellectualising of the gross physical mind, to some opening to inner realities but still totally exoteric, to fully esoteric and higher intuitive. Obviously though all these categories still shade into each other.

Ideally, any Wind-based Theory should incorporate all previous fields and areas of knowledge and practice. As such, it would constitute a mental "map" or big picture that allows the integration of human knowledge, and incorporates the understanding of various ancient and modern cultures including the insights of secular modernity. It can also be considered Integrative because it integrates all other interpretations and fields of understanding A good example of this intellectual-philosophical perspective - albeit limited to the exoteric sphere - is the Molervian and much of the post-Molervian Wind-based movement.

Its very big limitation is that theory alone cannot provide salvation; in fact empty theory goes nowhere. And the limitation of exotericism, including Molervian theory, is that the real occult causal factors behind the human condition are left untouched. Therefore people can follow that path and, remaining deluded, act with the grossest immaturity, narcissism, and self-righteous self-justification. Their followers, being equally deluded (in the manner of the blind leading the blind) would defend the emotionalistic outbursts of their gurus and teachers, and attack and criticise any who would question such actions or credentials based upon them. And this is the reason why much of the Wind-based movement up till now has been a gross moral and spiritual failure, no matter how much success it may have had as a popular intellectual New Age philosophy.
I thought the only thing was the skull at the end (that was the only thing visible and very apparent that could be easily deintified at the end)....

I didn't even think to look throughout the video. WOW though
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

What I found interesting too is how different version of digital media can affect your perception of things...

Like Bootleg vs Imax. Different viewing experiences on each platform.

The higher the resolution the video platform, the more you can catch with the bare eye.

Makes you wonder what else can be going on right in front of your eyes doesn't it?

The problem with the compressed versions is iwth lower image quality, compression loses poart of those frames - so it's not entirely "what you cancatch with the bare eye" - actual information is being removed. Thanks for the HD, Vimeo version. I wanna see the uncompressed working copy.�
I read this thread... still dont kno what the point is... but i wanna open my eyes

Idc i'll take a PM or somethin. but uh yea... im confused
OK. I watched the low quality version. I could not see much. I can see so much more in the HD version

On a semi-related note, has anyone seen any of the Industry Exposed videos?
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

I read this thread... still dont kno what the point is... but i wanna open my eyes

Idc i'll take a PM or somethin. but uh yea... im confused
I'm in the same boat as well. I'm trying to understand whats going on but i feel like it is going in one ear and out the other. Shoot me apm with some knowledge plz
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Blacks Also Owned Miles of� US Pre-Columbian Lands

By Paul Barton, editorial, TOMRIC Agency (Dar es Salaam), 25 May 2001 Washington D.C.�

One of the saddest aspects of enslavement in the Americas, particular North America, is the fact that all forms of education was denied us and still is today. Blacks were forced to remain ignorant and told they have no history or culture.�

Well, here is the problem, most African-Americans are still void of historical knowledge particularly of their ownership to lands right here in the U.S.�

Blacks owned about one million square miles of land in the Louisiana Territories and the South Eastern/Florida region, as well as California. In all these areas of the U.S., there were Black African-American nations before Columbus, who were targeted for enslavement due to the Papal Edict that gave the Christian nations of Europe the go-ahead to make slaves of all descendants of Ham found in the newly discovered lands This fact cannot be denied. The essay on Black Civilizations of Ancient America, published as the great book; Susu Economics the History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, tells a reality of this.�

While many of Africans? ancestors were kidnapped in Africa, many were Africans who came from West Africa, had a number of kingdoms and empires in the Southern parts of the U.S., and who were captured, had their lands taken and their persons sold into slavery. These Africans were direct black ancestors and their had a continuing connection with West Africa which included trade and commerce on the very eve of the invasion of the Europeans to the Americas.�

In 1991, the U.S. returned about 68,000 square acres of land to the Wa****aw Nation of Louisiana, one of the prehistoric Black nations of the United States (See www.hotep.org). This group of Blacks is the evidence of the Black ownership of land and the Black presence before English and Spanish/French colonization of North America.�

Many Blacks living today are descended from the pre-Columbian Black nations and it is time that issue is included in the reparation discussion. They should locate who are the descendants of these pre-Columbian African nations in the U.S. (perhaps the entire mixed African-American population, since most of these Black tribes were enslaved and shipped to plantations and mixed with Blacks from Africa).


I know of this being true in the Caribbean, but haven't heard or read of this in regards to the US
mos def being a mason aint goin allow me to afford bottle service my eyes are open and i see one of the best videos of the year
Originally Posted by vezon

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

I read this thread... still dont kno what the point is... but i wanna open my eyes

Idc i'll take a PM or somethin. but uh yea... im confused
I'm in the same boat as well. I'm trying to understand whats going on but i feel like it is going in one ear and out the other. Shoot me a pm with some knowledge plz

Im the captiain of said boat
I'm a little confused though. Is there actual PROOF that there were "Black Kingdoms" in America that predated European colonization? If so, whatbooks would I be looking toward? This is all extremely interesting, but I've just never heard any of this, even throughout college.

Is this view accepted/being worked towards being proven or has it already BEEN proven?

Again, I don't doubt any of it since there is a great deal that historians choose to ignore because it would change the view of America and other majorworld powers, but I literally am just hearing all of this for the first time.
It always gets me when ppl talk about Christianity being a white man's religion and feeling bad for black Christians. I just wish they were more open tolearning about the history of this.

It's just so crazy to me how it's bought in to:smh:
There are a couple of people that analyze videos on youtube. Look up lennonhonor films and go to favs and see other people vids.

Good stuff.
i wonder what Mos is trying to get through with these demonic images, kinda creepy if you ask me

link to HueyP's Jay-Z thread?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I'm a little confused though. Is there actual PROOF that there were "Black Kingdoms" in America that predated European colonization? If so, what books would I be looking toward? This is all extremely interesting, but I've just never heard any of this, even throughout college.

Is this view accepted/being worked towards being proven or has it already BEEN proven?

Again, I don't doubt any of it since there is a great deal that historians choose to ignore because it would change the view of America and other major world powers, but I literally am just hearing all of this for the first time.

[h2]Descendants of Ancient Africans in Recent America[/h2][font=Verdana, Arial][size=-1]In many parts of the Americas today, there are still people of African Negritic racial backgrounds who continue to exist either blended into the larger African-Americas population or are parts of separate, indigenous groups living on their own lands with their own unique culture and languages.

One such example is the Wa****aw Nation who owned about one million square miles of the former Louisiana Territories, (see www.Hotep.org), but who now own only about 70,000 acres of all their former territory. The regaining of their lands from the U.S. was a long process which concluded partially in 1991, when they won the right to their lands in a U.S. court.

The Black Californian broke up as a nation during the late 1800's after many years of war with the Spanish invaders of the South West, with Mexico and with the U.S. The blended into the Black population of California and their descendants still exist among the millions of Black Californians of today.

The Black Caribs or Garifunas of the Caribbean Islands and Central America fought with the English and Spanish from the late fifteen hundreds up to 1797, when the British sued for peace. The Garifuna were expelled from their islands but they prospered in Central America where hundreds of thousands live along the coasts today.

The Afro-Darienite is a significant group of pre-historic, pre-columbian Blacks who existed in South America and Central America. These Blacks were the Africans that the Spanish first saw during their exploration of the narrow strip of land between Columbia and Central America and who were described as "slaves of our lord" since the Spaniards and Europeans had the intention of enslaving all Blacks they found in the newly discovered lands.

The above mentioned Blacks of precolumbian origins are not Blacks wo mixed with the Mongoloid Indian population as occurred during the time of slavery. They were Blacks who were in some cases on their lands before the southward migrations of the Mongoloid Native Americans. In many cases, these Blacks had established civilizations in the Americas thousands of years ago.[/size][/font]


[font=Verdana, Arial][size=-2]An early Black Californian, a member of the original Black
aboriginal people of California and the South Western U.S.


[font=Verdana, Arial][size=-2]A member of one of the original Black nations of the Americas,
the Afro-Darienite of Panama.[/size][/font]


[font=Verdana, Arial][size=-2]Stone carving of Negroid person found in area
close to Wa****aw Territories, Southern U.S.[/size][/font]

The Wa****aw Nation, or Wa****aw de Dugdahmoundyah is a group of Black Americans that claims to be a sovereign Native American nation within the boundaries of the United States.[sup][1]




[sup]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wa****aw_Nation#cite_note-0[/sup]California was a black nationprior to European immigration.

Everyone the Americas were lumped together as heathen Indians and later "Native Americans" but all of those groups were separate nations withdifferent histories and cultures.

Black researchers should do the work necessary to find the documentation proving that as recently as the 1800's, the U.S. fought with a Black nation in California called the 'Black Californians, and that that Black nation ended up on slave plantations in the U.S., while others were sent to salt mines in Mexico.

The French and Spanish have documentation on the Black Wa****aw Nation who once owned much of the annexed Louisiana Territories. In fact, the Wa****aw Nation regard the states of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Mississippi as Wa****aw Proper, and as of this very moment, the Wa****aw Nation is recognized by nations around the world as one of the most ancient nations in the Americas (See www.hotep.org).

According to the present leadership of the Wa****aw Empire, the Wasitaw are the descendants of prehistoric African sea farers who settled in the Mississippi Valley Region and the Southern U.S., thousands of years Before Christ. They were boat builders, builders of pyramid mounds, Seafarers and practiced agriculture.

According to an article, www.wanoline.com (see also We Are The Wa****aw, the Wa****aw originally came from Africa and were Africans. The Wa****aw are still African Negritic peoples and they, like many of the ancient Blacks who live in the Americas became victims of the Papal Edict which opened the way for the colonialization of the New World and the taking of people into slavery and occupation of their lands.

The Wa****aw build hundreds of earthen pyramid mounds all over the southern and midwestern parts of the U.S. Some, such as the mound at Poverty Point in Louisiana is one of the most sacred sites of the Wa****aw. Skeletons found in Wa****aw gravesites from the pre-Columbian period show a tall people with characteristics similar to Africans.

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