NT, Post The Craziest Fights You've Been In Or Seen In Person VOL. *@#$! In Your Armor

A friend of mine (we'll call him Brad) was havin this party and two guys no one knows are there and in his house. So Brad tells these guys that are knownto get it poppin to get these 2 guys out of his house. One of the 2 guys no one knows is 6' 2" 250 (we'll call hit Matt) the other 6' 175(we'll call him Ian). The guys that are known for fightin well there are 3 of them and they're all about the same size 5' 9" all around165-175. Anyway so they get the 2 guys out of the house and they're all in the garage talkin $#!%. So Matt is squared up with the smaller of the 3 guys andhes got his finger all in the big dudes face. Out of no where he cold cocks the big guy knockin him out on the first punch.$#!% GOES DOWN!!!!!!!The other guyIan gets jumped on and they are slingin him around this garage kickin at him wild punches are bein thrown it turns out to be like 10 on1.With people swingin onhim and pushin him and kickin him.But hes in the better spot cause no ones gettin any clean shots on him since its just chaos.The big guy Matt is laid out onthe cement floor of the garage, so one of the 3 guys gets on top of him while hes knocked out and just starts punchin him in the face over and over.Keep inmind he is knocked out.He must have taken at least 10-15 punches in the face point blank as hard as dude could hit him.So finally the fight gets broken up.Oneof the three who were the main dudes involved comes out of the fight with a 5th of Jack D and yells "A Country Boy Can Survive".....Thats NC forya....hahaha.Ian who was gettin thrown around is OK for all that happened, but the big guy Matt is threw. They finally get him up and somewhat coherant and tohis feet.Theres 2 guys carrying him arm in arm, he takes about 3 steps with help and falls back to the ground draggin the guys tryin to carry him with him tothe ground.This dudes face was so messed up he had knots on knots, his black eyes had black eyes, he had a big gash on his forehead.It was so bad random girlswere cryin'.....they didnt even know this guy and were ballin' like their Dad died.Matt ended up losin' his eye due to the fight, they crushed hisorbital bone.Worse beating I've ever seen!!!!!!!
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