NT, Real Talk - How Do You Feel About Gays?

Whether or not homosexuality is genetic or environmental, it is not relevant in this discussion. 

Many argue the heightened sense of sexuality bombarding us on a regular basis could play a roll in sexual development.  Still, genetic   Regardless, it doesn't matter.

Gay people don't actively choose to be gay.  This much is clear, and to argue otherwise is ridiculous.
Gay dudes- I just let them do their thing.
If it floats their boat, let em Sail that !!!%* I say ...

My Problem is with the Flamboyants ones

They are waaaaayyy too extra about it
If it floats their boat, let em Sail that !!!%* I say ...

My Problem is with the Flamboyants ones

They are waaaaayyy too extra about it
I think a lot of gay people are nice people....I'd treat them the same as anyone else.

But occasionally, you do have those Perez Hilton's...whom I'd try to stay away from.
I think a lot of gay people are nice people....I'd treat them the same as anyone else.

But occasionally, you do have those Perez Hilton's...whom I'd try to stay away from.
Gay people are born gay. There's a chemical imbalance that sways their sexual preference/way they act toward it.

I wish I had a gay friend, though. Gay guys know girls and girls like guys that are friends with gay guys. It's an all around win.
Gay people are born gay. There's a chemical imbalance that sways their sexual preference/way they act toward it.

I wish I had a gay friend, though. Gay guys know girls and girls like guys that are friends with gay guys. It's an all around win.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

my opinion is enough to get me banned, therfore ,im not a fan of them .

nuff said.


But to you guys saying its not a choice to become gay, do you really believe people are born gay or straight? You believe some guys come out the womb %+$%? No one is born gay, they are made gay by their enviroment

ayo, this is a tarp thread tho
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

my opinion is enough to get me banned, therfore ,im not a fan of them .

nuff said.


But to you guys saying its not a choice to become gay, do you really believe people are born gay or straight? You believe some guys come out the womb %+$%? No one is born gay, they are made gay by their enviroment

ayo, this is a tarp thread tho
im not homosexual i got no problems with gays whatsoever
there a living person as me and anyone else
i got a couple of gay friends and there the nicest persons you will ever meet
i would draw a line if a dude was trying to hit on me o cross the line
but other then that i aint homosexual at all screw it lol
let everyone live how thye want
im not homosexual i got no problems with gays whatsoever
there a living person as me and anyone else
i got a couple of gay friends and there the nicest persons you will ever meet
i would draw a line if a dude was trying to hit on me o cross the line
but other then that i aint homosexual at all screw it lol
let everyone live how thye want
Man im flattered when gay dudes hit on me, means girls are thinking it too. Just say Naw im good, this is from someone who used to be super homophobic
Man im flattered when gay dudes hit on me, means girls are thinking it too. Just say Naw im good, this is from someone who used to be super homophobic
No qualms... cept for the super camp ones. They piss me off.

Thinking about it i think one of my dudes might be 'mo low key.... dude be saying/doing some questionable %##%! he's cool though so its whatever
No qualms... cept for the super camp ones. They piss me off.

Thinking about it i think one of my dudes might be 'mo low key.... dude be saying/doing some questionable %##%! he's cool though so its whatever
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