NT, Real Talk - How Do You Feel About Gays?

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Judging gay people as apposed to another race or religion is a completely different concept. 
To be gay is a decision, you can't choose your race. As for religion its instilled into you depending on how religious your parents ago. Gay people choose to be different therefore they get no sympathy. 

It's a decision? Who the hell would decide to be gay with the baggage that comes along with being gay?

LOL I used to think it was a joke, but people really do think gay people get up one morning and have an epiphany that they love penis. No one is that stupid.

Its not about a sudden light bulb that just goes off obviously, thats naive. 
Its about deep rooted mental problems which have occurred over a period of time that me or you couldn't understand.

Explain. If you're going to make a claim about the psychopathology of homosexuality as a mental illness, I want peer-reviewed scholarly work/research, and an essay showing your own understanding and critical analysis of said research. And I mean it.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Judging gay people as apposed to another race or religion is a completely different concept. 
To be gay is a decision, you can't choose your race. As for religion its instilled into you depending on how religious your parents ago. Gay people choose to be different therefore they get no sympathy. 

It's a decision? Who the hell would decide to be gay with the baggage that comes along with being gay?

LOL I used to think it was a joke, but people really do think gay people get up one morning and have an epiphany that they love penis. No one is that stupid.

Its not about a sudden light bulb that just goes off obviously, thats naive. 
Its about deep rooted mental problems which have occurred over a period of time that me or you couldn't understand.

Explain. If you're going to make a claim about the psychopathology of homosexuality as a mental illness, I want peer-reviewed scholarly work/research, and an essay showing your own understanding and critical analysis of said research. And I mean it.
Wait, so dudes that enter political office, marry for 20yrs then come out choose to be gay? Doesn't seem like a smart choice at that point.
Wait, so dudes that enter political office, marry for 20yrs then come out choose to be gay? Doesn't seem like a smart choice at that point.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

I'm fine with homosexuals as long as they stop comparing there hardships to those of African Americans. It isn't even in the same boat, I have no choice of the color of my skin.

  And they have a choice of who they are attracted to? If you had a choice of whether to be discriminated against and treated differently, why the hell would you "choose" to be different?  That's like if I came out the womb white, and I had the option, getting a negroplasty and choosing to live life as a black man. Clearly gay people don't like being treated differently, hence many of them keeping it on the low.

Where the hell do people learn this ***#$?
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

I'm fine with homosexuals as long as they stop comparing there hardships to those of African Americans. It isn't even in the same boat, I have no choice of the color of my skin.

  And they have a choice of who they are attracted to? If you had a choice of whether to be discriminated against and treated differently, why the hell would you "choose" to be different?  That's like if I came out the womb white, and I had the option, getting a negroplasty and choosing to live life as a black man. Clearly gay people don't like being treated differently, hence many of them keeping it on the low.

Where the hell do people learn this ***#$?
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Wait, so dudes that enter political office, marry for 20yrs then come out choose to be gay? Doesn't seem like a smart choice at that point.

Check out the documentary called Outrage-->http://www.divxstage.net/video/e7f7gzlzyc9ur
It's not that they haven't been gay all along
they hide their sexuality for the sake of their job, some of them still engage in homosexual relationships
they come out after being threatened with being outed by someone else
A lot of their wives just play dumb while they're married
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Wait, so dudes that enter political office, marry for 20yrs then come out choose to be gay? Doesn't seem like a smart choice at that point.

Check out the documentary called Outrage-->http://www.divxstage.net/video/e7f7gzlzyc9ur
It's not that they haven't been gay all along
they hide their sexuality for the sake of their job, some of them still engage in homosexual relationships
they come out after being threatened with being outed by someone else
A lot of their wives just play dumb while they're married
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Man im flattered when gay dudes hit on me, means girls are thinking it too. Just say Naw im good, this is from someone who used to be super homophobic

nah...these gays macking on u cause they got gaydar
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Man im flattered when gay dudes hit on me, means girls are thinking it too. Just say Naw im good, this is from someone who used to be super homophobic

nah...these gays macking on u cause they got gaydar
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Gay people are born gay. There's a chemical imbalance that sways their sexual preference/way they act toward it.

I wish I had a gay friend, though. Gay guys know girls and girls like guys that are friends with gay guys. It's an all around win.

this is the truest thing right here
want girls around you all the time find yourself a gay friend =]
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Gay people are born gay. There's a chemical imbalance that sways their sexual preference/way they act toward it.

I wish I had a gay friend, though. Gay guys know girls and girls like guys that are friends with gay guys. It's an all around win.

this is the truest thing right here
want girls around you all the time find yourself a gay friend =]
I don't care about who anyone is sleeping with. Whether it's nature vs. nurture thing doesn't concern me (though I do strongly believe that homosexuality is determined biologically), you should be able to love whoever you want to love without being discriminated against.

Side Note: Dudes that think ghey dudes are ok as long as they dont hit on them are extra full of themselves for no reason. Does every straight girl hit on you? If not, then chances are you dont have to worry.

I HATE when men say, 'well, as long as they don't hit on me, they're cool...'. It just reeks of narcissism and stupidity. Like, really, in all likelihood, no one (male or female) is checking for you like that. And even if men do hit on you, what does it matter? One could easily say 'no, thank you, I'm straight' and keep it moving. But evidently, even doing that is too much of some men here and elsewhere.
I don't care about who anyone is sleeping with. Whether it's nature vs. nurture thing doesn't concern me (though I do strongly believe that homosexuality is determined biologically), you should be able to love whoever you want to love without being discriminated against.

Side Note: Dudes that think ghey dudes are ok as long as they dont hit on them are extra full of themselves for no reason. Does every straight girl hit on you? If not, then chances are you dont have to worry.

I HATE when men say, 'well, as long as they don't hit on me, they're cool...'. It just reeks of narcissism and stupidity. Like, really, in all likelihood, no one (male or female) is checking for you like that. And even if men do hit on you, what does it matter? One could easily say 'no, thank you, I'm straight' and keep it moving. But evidently, even doing that is too much of some men here and elsewhere.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by DJprestige21
Its not about a sudden light bulb that just goes off obviously, thats naive. 
Its about deep rooted mental problems which have occurred over a period of time that me or you couldn't understand.
Yup, I guess it's better to hate what you can't understand right?

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by DJprestige21
Its not about a sudden light bulb that just goes off obviously, thats naive. 
Its about deep rooted mental problems which have occurred over a period of time that me or you couldn't understand.
Yup, I guess it's better to hate what you can't understand right?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

I'm fine with homosexuals as long as they stop comparing there hardships to those of African Americans. It isn't even in the same boat, I have no choice of the color of my skin.

  And they have a choice of who they are attracted to? If you had a choice of whether to be discriminated against and treated differently, why the hell would you "choose" to be different?  That's like if I came out the womb white, and I had the option, getting a negroplasty and choosing to live life as a black man. Clearly gay people don't like being treated differently, hence many of them keeping it on the low.

Where the hell do people learn this ***#$?
No, actually you're twisting this. I cant choose my color meaning no matter where I go or what situation I am in, Im still black or brown or whatever. But if Im gay no one knows im gay unless i broadcast it. Whats so hard to understand, I cant hide my color no one can.There was no hiding from slavery, there was no hiding from the riots during the 60s. 
Obviously you're looking at this one way. In no way shape or form is being gay comparable to being black, period. You'd have to be a fool to believe that BS. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

I'm fine with homosexuals as long as they stop comparing there hardships to those of African Americans. It isn't even in the same boat, I have no choice of the color of my skin.

  And they have a choice of who they are attracted to? If you had a choice of whether to be discriminated against and treated differently, why the hell would you "choose" to be different?  That's like if I came out the womb white, and I had the option, getting a negroplasty and choosing to live life as a black man. Clearly gay people don't like being treated differently, hence many of them keeping it on the low.

Where the hell do people learn this ***#$?
No, actually you're twisting this. I cant choose my color meaning no matter where I go or what situation I am in, Im still black or brown or whatever. But if Im gay no one knows im gay unless i broadcast it. Whats so hard to understand, I cant hide my color no one can.There was no hiding from slavery, there was no hiding from the riots during the 60s. 
Obviously you're looking at this one way. In no way shape or form is being gay comparable to being black, period. You'd have to be a fool to believe that BS. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Judging gay people as apposed to another race or religion is a completely different concept. 
To be gay is a decision, you can't choose your race. As for religion its instilled into you depending on how religious your parents ago. Gay people choose to be different therefore they get no sympathy. 

It's a decision? Who the hell would decide to be gay with the baggage that comes along with being gay?

LOL I used to think it was a joke, but people really do think gay people get up one morning and have an epiphany that they love penis. No one is that stupid.

Its not about a sudden light bulb that just goes off obviously, thats naive. 
Its about deep rooted mental problems which have occurred over a period of time that me or you couldn't understand.

Explain. If you're going to make a claim about the psychopathology of homosexuality as a mental illness, I want peer-reviewed scholarly work/research, and an essay showing your own understanding and critical analysis of said research. And I mean it.

Son, this is NT. No one cares what you want. 

If you actually cared about what I'd write you would research the material yourself, save me the time.


Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Judging gay people as apposed to another race or religion is a completely different concept. 
To be gay is a decision, you can't choose your race. As for religion its instilled into you depending on how religious your parents ago. Gay people choose to be different therefore they get no sympathy. 

It's a decision? Who the hell would decide to be gay with the baggage that comes along with being gay?

LOL I used to think it was a joke, but people really do think gay people get up one morning and have an epiphany that they love penis. No one is that stupid.

Its not about a sudden light bulb that just goes off obviously, thats naive. 
Its about deep rooted mental problems which have occurred over a period of time that me or you couldn't understand.

Explain. If you're going to make a claim about the psychopathology of homosexuality as a mental illness, I want peer-reviewed scholarly work/research, and an essay showing your own understanding and critical analysis of said research. And I mean it.

Son, this is NT. No one cares what you want. 

If you actually cared about what I'd write you would research the material yourself, save me the time.


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