nt tell me a joke........make it funny tho

Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

what do you call a pun that is funny

a punny

nope. sorry homey, that's just how filipinos pronounce funny.
i guy is walking down the beach shore and he sees this girl with no arms n no legs and shes crying so he asked "why are you crying"shereplys"because i have never been kissed" so he goes n gives her the biggest kiss ever so he starts walking away n she starts crying twice as loud nhe goes "why are you crying now" she goes "cuz i never been f'd" so he picks her up n throws her in the ocean and screams "YOURF'D NOW"

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

A couple wants a divorce, but first they must decide who will be the main guardian of their child. The jury asks both the man and woman for a reason why theyshould be the one to keep the child. So the jury asks the woman first. She says, "Well I carried
this child around in my stomach for nine months and I had to go through a painful birth
process, this is my child and apart of me." The jury is impressed and then turns to ask the man the same question. The man replies, "OK, I take acoin and put it in the drink machine and a drink comes out, now tell me who does the drink belong to me or the machine" Hahahahaha
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Did you hear about the two antennas that went to the wedding???

They said the ceremony was great but the reception sucked!!!!

Girl i work with told me this, had my dying

A wife asks her husband tell me something that will make me happy and mad at the same time
The husband tells her she has the best <> out of all her friends.
A man has sex with a prostitute for $5. The next day, his doctor tells him that he has crabs.
He finds the prostitute and says "What's the matter with you? YOU GAVE ME CRABS"
The prostitute says"You gave me $5...What did you expect? Lobster?"
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Girl i work with told me this, had my dying

A wife asks her husband tell me something that will make me happy and mad at the same time
The husband tells her she has the best <> out of all her friends.
a duck walks into the bar orders a drink,
the bartender notices that the duck only has on one shoe.
he says to the duck "hey you lost your shoe."
the duck replies "no i found one."
a guy is walking down the street. he sees a sign that says talking dog for sale 5 dollars. he goes up to the dog and it starts talking. "i used to workfor the government, since i am a dog nobody payed attention to me and i overheard all the secrets people talked about and reported it to the government. ivebeen on many secret mission and i am a good asset to the us government" so the guy ask the seller why is he so cheap if he has done so much. and the guysays "dont listen to him hes a liar"
Three Blind Mice. Three blindmice,. Three blind mice,. See how they run!....where the *$$% are they going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a farmer offered one hundred dollars to anyone who could make his horse laugh. so a man took that horse into a room and when he came out, the horse waslaughing so much it pissed itself. the farmer then offered another 100 to the man to see if he could make the horse cry. the man took the horse into the roomagain and when he left, the horse was crying a river. the farmer asked the man, "how did you do it?!?" "Well," the man replied "tomake it laugh i said my @#$% was bigger than his.....and to make him cry i showed him."
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

ok, ok , ok ,ok. I got this one from a joke thread some time ago.

Why did the Koala fall off the tree?
Spoiler [+]
Because it was dead

Why did the parrot fall off the tree?
Spoiler [+]
Because it was stapled to the Koala

Something like this. lol.

Originally Posted by ridingonlorenzos

On a farm one morning... A mom told her son, go feed the animals. He went out, but being lazy, he kicked the pig, the cow, and the chicken.
He came inside, and his mom brought him a plate for breakfast. But it was empty.
The son asked the mom, why is their no food? The mom, an animal lover, said, "you kicked the pig, so no bacon. You kicked the cow, so no milk. You kicked the chicken, so no eggs."
Suddenly, his dad came running down the stairs in a hurry. He kicked the cat out of the way on his way down.
The son said, "Damn, I ain't gonna have no brothers or sisters either."
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

A man was stranded in the middle of the ocean.....

a boat came by to help him, he said " no thank you, god will save me "

another boat came to help, he said " no thank you, god will save me "

he drowned, woke up in heaven and said " god why didnt you save me?

What are Mario and Luigi's favorite kind of pants?

Spoiler [+]
Denim Denim Denim

What is Bruce Lee's favorite drink?

Spoiler [+]

A man went into the Social Security Office to apply to start receiving his retirement disbursement. When the woman there asked for proof of his age, he repliedthat he had no ID. The woman said "no problem, unbutton your shirt so I can see the hair on your chest." The man unbuttoned his shirt and the womansaw his gray chest hair. She agreed to his age and signed him up for the distributions. When he came home to tell his wife, she was surprised. She thoughtabout this for a second and then said to him "why didn't you drop your pants? You could have gotten disability."
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