NT We paid DJ Alex Sensation 10k to play at my sisters birthday and he flaked.

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by J de PHX

Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Lol @ NTers being unaware of alex sensation...but yea if he

Was frontin u could've gotten dj lobo or camilo like others

Have said.
not so much of not knowing who he is but more like who the hell is he to charge 10k? lol...like a lot of people have said top talent, who would probably be more business professional, could have been booked.  In all honesty though yall gotta be eating good Crank because for my 16th I got my license couple hundred bucks and was happy as hell haha
wt f is a 16 year old going to do with a couple hundred bucks?? Parents these days are spoiling their children just for their birthday, smh
Dude, I'm sorry but you are way off base. Maybe your family was poor or something but a couple hundred bucks for a special birthday like one's 16th is not the definition of spoilt at all. 
Come on, you're smarter than that. It's relative, no need to even throw in the poor part.
Wouldn't it being relative fully support my point that his family was possibly poor?(I didn't know calling a family "poor" was a diss/character attack... it is what it is) 
 On average, a couple hundred bucks for a kid's 16th birthday is not the definition of spoilt. I'm pretty confident most people on this board agree with me. 

 Really? And what average? 
Sue. Get a new DJ and have the management company pay for that and refund your money. And then have Alex spin at a COD/2K/Madden party at your crib as part of the settlement.
Sue. Get a new DJ and have the management company pay for that and refund your money. And then have Alex spin at a COD/2K/Madden party at your crib as part of the settlement.
 @ that "didn't read" gif.

But damn, Crank making PS's on NT and living the good life. 10k for a DJ... seriously unheard of. Hell, the most I've heard DJs got for a gig was between $3-5K per gig.

With that said, hope you get your money back and a professional DJ, good luck.
 @ that "didn't read" gif.

But damn, Crank making PS's on NT and living the good life. 10k for a DJ... seriously unheard of. Hell, the most I've heard DJs got for a gig was between $3-5K per gig.

With that said, hope you get your money back and a professional DJ, good luck.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by sam206

liar, you did not hire him for 10k

pics of contract or ducktales

no ducktales brah

and the management guy did say he could send us DJ lobo, mind you I have no idea who this is

I see you getting your swole on with that "no messy icey hot"
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by sam206

liar, you did not hire him for 10k

pics of contract or ducktales

no ducktales brah

and the management guy did say he could send us DJ lobo, mind you I have no idea who this is

I see you getting your swole on with that "no messy icey hot"
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