NT What Are Your Opinions on the Confederate Flag?

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I've been here my whole life and never heard of that.
My mom has worked for the State of AL for 20+ years and I even worked there for a summer a few years they (all state employees) get off of work for MLK/REL Day on Jan 21, Apr 25 is Confederate Memorial Day, and June 6 is Jeff Davis b'day.

Man, I still never heard of anyone getting off for those days. MLK day sure, but never heard anyone say we're off for Robert E Lee's birthday, I didn't even know it was the same day. Also first time hearing about Confederate Memorial Day and Jeff Davis bday....My mom graduated from Jeff Davis in Montgomery though lol.

How long ago did you live here?
Yep, go check the State of AL holiday website its all there. I lived it Prattville all my life until I went to college at UF in '06
I don't care for it as I went to school in North Carolina and I would see it quite often.  For some it means different things, it's tradition for some and for others it represents a form of racism.  It all depends on the individual that is flying it. 
I don't care for it as I went to school in North Carolina and I would see it quite often.  For some it means different things, it's tradition for some and for others it represents a form of racism.  It all depends on the individual that is flying it. 
I went on staff ride (glorified feildtrip) for my job. And we went to gettysburg, and 2 of my coworkers said the south will rise again. I looked them in the eyes and told them neither of them would do S!!! and would not occur (basically chumped them)Part of me feels they mean it in sense of history, and another part of me thinks they got some of the hidden prejudice in them.
So in all I see it as a negative thing, and even in a "work setting" I can't let things like that slide. So...I need to get like yall who don't pay that S!!! No mind.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Pure trash, growing up in AL and now residing in FL, just boggles my mind how much PRIDE is taken in something that represented so much hatred. Just a product of living in the backwards #@* deep South, hell they have a state holiday in Bama for Confederate Memorial Day and celebrate Robert E. Lee's birthday the same day as MLK and a holiday for Jefferson Davis as well.
yea its the same here in Virginia... they just ended "Lee Jackson King" Day within the past 10 years.
how can you celebrate Dr. King on the same day as two confederate generals.

Here in Richmond you'll see a lot of those confederate flags seeing how the city was capital of the southern states during the civil war. Its even a group called the sons of the confederate and every year they dress up and reenact the civil war. Its sad to say but I see it so much i dont even notice it anymore.

On a flipside everybody who rocks a confederate flag hat / shirt isnt racist. Most are just country as hell
Can't really see how the Union flag is looked at any better. The rape of women, daughters of those women, killing of children, and the burning down of cities throughout the South during the war. Not much has changed in war tactics since then...

 Yes, the Union flag stands for morality, freedom, and Democracy.
Originally Posted by reeeem0

if youre not in the south, then i can understand why people can get uptight about it.

i live in virginia...southside at that...they fly em on bacc of picc up truccs down here. idgaf honestly.

Central VA, same thing here. There's a Stonewall Jackson memorial not too far from here. Jefferson Davis Hwy, schools named after confederate generals. I don't really care.

Close friend of mine has a confederate flag shift knob (in his GTI
White people that fly it don't even know it's "tradition" so it's the most pointless flag ever constructed which is why it doesn't bother me one bit
I don't know really. I equate the people that say 'It's heritage, not hate' to the people who fight for the legalization of pot on the grounds that it helps glaucoma. It's disingenuous. Really, buddy? You are sporting the Confederate flag to show your rich rich heritage?
It's a free country they have a right to fly it..

But what is there to be prideful of a bunch of *$+!%#+% who not only left the United States, but hate black people, think they are inferior, and want them as slaves..... Don't give a *%@@ what you are flying it for, you come across as a racist anti-American..
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

yea its the same here in Virginia... they just ended "Lee Jackson King" Day within the past 10 years.
how can you celebrate Dr. King on the same day as two confederate generals.

Here in Richmond you'll see a lot of those confederate flags seeing how the city was capital of the southern states during the civil war. Its even a group called the sons of the confederate and every year they dress up and reenact the civil war.

As a  black southerner is quoted in Confederates in the Attic, "As long as they remember they lost those battles."
Originally Posted by rashi

Can't really see how the Union flag is looked at any better.

But do you ever see Union flags on peoples porches,shirts and cars? 
I personally hate the flag and nothing good comes from flying it. Those who fly it use that flag to memorialize the wrong type of heritage.
I know black people with confederate flags painted on their cars....it's just tacky imo
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