NT What Are Your Opinions on the Confederate Flag?

Nah it was a joke Anton, believe me, I've seen it before too.
I can see how people can wave the flag w/o it implying racism, but it's pretty much a given that Rebel Flag = "I Hate Minorities, especially Black People". People can go on and on about how it represents "Southern Pride", but when there's Nazi's, Klansmen, Aryan Brotherhood members, etc who wave that flag and wear it like a Superman cape, the racism is blatantly obvious, and there's no way to avoid that.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I know black people with confederate flags painted on their cars....it's just tacky imo

not even, i think they were just country as hell

Quote from Mosi Reeves regarding Blacks who wear the Confederate Flag on their clothes:
Why would a black man wrap himself in a symbol America's Southern states adopted in 1861 as an assertion of their inalienable right to enslave black people and keep them as property?
Based on some of these posts, I’m starting to think thatsome of you aren’t aware that the South succeeded for political reasons other thanjust slavery. I think the Confederate flag has a connotation of slavery, whichis unfortunate because that wasn’t the sole purpose of the Confederacy.

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

I started typing u cant be serious and beginning to flame you but the more i think about it the Confederate states and Nazi Germany did have some similarities i guess

Would you like to elaborate on those similarities? 
Originally Posted by Budweiser

It's treasonous. Anybody flying it should be executed.
I hope this was just a bad joke.

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

But do you ever see Union flags on peoples porches,shirts and cars?
You mean the American flag? I see that all the time.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Based on some of these posts, I’m starting to think that some of you aren’t aware that the South succeeded for political reasons other than just slavery. I think the Confederate flag has a connotation of slavery, which is unfortunate because that wasn’t the sole purpose of the Confederacy.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

It's treasonous. Anybody flying it should be executed.
I hope this was just a bad joke.
Why would I be joking about this? Anybody that knowingly supports a campaign of southern treason that led to a ghastly war (the second costliest in terms of casualties) is a traitor and a scumbag. Let me guess though, you refer to the Civil War as The War of Northern Aggression, right?  
 It's like a sign on a person that let's you know they are an racist/idiot without having to talk to them to find out.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Based on some of these posts, I’m starting to think that some of you aren’t aware that the South succeeded for political reasons other than just slavery. I think the Confederate flag has a connotation of slavery, which is unfortunate because that wasn’t the sole purpose of the Confederacy.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

It's treasonous. Anybody flying it should be executed.
I hope this was just a bad joke.
Why would I be joking about this? Anybody that knowingly supports a campaign of southern treason that led to a ghastly war (the second costliest in terms of casualties) is a traitor and a scumbag. Let me guess though, you refer to the Civil War as The War of Northern Aggression, right?  

I don't know, maybe because there is something called freedom of speech? Treason is the act of trying to overthrow a government, I don't think supporting something that took place 150 years ago by displaying a flag is going to get anyone convicted of treason and then executed for it, especially considering how few people have ever been executed for treason in US history.
Time heals all wounds? I think you missed the point, whichat this point, isn’t too surprising considering I’m not too sure that you evenknow the definition of treason.

 Any reasonable personwould be able to separate treason of the 1860’s (which no Confederate leaderswere executed for) and people in 2011 displaying a Confederate flag, to see that they are not trying to overthrow the current government, socharging them with treason wouldn’t be possible.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Pure trash, growing up in AL and now residing in FL, just boggles my mind how much PRIDE is taken in something that represented so much hatred. Just a product of living in the backwards #@* deep South, hell they have a state holiday in Bama for Confederate Memorial Day and celebrate Robert E. Lee's birthday the same day as MLK and a holiday for Jefferson Davis as well.

I've been here my whole life and never heard of that.
I've been living here for like 6 years. He's 100% right. 

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Pure trash, growing up in AL and now residing in FL, just boggles my mind how much PRIDE is taken in something that represented so much hatred. Just a product of living in the backwards #@* deep South, hell they have a state holiday in Bama for Confederate Memorial Day and celebrate Robert E. Lee's birthday the same day as MLK and a holiday for Jefferson Davis as well.

Pretty much every southern state has a confederate memorial day. The thing about Robert E. Lee birthday is that most people do not even recognize it besides true rednecks and this a first I have heard of Jefferson Davis day.  Another thing that bugs me are schools being naming after these men. The few in Alabama are mostly black schools at that.
With that said, I do not like seeing the flag displayed because some people display it for more than just pride and heritage. 
To me anyone showing this flag 

is ignorant if they say it is for pride. This was never a national flag for the CSA
Its not even truly the "stars and bars". It was just a battle flag, never a true representation
of the CSA as a nation


this is the true stars and bars and an actual national flag
of the CSA which at least has some relevance to anyone
trying to say they have "pride" about the CSA

Sorry if this was mentioned before just thought i'd share
Many who fly the Confederate flag are bigots and it is the banner of White Supremacy.

Others why display the flag truly mean it when they say thati ti s symbol of regional identity and/or a protest against an overbearing Central Government. Both of those things are not one bad and the latter is laudable. What is sad is that so many Southern Whites still, do this, a century and half after the fact, have fallen for the narrative that to fight and to kill and to die for the three percent of the Southern population, that owned almost all of the slaves and most of the land, was something other than fighting in the defense of slavery.

A Southerner in 1863, holdin ga rifle and arching under the stars and bars probably did not own slaves and probably though that he was fighting for Southern Rights but he was fighting for slavery and when William T Sherman marched his army into Georgia and burned the plantation homes and freed the slaves, the poor, white soldiers, dying in the Army of Northern Virginian were forced to reckon with the truth and mass desertion, much more than US Grant's suicidal frontal assaults in Virginia in 1864 (actually U.S Grant, nearly lost the Union the war by throwing Union soldiers at fortified Confederates, fighting on the defensive and bleeding the Army of the Potomac almost to death. It was W.T Sherman who brought the war home to the slave owning class and Demonstrated to the Confederate rank and file, how pointless it was to fight for property that they had no chance of ever owning). 

In the years after the war, when the war and the details of the political ebb and flow were fresh in people's memory, the consensus was that the South provoked war so it could guarantee that it could continue to give it citizens the "right" to violate human rights and own other human beings and property. It was only 1890, that the myth of the tragic South Second American Revolution and up through the post WWII Civil rights era of the 1960's, films and novels like Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind helped to fuel this narrative of "Southern Independence."
i'm so used to seeing it when i'm in FL it doesn't phase me at all. 

at home in minneapolis though it screams redneck.  we aren't in the south get that %$!% out of here.
  i really don't know how the few dudes who fly them here get away with it.  if someone saw that on your car downtown you'd get drug real quick. 
To me it represents ignorance and racism and a bunch of losers too dumb to realize they'd fail trying to secede from the Union. Would've had better chance trying to take over Mexico.
i'm a white male who lives in the deep south...

... and i personally detest this symbol and what it represents.
It is a proven fact that people who fly the confederate flag are 8 times more likely to take their wives/significant other to Cracker Barrel for their birthday and/or anniversary.
I feel like it represents different things to different people. Like many have stated, I dont care for it nor do I detest it. I personally know black and hispanic people that rock the flag on clothes and hats just because they have lived in the south for a couple generations. That being said, I know a lot of ignorant red necks who fly this symbol not only to tell everyone they are bigots but also to piss off everyone.
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