NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Blue Moon was my gateway beer.
Hell, get those Sam Adams Seasonal Packs.
The Spring pack is Boston Lager, Cold Snap (White Ale), Escape Route (Kolsch), Maple Pecan Porter, Irish Red, Whitewater IPA.
That's a pretty broad spectrum of beers and nothing offensive in there whatsoever.

^^ go to liquor store and buy a few 22oz craft beers to see what you like. IPAs, Stouts, Brown Ales, etc....

once you find a preference (eg. IPAs), start visting breweries and tasting their varieties of IPAs. and most of all, enjoy! :D
that was at 38 degrees, right?

I don't like how they limit younger to 5oz. and make customers buy a flight in order to try it.

ya definitely lame, but they only got one keg of it. i also don't like it, but it's all good. more than 300+ people got to try the Younger.

I was gonna buy a taster of the other Russian River stuff anyway, so making customers buy the RR beers in a discounted flight is actually a good deal for me.
new to the thread but not to crafts - anyone try the stochasticity project grapefruit IPA? i just picked up the last 2 bombers from my local shop, hoping to crack one tonight. hop season in full effect - need to get my hands on some pliny
Jumping in headlong isn't really the way to go, in my opinion.  Taste for certain styles develops over time.  Speaking from experience: my tastes have changed dramatically since I started getting into craft beer and my knowledge base obviously increased as well.

Start slow, papi.  Try some Blue Moon, Magic Hat #9, Hoegaarden, etc.  The barrel-aged beers and double IPAs will probably scare you away from craft beer if you're not used to them.

Agreed! I remember the first time I had a pale ale (Sierra Nevada) back in college. Thought it was too hoppy and did not like it one bit. After a while my taste buds changed and now the hoppier the better. I'm not much of a stout guy but I must admit that BCBR was damn tasty.
^^ go to liquor store and buy a few 22oz craft beers to see what you like. IPAs, Stouts, Brown Ales, etc....

once you find a preference (eg. IPAs), start visting breweries and tasting their varieties of IPAs. and most of all, enjoy! :D

i think a 22oz bottle/can is too much for testing. anything over 12 is a waste unless you drink really fast. I drink IPA religiously and it took me a while to get there.

It started like this:

Corona (early HS years, that's what my family was drinking)
Colt 45 (i was buying my own beer so i went with what was cheap, $1 for a 22)
MGD tall boys one summer because they were a buck
Blue Moon
Cheery Wheat

then the IPA's kicked in:
Sierra Nevada
Dogfish Head 60 min
Goose Island IPA
and so on.
Last nights Brew... I reallly enjoyed this one. And I am not really a stout guy.


Old Raspy :smokin My gateway beer and still one of my top go-tos

new to the thread but not to crafts - anyone try the stochasticity project grapefruit IPA? i just picked up the last 2 bombers from my local shop, hoping to crack one tonight. hop season in full effect - need to get my hands on some pliny

Had it on tap. It was good. Definitely get that bitterness of eating a grapefruit rind.
Don't take beer advocates ratings as fact. I have found so many more beers that are superior than pliny in my eyes.

I believe it. The toughest place for me to get sucked in are beer stores. Guidance is essential. I have been tricked too many times by beer guys who I now don't trust. Obscure breweries may have zero reviews for great small batch seasonal beers, so your judgement isn't clouded. You have to try those. But for packaged beer, where do I turn? I've done entire seasonal blind tastings before with Oktoberfests, and winter beers. There, I liked a few that were under rated, and hated some that were in the 90s. But for the most part, the overall score was a solid indicator.

What's funny is, that BA score I found for the beer I was thinking about buy, it wasn't even the right beer. I bought something thinking it was gonna be very good. And it turned out to be even better. GI Illinois Imperial IPA round 2 coming up in a bit.

How was that? I saw it in the RH/Widmer/Kona branded variety pack. A friend decided on a Redhook variety pack and Sierra Nevada 4-way pack instead. Among the RH, I got to try an Audible Ale.. Not bad. Not amazing.. Just kinda there. Tasted like a Blonde Ale that didnt want to go too far in any direction with the flavors.
Based Mod, what kind of stand is that at Bottle Logic? Was that for a party of 5-6? Or a Sampler of Pints?
Mr. Marcus, Hit up a local brewery. Order a sampler tray of everything they got. That was how I was introduced to the world of beers. I went on a set of brewery 'tours' back a few summers in the North East. We went through 5-8 places. By the 4th place, I knew exactly what to order or stay away from. At the time, the two odd balls were stouts and IPAs. They definitely carry the most flavor and intricacies... Now I love them. Not that everyone will gravitate towards them eventually. But I know a few who have.

My pallet really opened itself up since then. Grocery stores and beer stores now sell single bottles of misc. beers. I'm even overwhelmed at beer stores. So take it slow. Others have mentioned variety 6/12 packs. Sam Adams is a solid choice to jump in with. Half of their seasonals seem to carry some type of spice (may carry some off flavors you may or may not like). But you gotta start somewhere.

Taste preferences change over day, months, or years. One IPA may not be like another breweries. Which leaves you essentially needing to try everything lol. It's a great problem to have. I remember thinking Boston Lager was okay, then it was GOOD, then it became weird when I liked other beers. Now since I've been heavily into IPAs and stouts for months, when I revisit it, it's a refreshing break and I can appreciate it. I seen it every time I go into a Total Wine type place. People are overwhelmed beyond belief. It's okay to feel that way. If all else fails, try to make an effort to try 4 new beers a month, and start off slow.

How can I forget BEER FESTS? Anywhere from 10 to 100 brewery events take place all over the US. You can sample hundreds of beers in a weekends time frame. I've seen beer weeks created where entire cities get involved. I've seen multiple types of beer events (cask only.... IPA only) take place.

scrub0bk, check back about 10 days on this thread. I had a small review on it. I felt it was worth its BA Score of around 91-92 in smell and clarity alone. The mouthfeel was a bit thin for my taste. Throw in the crazy bomber price, and it just didn't seem all that worth it imho.
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The Illiinois by Goose Island, an Imperial IPA review part 2:

Just as good as I originally stated yesterday. It's looking like the best 9+% DIPA I have ever tried. Where is the hype? The threads and posts? Where is the noise about it? I see many on untappd claiming it to be quite amazing... What an oddball release of this GIANT. I've seen some reviews of a 8.4% draft only imperial IPA by GI.. Is this the same? What the heck am I drinking here? I don't know if its clear.

I won't exaggerate here, This is just damn good. I saw my local TW sitting on 8 total cases on the floor, so I doubt it sells out. But what a wow factor here. I need to head there asap and buy a couple more 4 packs........ Easily at least a 97 to 100 on the BA scale. It's all smiles drinking this stuff. What a TREAT!
Anybody ever been part of a BIF (Beer it Forward)?

I never have, but it seems like a really fun thing to do.
My cousin dropped this off the other day:


My very first growler. How fast should you finish the thing?

The day you open it. Ever had a 2 liter of soda that tasted amazing when you first opened it, then the next day you end up disappointed? Same thing.
wallyhopp, yup that was the variety pack it came in... pretty good, taste kinda like something else just couldnt put my finger on it... the red hook wasnt bad either but red hook and kona had a IPA taste to it... im not a fan of IPA.. i can drink any other beer from hefs, reds, browns, cidars, stouts, porters, ect.. just not a fan of the bitterness.. i only drink it to get rid of it :lol:...
I've had a quarter of a growler and it was okay the next afternoon. But it also depends on how fresh it was poured. If it's already a week old, it may be time to drink it all. if it's fresh within a day or so, I say you have about two days tops if you take your time on it... If you drink more than half, it can go flat overnight.... Too much thinking most of the time, so drink up! lol
Forgive me beer gods I have sinned. I picked up a tall can of miller fortune. Smells sweet and malty. Tastes like a sweeter maltier macro brew. It's very bland. Would order it over any other macro brew but not over Sam Adams or fat tire at bars with no variety.
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