NT, What Beer Do You Drink?


One of my favorites.

Can anyone recommend anything similar?

Last 4th of July we had a vermont beer tasting with the family... This 4th we went off the beaten path a bit and tried about 12 'fruit' beers.. Purple Haze being one of those.

Here are the ones we tried:
Twisted Pine Raspberry Wheat
Shocktop Raspberry Wheat
Rascal's Wild Red Raspberry
Abita Purple Haze Raspberry
Laughing Dog Huckleberry Cream ale
Seadog Raspberry Ale
Abita Strawberry
Shocktop Apple Crisp
Seadog Apricot Ale
Pyramid Apricot Ale
Marble WIldflower Wheat
Indian Wells Orange Blossom

Seadog Raspberry, Purple Haze, Twited Pine, and Laughing Dog were very similar in taste. All carried a light raspberry tartness and not much else.. So that may be to your liking

In the other categories, Both shocktops carried a sweetness that almost no other beer had. That may be their signature taste.

Rascal's Wild Red was a bit of a surprise. The beer was red in color and carried a 8% abv. This one was just as sweet as the Shocktops but had a bit more bark (pun intended)

Seadog Apricot vs. Pyramid Aprciot. Everyone agreed that the Pyramid beer was the best tasting out of ALL of the beers we tried here. The seadog beer was a bit too muted in flavor. The Pyramid brought some dry carbonation and the apricot flavor is always on point.

Marble beer. This one was a bit of an outsider. They use wildflower honey in their wheat beer. So it had a bit of a flower floral smell and initial taste.. No other fruits were used in the brewing. So the sweetness was very subtle. Well done beer

Indian Wells... This one smelled a bit like kitchen soap lol.. The orange peel was very subtle. But I couldn't get over the fact this one had a bit of an artifical orange smell to it. Not overly undrinkable but easy to pass next time around.

Out of these, I'd buy three again.. WIld Red, Pyramid, and Marble
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I tried a ton of beers yesterday after Stillin's Wegman's recommendation. I have a lot more to try but here's the ones I had thus far:

21st Amendment Bitter American:

This one is one of those beers that grow on you. At first, I thought it was gross. I bought a sixpack Wednesday night and had one before bed. It reminded me of Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale but without the fruitiness. I had it again the next morning and damn was it good. Maybe it needed more time in the fridge but it was great. Very smooth, yet dry. Dry in an enjoyable way. 

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA:

Again, this one Reminded me of Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale as far as smell goes. But that's where the comparisons begin to differ. This one is much richer and complex yet very very drinkable. A little less bitter than the SN in my opinion

Victory Summer Love:

Oh man, where do I begin. This had a very refreshing citrus front. Then it settled into a smooth, ale finish. Lighter than other Ale's I've had but not light in the sense where it was like a Miller Light and went down like water. This one had some character to it. Very drinkable. i could drink this all day. PERFECT for the Summer. 

and finally.....

21st Amendment Hell Or high Watermelon

For the regulars in this thread, you might have noticed my obsession with this beer the last couple weeks. I was literally going insane looking for a place where I could find it. I finally found it last night. Before even trying it, I was scared that my expectations would be so high that I would be left dissapointed regardless of how it tasted. I cracked open this far one. Man. So damn refreshing. I was skeptical because a lot of the reviews on the Beer Snob websites said this one was too sweet, which is the one thing I hate in fruit beers. But this is far from it. It's a very smooth Wheat beer on the front. Then it finishes with an ever so slight hint of watermelon. Like Stillin said, it's basically the white, rind part of the watermelon. Not overpowering, but you do get that feint taste. Very very good summer beer. I could down these like nothing. And yes, it did live up to my expectations as I am a big fan of wheat beers.

Reviews to come for :

Victory Golden Monkey

Bell's Two Hearted Ale

Sierra Nevada Kellerweis
Some guy at my local liquor store buys 6 cases of Sam Porch at a time.

I could see why. Extremely refreshing beer, I've never even heard of it until yesterday when a friend of mine brought some and left it all in my cooler :pimp:

Is this available year round?
I tried a ton of beers yesterday after Stillin's Wegman's recommendation. I have a lot more to try but here's the ones I had thus far:

21st Amendment Bitter American:
This one is one of those beers that grow on you. At first, I thought it was gross. I bought a sixpack Wednesday night and had one before bed. It reminded me of Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale but without the fruitiness. I had it again the next morning and damn was it good. Maybe it needed more time in the fridge but it was great. Very smooth, yet dry. Dry in an enjoyable way. 

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA:
Again, this one Reminded me of Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale as far as smell goes. But that's where the comparisons begin to differ. This one is much richer and complex yet very very drinkable. A little less bitter than the SN in my opinion

Victory Summer Love:
Oh man, where do I begin. This had a very refreshing citrus front. Then it settled into a smooth, ale finish. Lighter than other Ale's I've had but not light in the sense where it was like a Miller Light and went down like water. This one had some character to it. Very drinkable. i could drink this all day. PERFECT for the Summer. 

and finally.....

21st Amendment Hell Or high Watermelon
For the regulars in this thread, you might have noticed my obsession with this beer the last couple weeks. I was literally going insane looking for a place where I could find it. I finally found it last night. Before even trying it, I was scared that my expectations would be so high that I would be left dissapointed regardless of how it tasted. I cracked open this far one. Man. So damn refreshing. I was skeptical because a lot of the reviews on the Beer Snob websites said this one was too sweet, which is the one thing I hate in fruit beers. But this is far from it. It's a very smooth Wheat beer on the front. Then it finishes with an ever so slight hint of watermelon. Like Stillin said, it's basically the white, rind part of the watermelon. Not overpowering, but you do get that feint taste. Very very good summer beer. I could down these like nothing. And yes, it did live up to my expectations as I am a big fan of wheat beers.

Reviews to come for :

Victory Golden Monkey
Bell's Two Hearted Ale
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis

Nice write man, glad you enjoyed the Wegmans trip and beers it provided

That Golden Monkey will sneak up on you lol
Nice write man, glad you enjoyed the Wegmans trip and beers it provided

That Golden Monkey will sneak up on you lol

Thanks brotha. Its going to be NY go to spot for a while.

I was gonna try the Golden Monkey a few nights ago but it was a weeknight and I had a 30 minute drive back to my place so I don't wanna fall asleep at the wheel, especially since I was already 7 deep
Had summer love and hell or high last night again at some outdoor bars.

These might be all that I drink when I'm out at bars now. Literally, the two PERFECT summer brews
Had summer love and hell or high last night again at some outdoor bars.

These might be all that I drink when I'm out at bars now. Literally, the two PERFECT summer brews

throw in Dogfish Head Festina Peche and Bell's Oberon and you are all set
I must've had a watered down bad batch, but when I went to some festival the abita purple haze tasted like pure *** cheeks.
throw in Dogfish Head Festina Peche and Bell's Oberon and you are all set
I gotta try that DFH. Time to hit up Wegman's lol

You ever been to Doylestown. There's a ton of nice outdoor bars there. There's this place called Puck that has a nice outdoor setting and they project games and stuff on the side of their building. Very cool
I gotta try that DFH. Time to hit up Wegman's lol

You ever been to Doylestown. There's a ton of nice outdoor bars there. There's this place called Puck that has a nice outdoor setting and they project games and stuff on the side of their building. Very cool

Yeah lol the last girl I dated used to work there but she wasnt a drinker so it was doomed from day 1 lol

In two weeks ill be in Ocean City, MD for vacation, can't wait to hit up their spots

Generally don't like beer but if I'm gonna have a few beers it's definitely this.
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Paid $9 for a four-pack of Festina because Still swears by it.

Also scooped High or Hell Watermelon.
Let me know when you think of both of them.

This girl I've been chillin with a lot lately downed like 4 of the High or Hells last night once I brought over a six pack. I feel like it's a beer that a lot of people can get into. Fruity but not in a bad way. Super super refreshing as well
Yeah lol the last girl I dated used to work there but she wasnt a drinker so it was doomed from day 1 lol

In two weeks ill be in Ocean City, MD for vacation, can't wait to hit up their spots
There's this one bar in OCMD that my buddies from school always go to. I'll have to find it out for you
Ahhhh that stuff is terrible
Yeah man, I went to this one bar that was serving it as a special for like 2 bucks a bottle. Joint was awful. It got better once they mixed it with Goldschleiger. Never thought I would say a beer would taste better if more alcohol was added lol
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