NT...what the heck man?!?!?! Do I exude Gay or something?

You're showing up as a BLIP on someone's Gaydar.

I've had gay dudes hit me on a ton of times and it's never comfortable.

You must be a good looking dude w. some style. No romo.
Your interactions are mainly sus cuz they're in the gym, there'd be no problem if they occurred elsewhere. you almost took the L with that gay weekendin Orlando tho.

Who knows tho Pookie maybe you're just a nice guy meeting a bunch of lonely lame dudes who don't have many friends or maybe that Asian guy needed atoken for his poker game or it could've been strip poker and you got poor gaydar.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

I suspect everybody in the gym....
I dont even let people spot me.

And I try to never make eye contact.
I do the same thing, but I'll talk to someone during my rest periods. I really hate when people interupt my basketball workouts though.
dont take it the wrong way, but he prolly thought you were a sucker cuz you were strugglin to do curls so he tryna take your money on the poker table. we useto add suckers all the time to our poker nights...they dont come back after the first time. or he was gay LOL
Originally Posted by Protoman11

I don't give out my number to dudes, especially not at the gym

Word. amd i, mot talkin to anyone at the gym unless its a female because i got my headphone on...But im mad u said dude in Orlando had LBJ's on wit ajumpsuit
When me and my boys go to the gym we become cool with other people and sometimes we chill, nothing wrong with it but if dude looks like hes tryna just get yournumber for some other type of reason you aint interested in then keep it moving.
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

When you're on a tight schedule you wanna get things done, plus I like to get my lifts done in a orderly and timely fashion...it ain't like he's using the weight non-stop

ima start doin that everywhere i go.

no more waitin in lines for me

lol you sound mad

it's called working in with someone, happens all the time at any gym

op that's awkward as hell.
Asian dude was just tryna kick it. Orlando dude was gone have you doing Bukakke (sp) films...
Like others have said, that first story really doesn't sound all that suspect. Its not like dude asked you out to dinner or to help him move. With theOrlando thing, probably was a good call to keep it moving. The shoes and the jump suit were probably part of his plan to entice young, athletic looking men tobe in his "commercials."
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I don't talk in the gym. Not to nobody.
Same here. The only time I really speak to someone is to ask how many sets they have left. I go in with the iPod on, do work, and leave. Idespise cats who just chit chat all day hogging up the stations.

That reminds me of the gay brother that works at the gym from "I love You, Man".
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