NT, when was the last time you legitimately cried?

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

^^ Galve, you from the 604? That's awesome x)

of course......... this is the first house me and your mother ever bought, our first home in vancouver, the home we raised all of you in. Will you?"
Sidebar: Holy smokes we have a lot of Vanheads in here! VANCOUVER SUMMIT
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

^^ Galve, you from the 604? That's awesome x)

of course......... this is the first house me and your mother ever bought, our first home in vancouver, the home we raised all of you in. Will you?"
Sidebar: Holy smokes we have a lot of Vanheads in here! VANCOUVER SUMMIT
3 months ago at my aunt's funeral. She was in her 40s. Hearing a grown man cry (my uncle) during the burial is a sound that will haunt me forever.
3 months ago at my aunt's funeral. She was in her 40s. Hearing a grown man cry (my uncle) during the burial is a sound that will haunt me forever.
when i mentioned my girls' ex and she told me that he tried to hit her up with dirty remarks after we were together (and she didn't bother to tell me she didnt ignore him after that, it straight felt like she was disrespecting our relationship)

like two weeks ago (we've been dating for 3 months)
when i mentioned my girls' ex and she told me that he tried to hit her up with dirty remarks after we were together (and she didn't bother to tell me she didnt ignore him after that, it straight felt like she was disrespecting our relationship)

like two weeks ago (we've been dating for 3 months)
When my dad died Dec 16 2009. Still have been to the H or his grave, I am fearful of that day because I wont be able to hold it back. Damn can't think about it now need to get back on the grind.
When my dad died Dec 16 2009. Still have been to the H or his grave, I am fearful of that day because I wont be able to hold it back. Damn can't think about it now need to get back on the grind.
Great thread. A lot of us NT share similar pain. For me its w/ my dad. He's ill and seeing him struggle hurts like hell.
Great thread. A lot of us NT share similar pain. For me its w/ my dad. He's ill and seeing him struggle hurts like hell.
Definitely forgot a time from this summer...
We visited my grandparents who are 84 years old, my g-pa just had a nervous breakdown due to moving... he was telling a story and he was about to mention me, but he couldn't remember my name... he just looked at me so helplessly 
 I always heard about this sort of stuff happening to friends, but I never knew it would be so messed up

Anyways, I didn't cry just then, but when I was driving back to Minneapolis after the visit (this is going to sound corny) but I was listening to Airplanes by BoB and for some reason the dramatic way the hook sounds mixed with the thought of my grandpa forgetting my name just drove me nuts and I cried while driving on the freeway 

This is a good thread though, NT... it's good to get this stuff out. I've never told anyone about that story.
Definitely forgot a time from this summer...
We visited my grandparents who are 84 years old, my g-pa just had a nervous breakdown due to moving... he was telling a story and he was about to mention me, but he couldn't remember my name... he just looked at me so helplessly 
 I always heard about this sort of stuff happening to friends, but I never knew it would be so messed up

Anyways, I didn't cry just then, but when I was driving back to Minneapolis after the visit (this is going to sound corny) but I was listening to Airplanes by BoB and for some reason the dramatic way the hook sounds mixed with the thought of my grandpa forgetting my name just drove me nuts and I cried while driving on the freeway 

This is a good thread though, NT... it's good to get this stuff out. I've never told anyone about that story.
When we put down our dog in Apr 09, i cried several times a day for several days. I'd say a couple of weeks ago, I started tearing again because I relived it. She was my first dog (and only so far). I just love her to pieces and I still miss her all the time.

My dog had been at the vet for several days already on some medication, but I hadn't gone to see her because I kept thinking it was going to be her last day and so I didn't want to see her go. Prior to going to the vet, she started having seizures and would take a long time walking to the bathroom to do her business because going outside wasn't really an option anymore. She just wasn't happy looking, active and didn't have an appetite for like a week. I was told by my siblings, who went to the vet to see her, that she looked so sad, but then one day she was so much more active. I was so excited to hear that things were looking up, but sad that I missed the last chance I had to see her more like her normal self.

The vet told us that we could take her home on Saturday too judging by the way it was going. Come Thursday, we got a call from the vet telling us that my dog was suddenly doing so bad and that we should consider going to see her and deciding whether to put her down. We went to the vet around 6ish, 7ish. My heart sank seeing her in the state that she was in, just laying in the cage, looking so exhausted. We all pet her and talked to her for about an hr since my dog was scheduled to put her down at 8pm.

I left the vet crying.

What made me sad was that NONE of us, not my bro, sis, grandpa (dog's closest to him), or me, wanted to stay and watch the procedure because it would have been TOO painful to see. I think back and I just regret that so much. I should have put that +$@* aside and been there for my dog ... one of us at least. I can't even begin to imagine my dog thinking we all didn't want her anymore and was leaving her behind. I'm mad at myself for letting her go without one of us being there with her to the very end ...

I'm actually getting teary eyed right now.
When we put down our dog in Apr 09, i cried several times a day for several days. I'd say a couple of weeks ago, I started tearing again because I relived it. She was my first dog (and only so far). I just love her to pieces and I still miss her all the time.

My dog had been at the vet for several days already on some medication, but I hadn't gone to see her because I kept thinking it was going to be her last day and so I didn't want to see her go. Prior to going to the vet, she started having seizures and would take a long time walking to the bathroom to do her business because going outside wasn't really an option anymore. She just wasn't happy looking, active and didn't have an appetite for like a week. I was told by my siblings, who went to the vet to see her, that she looked so sad, but then one day she was so much more active. I was so excited to hear that things were looking up, but sad that I missed the last chance I had to see her more like her normal self.

The vet told us that we could take her home on Saturday too judging by the way it was going. Come Thursday, we got a call from the vet telling us that my dog was suddenly doing so bad and that we should consider going to see her and deciding whether to put her down. We went to the vet around 6ish, 7ish. My heart sank seeing her in the state that she was in, just laying in the cage, looking so exhausted. We all pet her and talked to her for about an hr since my dog was scheduled to put her down at 8pm.

I left the vet crying.

What made me sad was that NONE of us, not my bro, sis, grandpa (dog's closest to him), or me, wanted to stay and watch the procedure because it would have been TOO painful to see. I think back and I just regret that so much. I should have put that +$@* aside and been there for my dog ... one of us at least. I can't even begin to imagine my dog thinking we all didn't want her anymore and was leaving her behind. I'm mad at myself for letting her go without one of us being there with her to the very end ...

I'm actually getting teary eyed right now.
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

^^ Galve, you from the 604? That's awesome x)

of course......... this is the first house me and your mother ever bought, our first home in vancouver, the home we raised all of you in. Will you?"
Sidebar: Holy smokes we have a lot of Vanheads in here! VANCOUVER SUMMIT

 lets do it... you all better be at least 19 haha. 
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

^^ Galve, you from the 604? That's awesome x)

of course......... this is the first house me and your mother ever bought, our first home in vancouver, the home we raised all of you in. Will you?"
Sidebar: Holy smokes we have a lot of Vanheads in here! VANCOUVER SUMMIT

 lets do it... you all better be at least 19 haha. 
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