NT, when was the last time you legitimately cried?

Great thread.
January 2009 for me. My dad just came out of surgery to remove a tumor they said could have been cancer (turned out not to be), and I just lost it. Seeing him still under the anesthesia and with all these tubes in him was too much for me. Funny thing is I went there to provide emotional support for my mom and I was the one who ended up crying. I'm usually the poised one so it caught me off guard.
Great thread.
January 2009 for me. My dad just came out of surgery to remove a tumor they said could have been cancer (turned out not to be), and I just lost it. Seeing him still under the anesthesia and with all these tubes in him was too much for me. Funny thing is I went there to provide emotional support for my mom and I was the one who ended up crying. I'm usually the poised one so it caught me off guard.
July....only reason was cause I was drunk lol and the chick was saying some gay things to me that I could not handle while intoxicated...%*%#* broke down too so it was straaaaaaight 

other than that....yall some little boys for crying on the regular.
July....only reason was cause I was drunk lol and the chick was saying some gay things to me that I could not handle while intoxicated...%*%#* broke down too so it was straaaaaaight 

other than that....yall some little boys for crying on the regular.
In May, I came home to find my mother unresponsive in bed. She suffered two brain aneurysms and a massive stroke. She was all but gone but miraculously survived and is doing pretty well given the circumstances. Cried at the time a few times. Last few months have been rough money wise, trying to stay in work, and in school.

My girl of 1.5 years broke it off with me after she cheated on ME because "its too hard missing me" while shes at school. And yes, i'm a simp and we still talk and i'm not done chasing her.
In May, I came home to find my mother unresponsive in bed. She suffered two brain aneurysms and a massive stroke. She was all but gone but miraculously survived and is doing pretty well given the circumstances. Cried at the time a few times. Last few months have been rough money wise, trying to stay in work, and in school.

My girl of 1.5 years broke it off with me after she cheated on ME because "its too hard missing me" while shes at school. And yes, i'm a simp and we still talk and i'm not done chasing her.
In July. I got a call from one of my coaches that one of my teammates had been through a terrible car crash. He survived the crash, but he wasn't able to pull through in the hospital.

I can say that I've been lucky enough not to really feel too much emotional pain in my life. But, when I heard the news, it instantly changed my day. My mom and girl at the time both noticed it from just talking on the phone with me.

We had just finished our tour with Minnesota's state rugby team (We both made the all-star team for our age group, and had gotten back from Colorado less than 3 weeks ago.) And I had just saw him about a week or two before hand working at the Taste of MN.

He was one of my closest friends on the team. We literally went across the country and back again playing the game we loved, and what hurts the most is that he had the potential to be one of the best players to ever come out of the state of Minnesota. I'll never forget the impact he made upon my life, and from what I gathered at all of the ceremonial events I had the honor of attending, neither will the other people that  were involved in his life.

Rest in peace Patrick.
In July. I got a call from one of my coaches that one of my teammates had been through a terrible car crash. He survived the crash, but he wasn't able to pull through in the hospital.

I can say that I've been lucky enough not to really feel too much emotional pain in my life. But, when I heard the news, it instantly changed my day. My mom and girl at the time both noticed it from just talking on the phone with me.

We had just finished our tour with Minnesota's state rugby team (We both made the all-star team for our age group, and had gotten back from Colorado less than 3 weeks ago.) And I had just saw him about a week or two before hand working at the Taste of MN.

He was one of my closest friends on the team. We literally went across the country and back again playing the game we loved, and what hurts the most is that he had the potential to be one of the best players to ever come out of the state of Minnesota. I'll never forget the impact he made upon my life, and from what I gathered at all of the ceremonial events I had the honor of attending, neither will the other people that  were involved in his life.

Rest in peace Patrick.
I think it was around July, me and my sis's current boyfriend took my niece to visit her dads grave.
We get there her bf stays in the car and I walk my niece to his grave and she sets down the flowers and cleans his picture, I thought she was going to cry so I put my hands on her shoulders and she just smiled at his grave, when I saw she smiled I just thought "Damn, she's just happy she got to spend as much time as she could with him."
He was a cool as person, and a great father, my sis divorced him and he killed himself a year later when he lost rights to visit his daughter.
I took my hands off my nieces shoulders and looked at his plaque and the memories just hit me, all the good times we had together all the laughs, all the dumb stuff we did together then i nmy head I just imagined him saying "What's up fat boy!" and I just walked away looked up at the sky and broke down, I started crying and crying just remembering everything.
R.I.P. Nick....I miss you bro
I think it was around July, me and my sis's current boyfriend took my niece to visit her dads grave.
We get there her bf stays in the car and I walk my niece to his grave and she sets down the flowers and cleans his picture, I thought she was going to cry so I put my hands on her shoulders and she just smiled at his grave, when I saw she smiled I just thought "Damn, she's just happy she got to spend as much time as she could with him."
He was a cool as person, and a great father, my sis divorced him and he killed himself a year later when he lost rights to visit his daughter.
I took my hands off my nieces shoulders and looked at his plaque and the memories just hit me, all the good times we had together all the laughs, all the dumb stuff we did together then i nmy head I just imagined him saying "What's up fat boy!" and I just walked away looked up at the sky and broke down, I started crying and crying just remembering everything.
R.I.P. Nick....I miss you bro
Originally Posted by The Encore

I shed a tear during The Biggest Loser ... Fat people man

Yeah I know! I NEVER cry but that show just gets me. Frickin Koli and Sam last season had me in tears like every episode.

I cry exclusively for stupid reasons.

I cry over biggest loser, I cried last year when I had a dream that my teddy bear died
and I cried a week ago when I thought my hedgehog was dying. And I never cry so when my roommates saw me they're like
"since when do you have feelings!?"

And if ragetears count, my ex could get me to that point so fast it was ridiculous. I find that the person who makes you happiest in the world always has the ability to make you the saddest/maddest as well. I angry-cry waaaaaay more often than I sad-cry. I feel like I have 1000x more control over grief than I do over my anger.
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