NT who is your best friend?

I don't even kno anymore.

I thought I had one but we have been talking less and less this couple of months for many reasons.

I also started hanging out alot with another of my friend.

but I would my cousin I can tell her anything.
My best friend is a girl I met on move-in day freshman year of college.
I got 3. One i meet in the 7th grade and two freshman year....i'm a freshman in college this fall.
My best friend is also a girl.

A girl who I've known for 12 years, 6 months, and 8 days. No Ducktales
My best friend is someone from high school, we are the same yet different. We've been friends for almost 7 years now.
I have 3. My little brother. My dude since first grade, and my ex. I can talk to them about anything.
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