NT: Would you not date someone because of their race?

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

I missed yet another ignorant racial thread filled with distasteful generalizations...DANG!
Could've made my evening.
Living in a Country where I thought a melting pot is pertinent in our everyday lives, people are still using stupid old demeaning generalizations of a certain race.  I don't see how ya'll can constantly come into contact with someone of a different culture/Race and not allow yourself to date them b/c either, You were raised to not date a certain race b/c of your parents Prejudice, which also makes you narrow minded, Think that once you date one Ghetto or Slutty Girl of a certain race than you've dated them all, or maybe your just unreceptive of the different cultures around you. 

I can understand being less attracted or more attracted to a certain race b/c maybe they have more in common with you or whatever.  But, Simply saying I am NOT or NEVER dating a race b/c they are not my kind sounds very well you know ...

And people saying they would date but not marry.  What's the purpose of dating then?? lol

Oh.. I love All Women btw
OP I live in Texas and I've been with a SLEW of white girls.
They love me.
I'm in Texas FTR.
I'm black and I'm just not attracted to girls with dark black skin. In fact, now that I think about it, any "videos" I ever used to own never even featured dark-skinned women, unless it was purely coincidental.
Great thread OP. um from the song "Everygirl"

"I dont discriminate, No not at all".

I think and like when different races, get together. its shows that we are beating racism, one step at a time..

I like em all color
i wouldn't necessarily stop myself from dating other people, but my taste in men is pretty limited.
the idris elbas, dwyane wades & chris pauls of the world are what pique my interest.

i blame my father.
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

I'm black, and I am only attracted to black men. I'm not apologizing for that.
you dont have to apologize for being a narrow minded individual
You try to offend by calling it 'narrow minded', and I just laugh.
I'm not attracted to men outside my race, and you resorting to name calling won't change it.
first of, im not offending you.  secondly, there is no name calling, in my post.  You are a narrow minded individual. My guess is that you ARE attracted to other types of guys, just that you don't think they would be attracted to you.
Originally Posted by YUNG FLiP iMAGE

I'm Filipino and I've dated/messed with chicks who were black, asian, latina...doesn't matter.

Love is blind. If you let your parents dictate who you date, then you've probably missed out on "the one". You'd be the one getting married, not them...

It is not that easy. This pertains especially to cultures where whoever the daughter dates or her actions in pre-marriage relationships dictates the honor of the family and their reputation. Unfortunately, honour killings happen and some girls (or men) just would not want to risk that or putting their family through it all. If the most extreme case does not happen (i.e. honour killings), then most likely the family would be ostracized/gossiped about in the community, or the person would be disowned or shunned by their family. In some cases, it works out and the family gets over it, but most of the time, it just does not go over too well.

My first relationship which was long term (5 years and a half) was with someone that is not of my religious background or ethnicity. My parents never knew, it was undercover for that long. He ended doing me really dirty, so that is why I broke up with him. But, I do not think I could have gone through it all the way. I was too scared of the consequences. 

I am open to date anyone from any religion/background, but if it has to be serious and marriage potential, has to be family's religion and background. I am not pulling him or my family through all of that craziness or go through some Romeo and Juliet BS, not woth it.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

I'm black, and I am only attracted to black men. I'm not apologizing for that.
you dont have to apologize for being a narrow minded individual
You try to offend by calling it 'narrow minded', and I just laugh.
I'm not attracted to men outside my race, and you resorting to name calling won't change it.
first of, im not offending you.  secondly, there is no name calling, in my post.  You are a narrow minded individual. My guess is that you ARE attracted to other types of guys, just that you don't think they would be attracted to you.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
  @ "Narrow minded" being considered "name calling".. Where are these females coming from? The quality of chicks on this site is rapidly declining by the week.[/color]
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

I'm black, and I am only attracted to black men. I'm not apologizing for that.
you dont have to apologize for being a narrow minded individual
You try to offend by calling it 'narrow minded', and I just laugh.
I'm not attracted to men outside my race, and you resorting to name calling won't change it.
first of, im not offending you.  secondly, there is no name calling, in my post.  You are a narrow minded individual. My guess is that you ARE attracted to other types of guys, just that you don't think they would be attracted to you.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
  @ "Narrow minded" being considered "name calling".. Where are these females coming from? The quality of chicks on this site is rapidly declining by the week.[/color]
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by YUNG FLiP iMAGE

I'm Filipino and I've dated/messed with chicks who were black, asian, latina...doesn't matter.

Love is blind. If you let your parents dictate who you date, then you've probably missed out on "the one". You'd be the one getting married, not them...

It is not that easy. This pertains especially to cultures where whoever the daughter dates or her actions in pre-marriage relationships dictates the honor of the family and their reputation. Unfortunately, honour killings happen and some girls (or men) just would not want to risk that or putting their family through it all. If the most extreme case does not happen (i.e. honour killings), then most likely the family would be ostracized/gossiped about in the community, or the person would be disowned or shunned by their family. In some cases, it works out and the family gets over it, but most of the time, it just does not go over too well.

My first relationship which was long term (5 years and a half) was with someone that is not of my religious background or ethnicity. My parents never knew, it was undercover for that long. He ended doing me really dirty, so that is why I broke up with him. But, I do not think I could have gone through it all the way. I was too scared of the consequences. 

I am open to date anyone from any religion/background, but if it has to be serious and marriage potential, has to be family's religion and background. I am not pulling him or my family through all of that craziness or go through some Romeo and Juliet BS, not woth it.
Yea, there's a big difference between not dating/marrying someone because the difference in religion compared to just not dating someone based on JUST their race/ethnicity.  The religion thing is understandable.
Originally Posted by SdotRusherz

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

I'm black, and I am only attracted to black men. I'm not apologizing for that.
you dont have to apologize for being a narrow minded individual
You try to offend by calling it 'narrow minded', and I just laugh.
I'm not attracted to men outside my race, and you resorting to name calling won't change it.
first of, im not offending you.  secondly, there is no name calling, in my post.  You are a narrow minded individual. My guess is that you ARE attracted to other types of guys, just that you don't think they would be attracted to you.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
  @ "Narrow minded" being considered "name calling".. Where are these females coming from? The quality of chicks on this site is rapidly declining by the week.[/color]
i think shes from that Justin Timberlake message board.  its hit or miss with, females coming from that site. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I am open to date anyone from any religion/background, but if it has to be serious and marriage potential, has to be family's religion and background.

Why would you be willing to date someone from any religious background but only be willing to get married with someone who shares your religion?
What is the point of dating someone from a different background if you would never let things go to the next level?  Might as well just state from the start that it can never get serious and avoid all the complications that come with the term and the labels of "Dating".
J Dilla Himself wrote:

Yea, there's a big difference between not dating/marrying someone because the difference in religion compared to just not dating someone based on JUST their race/ethnicity.  The religion thing is understandable.

I actually do not care what my significant other's religious beliefs would be, but I can see that when it comes to marriage and having children, it can cause a lot of problems. There would be arguments on what religion to raise the children and since different religions instill different values in you, then there would be a clash right there. But, as someone who is more Agnostic and open to all religions, it does not get to me at all.

But with my parents, especially my dad (mom would freak out, but be calm about it and probably get over it years after), their preference is that he has to be Arab and Sunni Muslim. However, it cannot just be any Arab for them. It even goes down to the sect of the religion or the national background. I asked my dad once what if I fall in love with a non-Arab such as Pakistani Muslim or Indonesian Muslim, he freaked out saying I am not bringing home to him someone who does not speak his language.
So ignorant. If I do, then I can stay out. So, it does even go down to the religion,ethnicity,race AND nationality. When it comes to Arabs/Middle Easterners, they are very divided by tribal and national lines. There are all these layers and it gets so complex. My parents would even disapprove of a Muslim Sunni Kuwaiti (they are Arabs too!) or from any other Gulf State for example. Not all Arab or Middle Eastern families are like this. But, I will say that the men do get it a lot easier and they tend to get away with their parents whomever they marry in a lot of cases. It has to do with cultural/political and even nationalistic aspects that are brought into it all. It is to the point I know exactly who they would approve of and who they would not. 
Originally Posted by eight2one

I wouldnt date a black girl.
Do you have any specific reasons on why you wouldn't?

There isn't anything wrong with that though... Your preference is your preference.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Yea, there's a big difference between not dating/marrying someone because the difference in religion compared to just not dating someone based on JUST their race/ethnicity.  The religion thing is understandable.
Love transcends all things............Except religion?????


No. I don't discriminate. As long as she is good looking & has a good personality, I'll give her a chance. 
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I am open to date anyone from any religion/background, but if it has to be serious and marriage potential, has to be family's religion and background.

Why would you be willing to date someone from any religious background but only be willing to get married with someone who shares your religion?
What is the point of dating someone from a different background if you would never let things go to the next level?  Might as well just state from the start that it can never get serious and avoid all the complications that come with the term and the labels of "Dating".

I see what you are saying. It is because there is always that chance that deeper feelings can evolve and that is when things can get so messed up, even if at the beginning you are not getting into it for it to be serious.

I really do not know. After my ex, I was seeing/dated a Cambodian guy and I just broke it off because I was still so messed up from what the ex did to me and this guy was a rebound and it was so unfair to him. I have only dated 2 men ever. That's it. So, maybe the next guy I get with has to be marriage potential, I don't know. I have never clicked with someone of my background because I just have not found that guy, but I am sure they exist. It is just the ones I have come across here have not done it for me. I seem to have a lot more in common with men who are not of my background.

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