NTers 25+: Do you guys still have trouble splitting the bill with your friends?

Nah, my friends and I are good when it comes to splitting up the bill.  We don't split it up evenly, we pay the amount we owe plus some extra to cover the tip.
Pretty much always separate bills to deal with it. Occasionally we take turns picking it up if the bills are small enough.
Pretty much always separate bills to deal with it. Occasionally we take turns picking it up if the bills are small enough.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

you guys don't get separate checks?
Here, I've been to places that won't allow you to do separate checks.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

It's actually because split checks are really annoying.  Table of 12 people and 12 separate checks all paying different methods.  Working in the service industry has totally made me not want to go out to eat anymore, especially in large groups.  So many people don't figure tax+tip in when they pay... if you don't have the $ to pay for your share properly then don't go out to eat right?

Anyways split checks are almost 99% of the time requested by people 25 and under. 
Its not my fault that split checks are annoying. They are more convenient for everyone who requests one. Its inconvenient for you because you don't want to handle the different methods like the waitress who almost lost my friend's debit card while handling her bill. Tax is mandatory, a tip is not. They don't have to figure it in when they pay.

Regarding the bolded statement, I'll pay for my meal and include the tip and tax. That's MY share. I'm not covering anyone else.
But if you do have a large group, you usually do have to figure in tip.  Almost all restaurants put an 18-20% automatic gratuity for parties of 6 or more.  The other day this guy at a table of 10 people tried to give me his card before they even got the check and said "I got the burger and soda, put $9 on my card"...
  His order was about $13 before tax+tip and him and his friends all split side orders as well.  A lot of people try to get out of paying extra... Makes me feel bad for the people with them.  Someone always ends up paying difference for a friend who didn't put in enough. 
Then you bring him his 2 items on a receipt and show it to him that his order is $13 and he can't argue now, can he? You waitresses have to be like the laziest son of a guns. So that's your excuse now? Can't figure out 20% in your head?
Too much work? Like, multiply the # of dollars in the total x 2 and move the decimal. That's like 2nd grade math broseph. Of course, it's not like there's a calculator on your cell phone or you could buy one for a dollar anyways.

And I'm still flabbergasted by the idea of a place denying you split checks. I'll tell them I'm only paying for my $$%@, so bring me a receipt with just my $$%@ + grat on it if they want to be paid or I'll take everything gratis. Bet the manager will come out the back with a quickness, since that's how long it takes anyways, with a receipt and an apology for your incompetent !+%. Don't bother with the "I'll spit in your food next time," retort either. I don't go out enough for that to be a possibility, and by the time I come back, if you are still working there then I doubt your intelligence level is high enough for you to remember me anyways. I mean, you refill drinks for a living anyways.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

It's actually because split checks are really annoying.  Table of 12 people and 12 separate checks all paying different methods.  Working in the service industry has totally made me not want to go out to eat anymore, especially in large groups.  So many people don't figure tax+tip in when they pay... if you don't have the $ to pay for your share properly then don't go out to eat right?

Anyways split checks are almost 99% of the time requested by people 25 and under. 
Its not my fault that split checks are annoying. They are more convenient for everyone who requests one. Its inconvenient for you because you don't want to handle the different methods like the waitress who almost lost my friend's debit card while handling her bill. Tax is mandatory, a tip is not. They don't have to figure it in when they pay.

Regarding the bolded statement, I'll pay for my meal and include the tip and tax. That's MY share. I'm not covering anyone else.
But if you do have a large group, you usually do have to figure in tip.  Almost all restaurants put an 18-20% automatic gratuity for parties of 6 or more.  The other day this guy at a table of 10 people tried to give me his card before they even got the check and said "I got the burger and soda, put $9 on my card"...
  His order was about $13 before tax+tip and him and his friends all split side orders as well.  A lot of people try to get out of paying extra... Makes me feel bad for the people with them.  Someone always ends up paying difference for a friend who didn't put in enough. 
Then you bring him his 2 items on a receipt and show it to him that his order is $13 and he can't argue now, can he? You waitresses have to be like the laziest son of a guns. So that's your excuse now? Can't figure out 20% in your head?
Too much work? Like, multiply the # of dollars in the total x 2 and move the decimal. That's like 2nd grade math broseph. Of course, it's not like there's a calculator on your cell phone or you could buy one for a dollar anyways.

And I'm still flabbergasted by the idea of a place denying you split checks. I'll tell them I'm only paying for my $$%@, so bring me a receipt with just my $$%@ + grat on it if they want to be paid or I'll take everything gratis. Bet the manager will come out the back with a quickness, since that's how long it takes anyways, with a receipt and an apology for your incompetent !+%. Don't bother with the "I'll spit in your food next time," retort either. I don't go out enough for that to be a possibility, and by the time I come back, if you are still working there then I doubt your intelligence level is high enough for you to remember me anyways. I mean, you refill drinks for a living anyways.
Why are you so mad? My point is that people do not understand the concept of dining. In no way did I say that I didn't tell him his total or figure it out for him. I always split the check for people when they request it, even if that means 12 ways. However, there are very lazy people who lie and say that they can't split the check just because they don't want to do it. I'm simply sharing a story as to how people don't understand tax+tip concept and how in large groups other people have to make up cost for those in their party who are incompetent. It blows my mind how grown adults go sit down to eat at a nice place and think all they have to pay for is their meal, down to the cent.
Why are you so mad? My point is that people do not understand the concept of dining. In no way did I say that I didn't tell him his total or figure it out for him. I always split the check for people when they request it, even if that means 12 ways. However, there are very lazy people who lie and say that they can't split the check just because they don't want to do it. I'm simply sharing a story as to how people don't understand tax+tip concept and how in large groups other people have to make up cost for those in their party who are incompetent. It blows my mind how grown adults go sit down to eat at a nice place and think all they have to pay for is their meal, down to the cent.
Lol nope. No one has any problems saying “separate tickets, please.”
Under 25- we always split the bill

Now- we’re doing better in life so we kinda take turns on the bill
Two Things I Dont Do:

1. Go Out To Eat With Extremely Large Parties
2. Engage In Activities With People Who Couldnt Pay For 100% Of Everything

In 2021 It's Odd That's An Issue, Collect Everyone Cash And Cash App One Person To Pay The Bill.

Do you guys tip accordingly?

First off, I'd like to CC: ahat ahat A aham 703 hwy 703 hwy to highlight DC gravedigging an almost 10 year old post AND that the search feature is working and it's better than ever. Second, this is just reckless. I was mad as hell when I saw the caption because I knew it was going to be our people. Expecting an establishment split between 25 people is reckless. It looks like they were drinking too...did they expect them to attach the appropriate drinks to each meal? C'mon man.

Two Things I Dont Do:

1. Go Out To Eat With Extremely Large Parties
2. Engage In Activities With People Who Couldnt Pay For 100% Of Everything

In 2021 It's Odd That's An Issue, Collect Everyone Cash And Cash App One Person To Pay The Bill.
THIS! I'm not an extremely large party diner myself but I hate all that splitting and trying to figure out whose is whose because it's such a pain. I usually just pay to keep things simple or folks will say tell me to not worry about it because I've got them so many times. But even if we are splltting like you said, just do it with one card and then use an app or go to an ATM for reimbursement. Simple.

But....looking at that bill it was $2204.16. I'm assuming that already includes gratuity so that means it's $88.17 per head. I bet there were folks who didn't drink or only had one while others got smacked so they felt some type of way. That's just the "large group tax" you signed up for, sorry bruh.
Not really. I almost don't carry cash with me unless it's a "cash only" restaurants, so most of the time we put it in one card and Venmo/Zelle/Cash App everyone else. There are times were we take turns on who pays the bill.
We usually take turns. If it’s a big bill, like $1000 or more, 2 of us will split it 50/50
If they initially asked to have the checks separated and the restaurant said no, that's one thing. Should've got up and left if it was that big of a deal.

If they caused a scene after the restaurant refused to retroactively split the bills, that's on them. Figure out who pays what amongst yourselves and don't drag the staff into your nonsense. Not the restaurant's fault you can't handle these types of situations like adults.
That video is triggering man cause that **** basically happened to me in college. It was 6 of us initially at the bar/grill by our apartment. Then a group of girls we knew just so happened to come down a little later. They asked to sit at the table next to us. Parties of 8 or more have 18% gratuity added to the bill automatically. There were at least 10 of “us”total.

My group asks for the check and they bring out one with everybody’s food and drinks on it. It was a few hundred with the gratuity. All hell broke loose.... Manager said we were one group and had to pay the gratuity. Half the group refused to pay and started cussing out the manager. Cops were called. It was bad. I offered to pay the gratuity but they weren’t having it off GP.

I think the cops eventually sided with us and the gratuity got removed and we each paid separately. All that bc a bum *** extra $30 smh. Couldn’t show my face there again and that was MY spot.....
When I used to go out I hated doing this and I blame lazy waiters and waitresses. Just take our individual orders and individual cards so we don't have to go through this awkward payment phase.
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