NTers....why DON'T you drink or do drugs?? VOL......Im Good

1. Just never saw the point in engaging in such activities.

2. I'm too cheap to spend my money on booze and smoke. I'll drink socially, say at a wedding, if it's free.

3. Health reasons.

i stopped drinking and getting drunk recently because I'm working out alot. 

Im cutting and getting in tip top shape for the summer. 

and I partied alot this winter. 

That seems to be my yearly routine...

stay in good shape throughout the winter but drink more. soon as it starts warming up i barely have a drink and hit the gym hard.

my diet is always on point though. 

quit smkoinglike 3-4 years ago as my new years resolution and still haven't smoked weed or ciggs. 

i stopped that because it's bad for my lungs and slowed my overall fitness down...i have asthma as well
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i drink on Fridays with the fellas( henny, 1738 , dusse , etc) ... maybe , and that's a big maybe one or 2 drinks with wifey during the week ( cocktail or wine) .. 

i burn a spliff in the evening dolo... and i toke like half a zip on fridays with the fellas.. 

im sober for the most part these days, i dont even drink to get drunk.. 

i quit cigarettes cold turkey but i'd have one or 2 a year
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Never saw the joy or pleasure in it. I've sipped on beer, it's situating. Ive smoked a total of 12 times in my life (since 14, I'm now 20). Each time it's just to do it socially with my friends but I don't really see the point. I'm too cheap like one NTer said, and I like how healthy I feel. Not saying that I agree with the "negative" health affects of smoking the green, but I personally don't prefer it. I don't like the feeling of being high. :lol:
I've never tried alcohol or tried drugs. Neither interested me.
Yea mon, a bud habit is expensive.. Drink socially and smoke on rare occasion when the mood is right. 

Side note: sex when high off good dank is heavenly. Like its addictivie
Weed and drinks are too expensive, idk how people constantly do it
it depends on how much you make and what you spend your money on... making 12 an hour aint gonna support that kush habit , it can but other aspects of your life . got NTers making 12-15 an hour buying new sneakers every week or 2... thats an expensive habit.. 
Most of those that haven't tried the vices are super young (younger than 21) and probably haven't had the exposure (due to not being in colleges, bars, raves..etc or having $$)

Aside from alcohol, you gotta be super adventurous to dabble in "other" things. Definitely though props to those that haven't tried anything.

Not everybody is meant to be Hunter S Thompson. :lol:
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I initially stopped smoking bc of work, basically had too much to lose to be messing around & failing drug tests. Just wasn't worth it to me. Plus trees give me anxiety like no other it's crazy.

Liquor has never been for me even when I drank. Doesn't sit well in my system. Beer is really my vice but even that I don't drink anymore. I'll have a cold one at a restaurant with my food but that's about it now.
Lived that Hank Moody life since I was 19 ...I'm more mellowed out now, still drink but only on occasion. However I have a beer or a glass of wine 1-2 a week with my wife.

I made it out of my 20's unscathed, now I have life lessons needed to know how to reach my sons when the time comes to have those talks.
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I used to go out and get wasted...now I have a drink like every 3-6 months. Guess I just outgrew it. It doesn't do the same thing for me it did back then. I'll take advantage of an open bar in a minute, though.
I used to go out and get wasted...now I have a drink like every 3-6 months. Guess I just outgrew it. It doesn't do the same thing for me it did back then. I'll take advantage of an open bar in a minute, though.
Yo, you been around for a long time. I remember when you posted on HT...you definitely had your moments 
Most of those that haven't tried the vices are super young (younger than 21) and probably haven't had the exposure (due to not being in colleges, bars, raves..etc or having $$)

Aside from alcohol, you gotta be super adventurous to dabble in "other" things. Definitely though props to those that haven't tried anything.

Not everybody is meant to be Hunter S Thompson.
Let's do Ayahuasca, bro.
I used to go out and get wasted...now I have a drink like every 3-6 months. Guess I just outgrew it. It doesn't do the same thing for me it did back then. I'll take advantage of an open bar in a minute, though.
Yo, you been around for a long time. I remember when you posted on HT...you definitely had your moments 

Those were the days. I was young and spry back then.

Lived that Hank Moody life since I was 19 ...I'm more mellowed out now, still drink but only on occasion. However I have a beer or a glass of wine 1-2 a week with my wife.

I made it out of my 20's unscathed, now I have life lessons needed to know how to reach my sons when the time comes to have those talks.
This is the most important thing for me. All those bumps in the road growing up I'm glad I experienced, and can't wait to impart the little wisdom I have about life onto my kids.
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I drink 2-3 beers a day, maybe some more on the weekends since I can spread them out easier.  I get "hammered" maybe once or twice a year.

I'm on-and-off with smoking.  I've currently been smoking a bowl or two when I get home from work and maybe a few more on the weekends, but I made a point to take it easy for a while starting yesterday.  Trying to improve my cardio/pulmonary status and I'm gonna be on the hunt for a new job come July.  Weed hasn't been helping my anxiety either.

Don't see much of a point in cutting back on the beer though.
i smoke once in a while and its just super relaxing and helps me sleep like a baby..As far as drinking i drink socially and enjoy a nice glass of wine at the end of a long day or week. 
I've never tried alcohol or tried drugs. Neither interested me.
don't knock it till you try it.

getting drunk with a bunch of broads can be one of the best nights of your life that you will remember forever. 

better than being sober and sleeping in imo...

imo when you are in your 20's...live like you are in your 20's. 

you don't have to go overboard but it's ok to let yourself go once in a while.

because when you are in your 30's and up you damn sure aren't going to be spontaneous and free as you are in your 20's.  
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I been trying to stop drinking for awhile, but my discipline has been terrible. Its more so because when I go out with friends and I be trying to holla at broads. But really its toxic for your body man. It has limit my gains a ton in the gym and I'm actually trying to cut back down to get shredded again because I been drinking and eating Waffle House and other garbage after the club. My issue is I only drink when I go out, but that one night or weekend out I'll get destroyed. Hangovers and waking up at 2 in the afternoon and feeling like trash ain't the move no more. I'm just going to keep focusing on the gym and not say I'm going to stop drinking. I just going to do it. Its tough tho because I don't see anything wrong with a drink or two. But if you aint discipline and can manage its not a good look. Especially during the week man I don't know how people do it. Its crazy too man because society glorifies getting hammered. Women look at you crazy if you tell them you don't drink like that. Another thing I noticed is being in shape is like a rare commodity and watching what you eat. That's another topic for another day.

Drugs I never did because of my mom being on drugs and I joined the service so obviously I couldn't do it. Even then now that I'm out I just don't see myself getting stoned. I rather just hit the gym or write code. The "hard" drugs I don't know how people do that. I had a broad I use to rock with became a Lamar Odom lite and was telling me about it like it was normal. Like shorty don't be coming to me talking crazy after doing booger sugar. Cut that joint off immediately.
1. Because I'm native american and people expected me to be that way/I'm not following the stereotype

2. I'm Mormon :smokin
come at me bro

Used to do hella stuff though.
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