NTers....why DON'T you drink or do drugs?? VOL......Im Good

I used to smoke when I was a teenager and have the greatest times. As I got older it started giving me anxiety so I said adios. Haven't smoked since 2005.

Don't drink like I did in my college years either. I was never a mid week drinker though. Only on the weekends. Presently I might have a few drinks once a month on the weekend.
drinking just seems pointless and a waste of money, along with potential health issues

never liked weed, huge waste of time and kills productivity 

chillin with drunk people >>>>>>>>>>> high people tho 
I've never tried alcohol or tried drugs. Neither interested me.
don't knock it till you try it.

getting drunk with a bunch of broads can be one of the best nights of your life that you will remember forever. 

better than being sober and sleeping in imo...

imo when you are in your 20's...live like you are in your 20's. 

you don't have to go overboard but it's ok to let yourself go once in a while.

because when you are in your 30's and up you damn sure aren't going to be spontaneous and free as you are in your 20's.  
Adding to this: I think a big part of your 20s (particularly your late 20s) is learning how to drink responsibly in social situations.  

I grew up in a predominantly white suburb of Long Island where punk and hardcore were big amongst high school kids. As a result, being "straight edge" was very popular.  

I bring this up because I moved to a new town last June and found out a few of those "straight edge" kids from high school lived a few blocks down and were having a 4th of July party.  Good god.  I expected to be able to sit down, have a few beers, smoke a bowl, eat a burger, shoot the ****, and maybe watch some fireworks.  These "straight edge" kids decided that their way to have fun of the 4th of July was to have a Roman candle/fireworks shootout in the backyard, and to include people who didn't have any fireworks.  I sat down at the patio table and they start lighting up the backyard.  After a few minutes they start aiming the fireworks at everyone else, and eventually me.  I dodged the first two and told them to stop, but they wouldn't listen.  After 20 minutes I poured my beer onto the grass, told them it's been real, got in my car and bounced.

It was at this point in time that I realized abstinence isn't always a virtue.  Sometimes it's a symptom of a bigger problem.  These dudes never grew up.  Maybe if they learned how to have a few drinks in a responsible fashion they could learn how to have fun in a fashion that's more appropriate for a group of dudes pushing 30.  

I ended up bringing half of the party back to my apartment.  We drank, smoked weed, watched fireworks off of my balcony, and a had an exponentially better time than the previous manchild circle-jerk we were at.
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drinking just seems pointless and a waste of money, along with potential health issues

never liked weed, huge waste of time and kills productivity 

chillin with drunk people >>>>>>>>>>> high people tho 
I feel like either way you gotta be either drunk or high to deal with people in the same state.

I've been around some drunk dudes that are unbearable. Slurring all their words, talking with their hands stumbling around.

Also been around people when they were high and just vegging out and laughing at anything.

I feel like I'd rather deal with someone high than someone drunk.
yeah, unless you have a serious health condition everyone should experience drinking and learn how your body reacts to alcohol, everyone is different 
drinking just seems pointless and a waste of money, along with potential health issues

never liked weed, huge waste of time and kills productivity 

chillin with drunk people >>>>>>>>>>> high people tho 
I feel like either way you gotta be either drunk or high to deal with people in the same state.

I've been around some drunk dudes that are unbearable. Slurring all their words, talking with their hands stumbling around.

Also been around people when they were high and just vegging out and laughing at anything.

I feel like I'd rather deal with someone high than someone drunk.
maybe not so much drunk but if im with a few friends who have all had 1-3 beers it's a lot more enjoyable than being with people who have just smoked, it usually makes for great conversation 

but yeah being around people who are drunk is not too much fun 
I've never tried alcohol or tried drugs. Neither interested me.
don't knock it till you try it.

getting drunk with a bunch of broads can be one of the best nights of your life that you will remember forever. 

better than being sober and sleeping in imo...

imo when you are in your 20's...live like you are in your 20's. 

you don't have to go overboard but it's ok to let yourself go once in a while.

because when you are in your 30's and up you damn sure aren't going to be spontaneous and free as you are in your 20's.  
Adding to this: I think a big part of your 20s (particularly your late 20s) is learning how to drink responsibly in social situations.  

I grew up in a predominantly white suburb of Long Island where punk and hardcore were big amongst high school kids. As a result, being "straight edge" was very popular.  

I bring this up because I moved to a new town last June and found out a few of those "straight edge" kids from high school lived a few blocks down and were having a 4th of July party.  Good god.  I expected to be able to sit down, have a few beers, smoke a bowl, eat a burger, shoot the ****, and maybe watch some fireworks.  These "straight edge" kids decided that their way to have fun of the 4th of July was to have a Roman candle/fireworks shootout in the backyard, and to include people who didn't have any fireworks.  I sat down at the patio table and they start lighting up the backyard.  After a few minutes they start aiming the fireworks at everyone else, and eventually me.  I dodged the first two and told them to stop, but they wouldn't listen.  After 20 minutes I poured my beer onto the grass, told them it's been real, got in my car and bounced.

It was at this point in time that I realized abstinence isn't always a virtue.  Sometimes it's a symptom of a bigger problem.  These dudes never grew up.  Maybe if they learned how to have a few drinks in a responsible fashion they could learn how to have fun in a fashion that's more appropriate for a group of dudes pushing 30.  

I ended up bringing half of the party back to my apartment.  We drank, smoked weed, watched fireworks off of my balcony, and a had an exponentially better time than the previous manchild circle-jerk we were at.
This is an excellent point. I spent so many nights in my twenties sitting on some stoop somewhere in downtown Manhattan puking my guts out. All for the better though, because they were all learning experiences. I wasn't conscious of it while it was happening, but looking back I can see that each time I was a bit more conscious of my limit.
drinking just seems pointless and a waste of money, along with potential health issues

never liked weed, huge waste of time and kills productivity 

chillin with drunk people >>>>>>>>>>> high people tho 
I feel like either way you gotta be either drunk or high to deal with people in the same state.

I've been around some drunk dudes that are unbearable. Slurring all their words, talking with their hands stumbling around.

Also been around people when they were high and just vegging out and laughing at anything.

I feel like I'd rather deal with someone high than someone drunk.
maybe not so much drunk but if im with a few friends who have all had 1-3 beers it's a lot more enjoyable than being with people who have just smoked, it usually makes for great conversation 

but yeah being around people who are drunk is not too much fun 
I'd say there's a heirarchy.

The best group to talk to/chill with are the people that can have 2-4 beers to loosen up, but can still maintain a good conversation.

2nd best is the group that can smoke a few hits of weed or go in on a blunt and still maintain some semblance of being an actual person.

3rd best is the group that gets so stoned that they're pretty much mashed potatoes in a pair of pants.

Absolute worst group is the obnoxious, belligerent drunks. 
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Stopped smoking. Just over it. Not worth the money either. It was cool but I burned enough for a lifetime.
I used to smoke herb heavy as a teen (& less so when I hit my 20's) but stopped completely last year due to how unproductive I'd get while I was high.

Never really enjoyed drinking but I'm not against drinking socially.

And when I do drink, I drink like a man. Either neat or on the rocks.
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I'm probably in the minority, but weed never impacted my productivity.

I've had plenty of "you need to clean your apartment/study for this test/write this paper/fill out your FAFSA forms and here you are getting high" moments during my weed smoking career.

If anything, the anxiety I got from smoking motivated me to do a lot of stuff I wouldn't have done sober. 
I toke up daily. My girl and I usually blow half a zip every two weeks. I've popped bars, percs, tabs, Molly. Usually my girl and I will pop a perc once every two weeks. The sex is amazing...Lord. I've also been prescribed addy since college but I'll maybe take one of those once a month.

I've also done psychedelics a few times. My girl and I plan on taking LSD again on our vacation coming up.

Don't drink anymore since graduating college but like somebody else mentioned I'd mess up an open bar in a quick second lol.

Reaaons for doing drugs? They are fun. Where people mess up at is they don't create a balance and don't understand moderation. Coming out of college I'm making 70k a year, workout 4x a week, run about 6/7 miles a week, have an amazing girl, friends, family..things I will ALWAYS put first. It's all about moderation and balance. My moms is a professional bodybuilder so attempting to live a healthy lifestyle is ingrained in me.

Green is the only thing I do daily though, and have been doing for 6+ years. It's to the point I can rip a bowl and have no problems running two miles a couple hours later lol. Runners high>>>
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I'm probably in the minority, but weed never impacted my productivity.

I've had plenty of "you need to clean your apartment/study for this test/write this paper/fill out your FAFSA forms and here you are getting high" moments during my weed smoking career.

If anything, the anxiety I got from smoking motivated me to do a lot of stuff I wouldn't have done sober. 
Nah, most older tokers feel this way. Im 29 and have been using since I was 16-17. Im proud of where Im at in life and have no plans to stop using. I am trying to smoke less and vape/eat more though.
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Green is the only thing I do daily though, and have been doing for 6+ years. It's to the point I can rip a bowl and have no problems running two miles a couple hours later lol.

I smoke before going to the gym. Puts me in the zone.
The only sober ones that survive around drunk/high people are funny people, or else you'll be bored

All depends on your definition of fun.
True believer that if your comfortable in your skin and you absurd and give out (+) energy .....
Then drugs Can't fade you.
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don't knock it till you try it.

getting drunk with a bunch of broads can be one of the best nights of your life that you will remember forever. 
better than being sober and sleeping in imo...

imo when you are in your 20's...live like you are in your 20's. 
you don't have to go overboard but it's ok to let yourself go once in a while.

because when you are in your 30's and up you damn sure aren't going to be spontaneous and free as you are in your 20's.  

That ship has already sailed for me. I turn 32 this year.
I don't smoke or do any type of drugs. I have smoked a handful of times in the past, but have never done anything hard.

I do drink from time to time and will have a beer or a drink with friends in a social atmosphere. I used to drink frequently during my early 20's, but have since grown out of it. Most of it is attributed to maintaining a healthier lifestyle and keeping the alcohol consumption as low as possible.

Interestingly enough, I find myself being able to hold my drinks down. I could still go out, go drinks with friends, not throw up or get sick and be perfectly fine the next day. I haven't had a hangover in a very long time.
I'd say there's a heirarchy.

The best group to talk to/chill with are the people that can have 2-4 beers to loosen up, but can still maintain a good conversation.
2nd best is the group that can smoke a few hits of weed or go in on a blunt and still maintain some semblance of being an actual person.
3rd best is the group that gets so stoned that they're pretty much mashed potatoes in a pair of pants.
Absolute worst group is the obnoxious, belligerent drunks. 

This was me last Wednesday :smh:
I used to be the alcoholic version of Frank from shameless. Would get super bent damn near every day act a fool get in bar fights, get kicked out of bars, I even pretended I was a guy named Tim and acted a fool online. I stopped after one last night where I almost got jumped in a bar for grabbing and dudes girls butt.
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