NTers....why DON'T you drink or do drugs?? VOL......Im Good

That white is power in powder man.

But its just a false illusion .

you dont really need anything to be honest.
I dont drink beer unless I'm eating something 

If I'm thirsty water and juice are better options.

If I'm in the mood for alcohol it's not gonna be a beer.
Don't drink. Addicted to coffee tho.

Burn the flower dolo and wax when I'm with the homies.
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I quit drugs for the military. Next week will be 16 years. I drink, but not to pass out drunk or anything and not during the week, only on the weekends, and not even every weekend. I smoke cigarettes, but I have what equates to a lifetime worth of Chantix, may start that back up again, it's just the mood swings and the way it upsets my stomach, and if I'm having a bad day, being on Chantix only amps it up and puts me in seek and destroy mode, but it works. I quit cigarettes for almost a whole year, then I got back on them when I was watching my mom pass away, ironically from cancer after she quit smoking.
Our brains are already equipped, to produce the feelings that drugs provide.

Drugs just overload and fastforward the process.

I don't smoke or drink, but, if others need it, I guess they need. I don't judge them.

Also, my uncle died of an overdose. Coupled with growing up in the hood and being around addicts, and alcoholics. I didn't want that for my life.
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I drink maybe 3 times a year. Even in college I wasn't a huge drinker (though I've gotten totally trashed before, blacked out, not even sure how I've made it back safely, powerful henny induced erections, etc). It just got old after awhile and I just don't care to entertain that anymore. Pretty glad I'm a couple months from 29 and don't have to deal with the "c c c come on, just o o o one drink" " wh wh wh why are you drinking???" crowd. Those were always total losers, and probably the ones still getting trashed weekly while everybody else left that behind. Sometimes **** just gets old.
Along with a few others, if people get loaded on whatever I don't judge, as long as it doesn't put them in a position to where their behavior is a danger to themselves, more power to them because when I was able to partake in the **** I liked, no one was going to change my mind, it was something that was going to happen on its own in due time.
I like to always be in control. I drink and smoke occasionally but in moderation.
Never enough to get really ****** up. Never saw the appeal so before I hit my limit I chill.
I also like how nice my skin and teeth are and while I don't mind needles I'm not a fan.
I also just don't **** with addiction period. Don't even regularly drink coffee for that very reason.
Don't need nor want to be another caffeine addicted american. **** cigarettes too. I will never touch one.

Came in here to pretty much type this.

I just don't have the issues with sobriety that a lot of ___s my age (22) seem to, so while I'm down to partake once in a while as mentioned in the quote; I never get the urge to get faded.
You know who I dislike. That guy who has tried everything under the sun and keeps trying to convince you to do (insert random drug(s) here) too.

No matter how many times you say "Nah ***** I'm good." he just dont get it. "Dude this **** changed my life." Cool, I like mine the way it is.
Stopped smoking trees because it started making me more anxious whenever I was high and it also made my memory worse so I couldn't do well as on tests that I needed to graduate college
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