NTers with interracial children-Serious question UPDATE PG4

Apr 26, 2002
Ok. I have a daughter. I am mexican and her mother is black. Her mother is like a light kind of medium brown skinned complexion. Red bone for those thatunderstand. She has good hair. Its curly but its long and has big curls. I am very pale. Like a pasty needs some sun pale. I have straight short hair but itcurls up when it grows long.

Our daughter has extremely curly hair. It is not as good as her mothers. If it is not combed it curls up into little balls. Her face is almost a carmel color.It is darker than her mothers but not real dark. Her legs though are very dark. Like a dark skin black person. Darker than anyone in her family.

I have raised questions about this but she says our features don't matter in regards to skin color or hair texture. She has alot of her mothers facialfeatures but her eyes look like mine.

I was just wondering. Is it possible for our child to have darker skin and coarser hair than her mother?
Originally Posted by ponson02

good hair

What exactly is good hair OP?

Yes it is a chance that the kid looks differently than her parent. Has been happening since the beginning of time.

Just don't let your wife but any relaxers in your daughters hair
Originally Posted by ponson02

Ok. I have a daughter. I am mexican and her mother is black. Her mother is like a light kind of medium brown skinned complexion. Red bone for those that understand. She has good hair. Its curly but its long and has big curls. I am very pale. Like a pasty needs some sun pale. I have straight short hair but it curls up when it grows long.

Our daughter has extremely curly hair. It is not as good as her mothers. If it is not combed it curls up into little balls. Her face is almost a carmel color. It is darker than her mothers but not real dark. Her legs though are very dark. Like a dark skin black person. Darker than anyone in her family.

I have raised questions about this but she says our features don't matter in regards to skin color or hair texture. She has alot of her mothers facial features but her eyes look like mine.

I was just wondering. Is it possible for our child to have darker skin and coarser hair than her mother?
If you need to ask what good hair is then you are not a person I am seeking an opinion from. Im not trying to argue the whole good hair thing here anyway. Imjust asking if it is possible for my daughter to have features that favor african americans more than her mother.
OP is mexician and extremely pale? Hmm

but you know nothing about genetics OP. and your daughters skin is likely to change as she grows older.
ponson02 wrote:
If you need to ask what good hair is then you are not a person I am seeking an opinion from. Im not trying to argue the whole good hair thing here anyway. Im just asking if it is possible for my daughter to have features that favor african americans more than her mother.
The dominant gene my man.
thats quite the analysis. i dont think in my entire life, i have gone that route of questioning.. seems OD. no offense.

be happy that shes healthy and question other things
yall dudes are crazy. I anticipated the funny comments but know there will be a couple of serious ones so I'm not trippin at all. Thanks to the dude whomentioned my ignorance of genetics. If you could explain some more I would appreciate it.
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