NTers with interracial children-Serious question UPDATE PG4

Originally Posted by ponson02

If you need to ask what good hair is then you are not a person I am seeking an opinion from. Im not trying to argue the whole good hair thing here anyway. Im just asking if it is possible for my daughter to have features that favor african americans more than her mother.
Read a biology textbook genius specifically the chapter on genetics.
Wallyhop- I understand what you are saying. I am extremly grateful for her being healthy. I dont have a problem with her features, its more of a paternityissue thing. Im trying to play this the right way because its a sensitive subject for us. I dont want to go there with my girl and say I want a p.t. and thebaby turn out to be mine and have that ruin the relationship. I want the baby to be mine. Ive been taking care of her for the past ten months. I just want tobe sure. Plus there have been comments made by people that lets me know they see what I see.
If you feel that strongly the baby might not be yours then talk to your girl. There's not much we can say to ease your mind.
Damn tough situation. Do you (or have you) suspected your girl stepping out there on you? Be honest? Have you all talked about that?
do a your own test on the low:


  • Using the enclosed cheek swabs, rub inside the child's cheek and the possible father's cheek.
  • Place swabs into separate specimen envelopes provided.
  • Place payment information and specimen envelopes inside the enclosed postage-paid mailing envelope.
  • Mail the postage-paid envelop to Identigene.
  • Obtain results in 3-5 business days.
  • You specify how you want results delivered - via mail or online.
Have you seen her whole family?
Black families are not like other families where everyone looks alike...
Me for example: In my whole house I am the only light-skinned and I get that from my great-grandmother...
Originally Posted by ponson02

Wallyhop- I understand what you are saying. I am extremly grateful for her being healthy. I dont have a problem with her features, its more of a paternity issue thing. Im trying to play this the right way because its a sensitive subject for us. I dont want to go there with my girl and say I want a p.t. and the baby turn out to be mine and have that ruin the relationship. I want the baby to be mine. Ive been taking care of her for the past ten months. I just want to be sure. Plus there have been comments made by people that lets me know they see what I see.
Bro...you need to be up front with this with your girl. If you don't this will ALWAYS be in the back of your mind as the years go on. It's either your kid, or she's living a lie...for YOUR own sanity, talk to her asap....How long were you dating her before she got pregnant?
Real talk. If you've never had any reason to think she was stepping out on you don't start that now. Just because your baby is a little darker than youexpected. Is it your family that's making you ask questions?
so you don't think the baby's your cuz her AA features are stronger than her mothers? i get my hair from my dads side...of course my dad doesn'thave crazy thick hair but i favor is deceased sister quite a bit...honestly...this is a dumb question....
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

so you don't think the baby's your cuz her AA features are stronger than her mothers? i get my hair from my dads side...of course my dad doesn't have crazy thick hair but i favor is deceased sister quite a bit...honestly...this is a dumb question....

Really. Especially without pics.
Yes it's possible and not at all uncommon. I am dark skinned like my dad, and my sister is light skinned like moms, very light skinned. Again, dominantgenes versus recessive. Google punnet square, then genotype phenotype.
you never know, especially if the kid is really young

when my uncle was a kid he had blonde curly hair and it darkened over time to black.. idk how, but then again i dont know the first thing about genetics.
Mister DoItNice- nah my family lovesthe baby. That just makes it harder.

Nyota de la star- yeah I'veseen the whole family. her mother is real light skin. She is 1/4 white. Her father is creole. He is very light too. I know what your saying about blackfamilies not all looking the same. It sounds cliche to say this but I have been around black families all my life for real.

DoubleJs07- I don't suspect her of stepping out. Weve never had an issue with that. Wewere together for about 1 1/2 years before she got pregnant. But I dont put nothin past nobody. We never had anything come up about that and Im not the type ofdude that worries about that if nothing compels me to.
child isn't even one yet...babies change so much over time...like they say look at the ears of a newborn to see their real complexion and *%@%...

you can bring it up to your girl but be ready for HELL...seriosly...
damn fam...just get the walgreen test. do you have to have the mothers DNA to get a test? (do it while shes sleep)

like damn...damn.

im bout to get the word out that Walgreens does paternity test. then by some stock. THIS IS BIG
Originally Posted by i like shoes too

do a your own test on the low:


  • Using the enclosed cheek swabs, rub inside the child's cheek and the possible father's cheek.
  • Place swabs into separate specimen envelopes provided.
  • Place payment information and specimen envelopes inside the enclosed postage-paid mailing envelope.
  • Mail the postage-paid envelop to Identigene.
  • Obtain results in 3-5 business days.
  • You specify how you want results delivered - via mail or online.

there ya go right there

i know u dont even wanna consider it but this would quell all those negative thoughts

the truth shall set u free
you can bring it up to your girl but be ready for HELL...seriosly...

I know. That is why im hesitant because my girl is a fool anyway. And just like im not sure sheis mine im not sure she isnt. So this is something Im just trying to be very careful with in the way I handle it.
Originally Posted by ponson02

Mister DoItNice- nah my family loves the baby. That just makes it harder.

Nyota de la star- yeah I've seen the whole family. her mother is real light skin. She is 1/4 white. Her father is creole. He is very light too. I know what your saying about black families not all looking the same. It sounds cliche to say this but I have been around black families all my life for real.

DoubleJs07- I don't suspect her of stepping out. Weve never had an issue with that. We were together for about 1 1/2 years before she got pregnant. But I dont put nothin past nobody. We never had anything come up about that and Im not the type of dude that worries about that if nothing compels me to.
You may not be "worried" per-say, but there are PLENTY of trust issues in your relationship if at this point you aren't 100% surethe child is yours. That's gotta be the worst feeling in the world if you look at your kid everyday and wonder if it's actually yours. That's hasto burn.

Personally I wouldn't be with anyone that I couldn't trust. This is a big issue, and for your own peace of mind, you need a resolution. She may getinsulted that you are even going to ask her this...but if she's 100% telling the truth, maybe she can see past your insecurities and take the test.
Childrens' hair is not always how it will be when they're older when they're young. For instance, my GF's sister used to have the CURLIEST hairwhen she was a toddler. Today ( she's 15 years old, now), her hair is straight/wavy. My GF's daughter used to have hair so curly it was impossible tomanage. She's about 2.5 years old, now, and her hair is straightening out. I'm not sure exactly why this happens, though. My GF is hispanic BTW.

I'd still say to do the down low p.test somebody else posted, though. Nothing like peace of mind
Did you see a Smushcalade in your neighborhood around 9 months before you daughter was born by any chance?
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